Chapter 291
Ruan Erniu was not interviewed at the scene. After the game, he immediately ran into the locker room under the cover of the Eagles uniforms. Anyway, he must be going to the post-match press conference after a while. Now he must first Think about your words.

However, the locker room was soon surrounded, and Ruan Erniu managed to stabilize his mood in the fastest time. His battle was not over yet, and he had to come up with countermeasures in a short time.

At this moment, Ouyang Haotian called.

"Remember, you made the action subconsciously. Don't admit that you used a dirty trick. Don't waver if you bite to death."

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "You don't need to remind me of this, I just want to know if you have any news about my punishment decision."

Ouyang Haotian said: "What's the rush? There will be news within 24 hours. I don't think it will be too serious. The league just gave you D-POY and ROY. They also want to save face."

Ruan Erniu's agent saw through the essence of the matter at once. Ruan Erniu is now a signboard of the NBA. It is impossible to throw away half a season's publicity investment so easily. After all, there was no group fight today. Er Niu's punishment will certainly not be too severe.

At the press conference later, Ruan Erniu, Woodson and Jon Jonson attended together.

However, neither Woodson nor Jon Jonson answered more than 2 questions today.

Basically all the firepower was concentrated on Er Niu.

"Kraft, did you do it on purpose? Did you have to fight back against McDyess because of his assault on you?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "Of course it's impossible. My protective actions were all done subconsciously. I didn't expect McDyess to be injured. Everyone saw through the replay that he hit me first."

As soon as Ruan Erniu finished pretending to be aggressive, someone immediately retorted: "Mr. Ruan, do your protective moves also include 'scissor kicks' and 'crosses'? Could it be that you joined the WWE instead of the NBA?"

"I don't understand the technical terms you mentioned? I haven't watched WWE either. If I really made the action you mentioned unconsciously, I can only say that it is a coincidence."

"You were sentenced to a first-degree malicious foul for your actions. Do you think the league will impose additional penalties? McDyess is still lying in the hospital."

Ruan Erniu said: "I'm very sorry that McDyess was injured, but some people are too big to directly destroy other people's careers. I don't deserve sympathy. As for whether the league will impose additional penalties, I accept it, but I do Not on purpose."


The pretentiousness is over, anyway, Ruan Erniu was beaten to death and refused to admit that he intentionally attacked McDyess.

In fact, this also makes sense.

After all, there are a few people who have such magical reflexes as Ruan Erniu, who can simultaneously defuse the opponent's attack and knock the enemy to the ground at the same time. This is not something that ordinary NBA players can do.

For someone else, perhaps it was McDyess' enemy, not himself, who was lying in the hospital at the moment.

Before the news of the league's punishment was announced, McDyess' injury was announced first.

His concussion is actually not serious, it will not affect it too much.What really hurt McDyess was Ruan Erniu's landing 'cross' ultimate move.

Erniu's concealment does not mean that his strength is weak. McDyess directly broke 3 ribs, and his internal organs were still bleeding. Even if minimally invasive surgery is performed immediately, it is conservatively estimated that it will take more than one and a half months of recovery time.

It can be said that McDyess has already been reimbursed for the season. Regardless of whether the league punishes his dangerous hip-push behavior, this season, the Pistons' starting center will lose the possibility of returning to the court.

Then, in less than 12 hours, it was about 7:[-] a.m. the next day in the United States.

The NBA official website announced the punishment for Ruan Erniu and McDyess:
Both were suspended for an additional second-level malicious foul, and Ruan Erniu was suspended for an additional game because of excessive defense.

Naturally, McDyess doesn't need to say much, anyway, his season is reimbursed.

Ruan Erniu's penalty is quite interesting. The two-game suspension is of course bad news for the Eagles. Without Erniu's presence, their usual tactical arrangements will be disrupted.

Since the 07-08 season, Ruan Erniu has played all 82 regular season games as the team's starter, which is a standard ironman level appearance data.

Whether the Hawks can adapt to the absence of Er Niu is still unknown.

However, only 2 games were suspended, and it seemed that the league was very tolerant of Ruan Erniu.

On this point, Erniu must thank the Chinese fans for the money. It was the interests that finally made the league make concessions, and he had to be punished lightly.

You know, the Pistons are now 0:1 behind the Eagles, and they have lost another insider general, and after two games, the big devil will make a comeback, which is too bad for him.

The news spread to the Pistons, which really caused dissatisfaction among many players in the team.

Richard Hamilton said: "I don't intend to say whether it is fair or not, but objectively speaking, we have lost an important inside pillar, but after two games, the Hawks will have a complete lineup. This is the fact."

Hamilton still has the concept of being fined for talking nonsense in his mind. It's no wonder that Rasheed Wallace's big mouth can be controlled:
"This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against us. Even if the Atlanta people can advance in the end, they rely on the help of external forces. This round of the series will lose justice, and the Chinese people should be expelled and suspended from that action. Not a two-game suspension."

Of course, some reporters also questioned McDyess's dangerous action of pushing his hips.

Wallace denied it: "There will always be some accidents in defense. Since people in China say that his additional moves are accidents, there is nothing wrong with Neo's moves."

This is the standard rogue logic. Just because the opponent fought back in self-defense, the one who invaded first became the messenger of justice?
There is no theory more bullshit than this.

However, Wallace will soon receive a ticket from the league. The guy with a big mouth will never have any good results.

Chauncey Billups is more or less FMVP-like, but he didn't comment on this violent incident that didn't spread.

As the leader of the Pistons, Billups said: "We may have the most difficult series in several years, but this is not a reason for us to back down.

The Pistons are a team with a glorious tradition, and we must be more united and work harder now. "

The Eagles are relatively quiet. In any case, their current promotion form is better, and Er Niu's two-game suspension is not too severe a punishment.

After all, McDyess is the Pistons' starter, and a player who averaged 8+8 per game is abolished, which is more beneficial to the Hawks.

Playing without a second-hander is both a test and a workout for the Hawks.

Jon Jonson stood up as the second leader of the team and said: "Even without Kraft, we will fight to the end. The playoffs are a battlefield with no retreat."

It has to be said that the story on May 5 directly affected the game on May 3. When the fans reacted, they discovered that there are still two wonderful tiebreakers in the Eastern Conference today.

(End of this chapter)

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