Standing pretty old

Chapter 290 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 290 Victory in the First Battle
From Atlanta to Boston, about 1700 kilometers away.

Of course, with advanced modern technology, even on the other side of the earth, communication can be easily completed.

It was NBA official Tan Huimin (Mark Tatum) who was supervising the battle in Atlanta. He immediately reported the situation of the G1 game between the Pistons and the Eagles to David Stern in Boston.

The reason why Stern is in Boston is because he will be on the scene tomorrow to oversee the tiebreaker between the Celtics and the 76ers.

Mr. President is old and has already fallen asleep, but his ability to deal with emergency affairs has already been deeply rooted in his bones.

After receiving Tan Huimin's call, Stern immediately washed his face, and after watching the live video, he urgently held an internal video conference call.

In fact, only Stern, Adam Silver, and Tan Huimin were present at the meeting.

"Tell me, what do you think?" Stern said through the screen.

Adam Silver preferred to say: "I personally suggest that Antonio McDyess and Kraft Nguyen must be given additional penalties. We have been committed to purifying the NBA and must not allow the recurrence of the fights at the Palace of Auburn Hills and Madison Garden. .”

Tan Huimin said: "But there was no large-scale brawl at the scene. I think the loss should be minimized."

Stern waved his hand and said: "The suspension is necessary. This is a matter of principle. Now we are discussing how many games is more appropriate to suspend?
Especially Kraft Nguyen, objectively speaking, we only started to vigorously promote him in the middle of the season.

The performance of this super rookie is phenomenal, and his influence has surpassed that of Yao Ming.If he is suspended for too long, the damage to the league will also be huge, what do you think? "

As soon as David Stern said this, Xiao Hua and Tan Huimin couldn't react, so they were really idiots.

Adam Silver said: "Craft Nguyen and McDyess added second-level malicious fouls, and they will be suspended for one game."

Tan Huimin also immediately said: "I second the proposal!"

David Stern took his eyes off the bridge of his nose, took a deep breath, and then wiped them with the glasses cloth he carried with him.

When he took the glasses back again, Stern's eyes were already very firm: "The two additional second-level malicious fouls remain unchanged. In addition to the one-game suspension, Kraft Nguyen will add another one-game suspension. The reason is that the protective action was excessive."

He lifted it up high and put it down gently, but accurately expressed his attitude of never appeasing. Stern's routine has undoubtedly been played to a high level.

At the scene at the Philips Arena, Ruan Erniu didn't know that he would be suspended for two games after the game.

However, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care too much about it. He must understand the truth that it's hard to get over the water.

Even if it happens again, Ruan Erniu will still do that. This is an attitude, and an inside player needs such a tough attitude.

If you want to become a champion, you'd better arrange a villain in the team. When no one acts as a villain, the leader's tough temperament becomes a necessary condition.

Because winning this game is what he is most concerned about now.

Things in the past cannot be changed. Trying to do a good job in the present and planning for the future is the attitude that a strong person should have.

The last quarter of the game officially begins.

At the beginning of this quarter, Pistons guard Rodney Stuckey and Ruan Erniu UCLA senior Aaron Afflalo scored consecutive points in limited playing time.

At one point, the point difference between the two teams was recovered to within 5 points, until the Hawks sent a main force to the field again.

Now is the best time to test whether the Eagles have the temperament of a strong team. After all, the Raptors are still a bit weak as a playoff team. Only by defeating a strong team like the Pistons can the problem be explained.

There is a saying in China: "Whether it's a mule or a horse, you have to take it out for a walk!"

Mike Bibby dribbled the ball across the half court and easily passed Stuckey who was defending him. Ruan Erniu made a counter-run and cut to the basket. Wire.

Before falling, Er Niu even made a domineering movement of raising his feet, which was quite exciting.

Sanders didn't dare to continue to hide the main players, and immediately waved Billups and others, three times, and the Pistons put all the main players on the field.

The final decisive moment has begun!

As soon as Billups came on the court, he showed his big heart. With the help of Wallace's cover, the defense against the eclipse was a shot and an accurate hit.

Then he stole the pass from Childress, overwhelmed Bibby in the fast break, and completed the score on the board.

For the Eagles, Jon Jonsen continued to play singles and beat Hamilton, which is also the weakest link in the Pistons' defensive system.

When Ruan Erniu was wreaking havoc on the inside, he still had to pay attention to Rasheed Wallace's supplementary defense at all times.Jon Jonson doesn't have to worry about this at all. He is within 10-20 feet, which is enough to end the game.

Hamilton was also in a hurry, even through his transparent mask, he could clearly see his depressed expression at the moment.

Anyway, he is the number one scorer in the Pistons, but he was targeted by the opponent as a loophole.

But there is no way. In order to stop the Celestials, the Pistons have already consumed too much energy. It is obviously unrealistic to expect them to help Hamilton defend Jon.

This is the advantage of having multiple top scorers in the team. On the surface, it seems that they will sacrifice each other's data, but in the playoffs, if any one of them is closely defended by the opponent, the other team will definitely get enough space to attack. .

Jon Jonson gave full play to the scoring level of a superstar in the final moments of the game.

Even if Hamilton kept making small moves, he still couldn't stop his attack.

Joyce, who was having a good time, also continuously made Buddha breakthroughs and crotch performances in front of Hamilton, until he knocked Hamilton down on the floor, and then calmly leaned back and scored steadily!

Being able to play such an action in the playoffs fully proves how confident the Eagles are at the moment.

Ruan Erniu's dominant performance not only established himself as a super giant, but also gave his teammates more room for performance.

The Pistons had to ask for a timeout again. Ruan Erniu and Jon Jonson had already celebrated by colliding shoulders. In the second half of the game, Jon Jonsen's personal score jumped to the team's first place.

When two of the Hawks' Big Three perform in excellent form, the Hawks' victory may be unstoppable.

After the timeout ended, the Pistons also tried to launch a final counterattack.

Whether it was Billups' strong back hit, Hamilton's off-the-ball running, or Jason Maxhill's persistence in sliding the floor in order to put the ball in the basket, they all once made the game full of suspense.

However, the strong suppression of Er Niu and Jiong Jisen stabilized the situation at the last moment.

At 91:96, the Hawks finally won the defensive battle.

Jon Jonson scored 35 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists.

Ruan Erniu also scored 32 points, 24 rebounds and 7 assists.

Together with Mike Bibby's 14 points, the Big Three of the Eagles scored 81 points, accounting for more than 84% of the team's points.

The Eagles won G1 0:1, but after the game, many media did not pay attention to the game, but surrounded Ruan Erniu. They were obviously more interested in the "cross"...

(End of this chapter)

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