Standing pretty old

Chapter 289 KO

Chapter 289 KO
At the critical moment, Ruan Erniu's many years of gymnast career saved him.

Er Niu's hands pressed against Maxthys' waist fiercely, and during this process, the two calves crossed and closed together at the same time, firmly making a cushion for McDyesth's head and abdomen.

The next moment, the two of them were like two pillars of the sky. After collapsing, they fell to the floor.

Two seconds later, Erniu Ruan twisted his neck and stood up, but Max could no longer stand up, he had a concussion and passed out.

The players on both sides were a little excited, but there was no large-scale gang fight.

Because this incident happened so fast that neither side was ready to fight.

Audiences who like to watch WWE immediately realized that the trick Ruan Erniu subconsciously used just now should be called "cross".

Kraft Nguyen's actions are definitely not standard, but it doesn't matter, the actual effect is much more effective than the performance on the WWE field.

Just look at Antonio McDyess who was carried out on a stretcher. Whether this guy can play in the following games is no longer the main issue. Whether he will become a vegetable will need to be checked to determine.

Ruan Erniu regretted it a bit. McDyess's family would not pester him from now on. The medical expenses and alimony would have to be paid for a lifetime, right?
However, what can Er Niu do in the face of Maxthys's fierce foul?

Thinking of this, Ruan Erniu immediately stopped being confused, and no matter what, help the team win the game first.

The on-duty referee, Dan Crawford, left all the fans behind and watched the replay 5 times in a row in front of the technical stage. Of course, during this process, the audience also watched the replay of the whole process on the big screen.

The result is obvious. McDyess played tricks first, but Ruan Erniu countered and killed KO.

What is surprising is not McDyess' sudden attack. It's really not a big deal for the "bad boys" of the Pistons to do such a thing.

But Ruan Erniu's "cross" trick is a bit subverting the audience's perception. Is the Celestial Man still a hidden Kung Fu master?Has this guy ever worked in WWE?Fighting basketball is coming back?
Well, none of that matters.

Now, whether it is the fans present or watching the game through TV or the Internet, they are all focusing on Dan Crawford.

Ruan Erniu's actions are definitely suspected of infringing on his opponent, but his actions may not be subconscious self-protection. More importantly, this guy just got the ROY and D-POY trophies in his hands a few days ago , anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a rookie that the league is touting, will they really deal with such a rookie?
"Doo!" It's just a first-degree malicious foul. Ruan Erniu may be the first player in NBA history to KO an opponent who has not yet been sent off.

Dan Crawford's penalty immediately caused dissatisfaction among the Pistons players, and as a result, the Detroit people quickly received the penalty.

Two consecutive "T"s were sent out to head coach Saunders and Rasheed Wallace respectively.

The fans at the scene expressed their sincere support for the referee's decision. The MVP of his own country thinks highly of you for counterattacking a role player, and the audience was full of roars of "BEAT-DET!" (kill the Pistons).

After the two teams made free throws one after another, the game continued.

With such a hot action movie scene just now, in the next game, the defensive actions of both sides increased.

No one dares to use a dunk to solve the battle at this time.

Well, no, except for Ruan Erniu, because Jason Maxhill didn't dare to pull Ruan Erniu down.

Don't look at this black guy who is also tall and thick, and can play Zhang Fei with a beard, but he didn't have the courage to mess with Ruan Erniu. Maybe it was McDyess's move that cast a shadow on him and made his defense The strength is obviously not keeping up.

Simply put, he was scared!

Afraid of being carried out of the field in a coma like Antonio McDyess.

The serious consequences of Ben Wallace's departure from the Pistons can only be seen on the stage of the playoffs.

If Daben was there, how could Ruan Erniu be allowed to mess around inside the Pistons like this?

More and more NBA players come to the league to find a job, and the fighting spirit of never dying is becoming less and less popular.

The body is the capital of XX. Of course, as a professional player, you must take good care of your body.

The concept of the enemy of life is gradually fading, and the future trend of the NBA is still unclear at this time, but some things have begun to emerge this season.

Ruan Erniu can't care about any "Eagle Raid" tactics now, and Woodson will not send a surprise lineup at this time.

Now that Er Niu is on the field, let him continue to attack with the ball and end the game.

Egghead has a faint concern in his heart. Although Dan Crawford did not directly expel Ruan Erniu, the league may not suspend Ruan Erniu after the game, so, no matter what, win this game first Come down and talk.

Ruan Erniu wanted anything in the paint, but the Pistons were by no means powerless to fight back.

It may be that McDyess's departure further inspired their fighting spirit. Billups, Hamilton, Rasheed Wallace, and Prince actually bloomed in all directions in the rest of the third quarter, biting each other to death. Live the score.

In this section of the game, Ruan Erniu, who is in a state of explosion, also has no idea of ​​calming down. He can't care about other things now, he just wants to kill his opponents inside.

Jason Maxhill quickly accumulated 4 fouls and was replaced early. The Pistons replaced veteran Theo Ratliff to defend against the second bull, but within a few rounds, he got 3 fouls in a row.

Sanders will not replace him, anyway, it is used to fight consumption, so naturally he will not begrudge him.

After losing McDyess, the only chance for the Pistons is to constantly consume Er Niu's physical strength and make him feel tired. Without this bull, the Hawks' lethality will inevitably drop sharply.

In the stalemate stage of the third quarter, Jon Jonsen stood up again. As the second leader of the team, he continued to eat Hamilton with his back.

It's still the same old saying: Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. After staying with Er Niu for a long time, you will not use your butt to clear the way, and you will be ashamed to greet people.

Hamilton is out of luck now, he is good at long-distance running in circles, facing Jon Jonson's unreasonable body flow style, he has no power to parry at all.

囧囧sen asked himself that his physical fitness was considered poor among all NBA superstars, but facing Hamilton, he played super giant style with his back. After a wave of 7:0, the Hawks finally played in the third quarter Completely widened the score gap with the Pistons.

At 22:32, the Eagles beat their opponents by 10 points in this quarter.

At the end of the three quarters, the score of the two sides came to 68:78.

Ruan Erniu scored 15 points, 8 rebounds, and 2 assists in a single quarter. After the first three quarters, his data reached 29 points, 18 rebounds, and 5 assists.

However, few people care about Erniu's data now.

According to the latest news from outside, McDyess has woken up, and there is no way to determine how much his concussion has affected him.

In any case, McDyess will be absent from this game.

Where no one is paying attention, an urgent meeting is being held within the league to discuss how to deal with this incident.

(End of this chapter)

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