Chapter 288

Ruan Erniu scored 14 points, 10 rebounds, and 3 assists in the first half. For Erniu, a halftime double-double is just standard.

Compared with his last round of the series, Ruan Erniu clearly felt the second round of the playoffs, and the defensive intensity has risen to a new level. The Pistons are a powerful team that has entered the Eastern Conference Finals for five consecutive years.

During the regular season, Er Niu already felt that they were very difficult to deal with. They did not expect that after entering the playoffs, the Pistons would be able to further strengthen their defensive strength.

However, Ruan Erniu was not the most tired player on the field. The one who was really tired and panted on the chair was Jon Jonson who had been in charge of defending Hamilton.

The always cool 囧囧sen is not cool this time, no, to be precise, he is now a blue thin shiitake mushroom.

"Hamilton is too good at running, isn't he? I haven't felt it in the regular season. In the playoffs, he is faster! If I continue to run like this, after a round of series, I will definitely lose 20 pounds."

Even the hard-working Jon Jonson is complaining, which shows how good Hamilton can run.

Mike Bibby deliberately hit: "They are all long-distance runners, they are born to run, your luck is not very good!"

Bibby is also a Taurus, and like Er Niu, he also likes to take some bad water from time to time.

Lunar Eclipse also complained from the side: "That Prince looks thin, and he is not weak at all in confrontation. He always likes to do small movements when he is fine. It is really annoying."

Not to be outdone, Marvin Williams lifted up his clothes: "Who said my North Carolina senior would only yell at the referee and eat T? Look at my ribs, they are all his masterpieces."

Ruan Erniu was upset: "What are you doing? Are you a women's basketball team? Why do I always complain when I hear it? Shut up the fuck, now let's discuss the tactics for the second half."

After a pause, Ruan Erniu walked to the middle of the group and suggested: "Do you think we can replicate the sudden change in the last round of the series against the Raptors? The time I said was at The second half of the third quarter."

Mike Bibby was the first to understand Er Niu's thoughts. He nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. You mean, you want to suddenly change formations and destroy your opponents with speed at the tense moment of the game?"

"That's right, the key to 'Eagle Raid' lies in the change of rhythm and the improvement of speed. When the opponent fails to adapt, suddenly speed up the rhythm of the game." Ruan Erniu explained.

Of course, Er Niu's behavior once again robbed Woodson of the scene.

However, Woodson, who has just won the best coach, doesn't seem to care about these. In his coaching philosophy, it is reasonable to give superstars full play to their offensive talents.

Unless the player isn't trying to defend, Woodson simply won't be holding him back for any other reason.

Mike Woodson took the initiative to stand up and said to the Hawks generals: "I agree with Kraft, why not give it a try?

The Pistons dared to use McDyess as a substitute and use a guy whose name I can't even remember to defend Kraft. We can also take the initiative to change the formation and beat the Pistons by surprise. "

The Eagles quickly reached an agreement that they would give the Pistons a nightmarish raid at the critical moment of the third quarter.

The Eagles are targeting the Pistons, so why don't the Pistons want to do something in Atlanta?

To put it bluntly, Atlanta is a rookie team in the playoffs. Their team experience is obviously not as good as that of the Pistons. Once they lose one of the two home games, their mentality will change. It is quite beneficial for the seasoned Pistons.

Jason Maxhill's strategy of restricting Ruan Erniu was not perfect, but Erniu also failed to play the dominant halftime data in the first half of the previous series.

This fully proves that so far, the Pistons still have a certain effect on his defense.

For a superstar, reducing its efficiency is far more practical than locking him up completely.

Philip Sanders said to McDyess, Wallace, and Mark Hill together: "Neo (McDyess) and Jason, no matter who is on the court, they still have to defend the opponent in the first place; Sid (Wallace), pay attention to the defense, and let that arrogant rookie feel that the sky is covered at any time!"

Anyway, in this game, Sanders has made up his mind, that is to let a strong inside line block Ruan Erniu's way, and then arrange for Rasheed Wallace to help defend him, and prevent him through a suffocating shrinking defense. Celestial attack.

The locker rooms of the two teams are urgently discussing countermeasures, and on the other side of the ocean, there are also countless people chatting about the trend of the game.

Since the Rockets were eliminated in the first round as usual, the 5 sets of Chaoting TV had to cut the live broadcast to the Atlanta Hawks today.

Today's commentator is the Shuangyang combination formed by Yang Jian and Yang Yi.

After the two casually read a few text messages from the audience, they analyzed it in a nonsensical manner.

Finally, I turned the topic back to the game itself.

Yang Jian said: "Judging from the first half of the game, the strengths of the two teams are quite close. Mr. Yang, where do you think the Eagles' chances are in the second half of the game, and why?"

Regardless of whether Yang Jian's commentary is professional or not, at least his position is professional.

Er Niu is from the Celestial Dynasty, so of course he should speak to his own people at this time.

Yang Yi said: "Yes, the two teams drew in the first half. We can see that Erniu still scored 14+10. In such a fierce game, they can still win at halftime. With a double-double, we can't ask him to do more. In the second half of the game, the Hawks must have other players to stand up.

I personally think that the Eagles are better than the Pistons in terms of individual ability, but the overall offense is not as good as the opponent. won the game. "


Well, there is always nothing wrong with the superstars of the Celestial Dynasty. They blame their teammates in the CBA for losing.

Therefore, the fans don't care whether you can tell a lot of dry things. Anyway, the old fans are very proficient in switching channels or directly surfing the Internet.

Until Yang Jian said: "Okay, let's switch the signal to the front, and the second half of the Eagles VS Pistons game has begun!"

Only then did the fans focus their attention on the TV screen again. Routine runs through life, and a genius like Er Niu is one of the few bright spots in the routine.

The second half of the game officially started, and Ruan Erniu was the first to catch the ball in the low post.

As a team leader, at this time, he doesn't need to share the ball too much, playing a little more selfishly, and actually scoring points is the greatest help to the team.

Behind him is McDyess who defends the second best. The two made small moves in the regular season. In the playoffs, the smell of gunpowder became stronger.

Before Er Niu caught the ball, the two had fought for several rounds.

In the end, Ruan Erniu, who had greater strength and a more stable chassis, took the top spot and successfully received the basketball.

Ruan Erniu immediately went in with the ball, and Wallace watched from the sidelines, ready to jump over to defend at any time.

Er Niu didn't care about this, he pushed McDyess aside with his P stock.

Wallace rushed forward, and Ruan Erniu didn't take advantage of it. With a twist of his wrist, the ball went to the weak side and was in the hands of Marvin Williams, who was unguarded.

Marvin is also inexplicable, he didn't dunk directly, but sent the ball out with a toss.

The confrontation was too fierce, and the shooting posture was also deformed.

"Bang!" The shot that was close at hand missed.

Er Niu didn't care about this, he swept his arms, blocked Wallace and McDyess directly behind him, then pulled the green onions on the dry land, got the offensive rebound under the defense of two tall insiders, and then took advantage of the opportunity to put the ball in up the basket.

Just as he was falling, McDyess carried forward the "glorious tradition" of the older generation of bad boys.

Immediately pushed Er Niu's crotch with his shoulder, Er Niu suddenly lost his balance and fell to the floor...

(End of this chapter)

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