Chapter 292

Celtics and 76ers, Magic and Cavaliers.

If experts can predict that the latter will reach the tiebreaker, then the Celtics will enter the tiebreaker with the 76ers, which is a situation that no one has guessed.

BIG3 is too strong, no one believes that they will lose to the 76ers, but the fact is that a few days ago, they were 2:3 behind their opponents, and they may be eliminated in Philadelphia at any time.

Fortunately, they eventually survived and brought the game back to Boston.

The reason why David Stern came to Boston was to see if the Celtics could get up.

It is true that the media is always full of various conspiracy theories. Countless people think that the NBA drama is a bit too much, but objectively speaking, the league can at most use the referees themselves to make a small "correction" to the direction of the game. The main body of the game is still the two participating teams themselves.

Of course there are black whistles, but treating black whistles as everything in the game is not fair to athletes who train hard day after day, year after year, and they have also put in countless efforts. This is definitely not a call from the referee The whistle can be eliminated.

Especially in the tie-break match, almost the eyes of the whole world are focused on the game field. If the referee really dares to call an outrageous result, then his career will also accept the biggest challenge.

Joseph Crawford, a dead bald man, dared to call Duncan a technical foul in the regular season. In the playoffs, does he have the guts to act recklessly?

One-sided emphasis on the role of referees is actually unfair to referees themselves, because they have always been enforcers, not participants.

Through such an analysis, it is not difficult to find that the home team's advantage in the tiebreaker is not obvious for the home team, and the referee's whistle will not favor them. Their biggest advantage can only be the support of the home fans.

On May 5th, US time, TD North Shore Garden Stadium.

The game between the Celtics and the 76ers has officially begun.

From the beginning of the first quarter, the Celtics showed the courage to advance to the second round. Paul Pierce stood up as the boss of the team first. He scored 9 points in the first quarter and led the Celtics to The Walters left the 76ers behind.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the two teams used suffocating defense again and staged a defensive battle.

10:17, read it right, both teams are defending with their own lives, and they dare not relax at all.

At the end of the halftime game, at 26:44, the Celtics' lead had reached 18 points, and David Stern on the sidelines also happily made a phone call.

He is now basically sure that there is no problem with the Celtics' competitive state, they are just too slow.

To be honest, after the whole season of the revival of the Green Kai and half the season of the yellow-green battle, if the Celtics are really eliminated in the first round, it would be too bad for the league.

In fact, this is similar to venture capital. Investors want to support entrepreneurs to go public, but entrepreneurs themselves are not up to date, so no one can blame them.

However, the league is also multi-directional. If the Celtics are really eliminated, they also have a plan to hype other teams.

That's one of the league's survival strategies, they're never going to put all their eggs in one basket.

The second half of the G76 game between the Celtics and the 7ers started as scheduled. The 76ers still had no hope of winning in the third quarter. On the contrary, the Celtics fired with full firepower and completely dragged the game into the rhythm of the Celtics. .

At 17:35, in the critical third quarter, the Celtics finally showed their momentum and established the outcome of the game in one fell swoop.

In the fourth quarter, the Big Three got a lot of rest time, and they were already thinking about their opponents in the next round.

In the end, the two teams ended the game with a huge difference of 70:99 and 19 points.

The terrifying Celtics finally stopped playing dead in the life-and-death battle of G7. With absolute strength, they defeated their opponents in three quarters and entered the next round with their heads held high.

Stern is very satisfied, such a team is worthy of his support.

If there is no accident, the yellow-green battle in the finals must be the best ending. This is not only the audience's appeal for classics, but also driven by the interests of the league.

On the other hand, the tiebreaker between the Cavaliers and Magic was even more exciting.

At the beginning of the playoffs, the two teams were considered very likely to play seven games to decide the outcome.

Under normal circumstances, the Magic team is higher than James' Cavaliers in terms of ranking and overall strength.

But James is a player who can carry the entire team system. Regardless of the offensive and defensive ends, he is the top category in the league.

This season, he also became the first scoring champion in his life with an average of 30+ points per game.

As the support point of the team, James is worthy of his title of KING. Throughout the series, James averaged 29.8 points, 9.5 rebounds, 7.7 assists, shooting 48.3% from the field and averaging 41.3 minutes per game.

Efficient and able to win the game, this is the strength of the Chosen One.

And James' opponent in this round, the Magic, is more likely to advance than the Cavaliers.

Dwight Howard, Hedo Turkoglu, Rashad Lewis, the Magic are different from the Cavaliers. Strictly speaking, they are also a team with BIG3, although they cannot compete with the Celtics in terms of giants on a par.

The G7 life-and-death battle between the two teams has officially begun!
In the first quarter of the game, the Cavaliers in the away game took the lead, especially Wally Szczerbiak, a handsome guy who was almost forgotten, suddenly found his sight. He made 7 of 5 shots in a single quarter and 5 of 3 three-pointers. , scored 13 points, and occupied a favorable position for the Cavaliers in the first quarter.

27:22, the Cavaliers lead.

In the second quarter of the game, the two teams played more and more anxiously. Rashard Lewis also found his touch in this quarter of the game, continuously using long-range shots to provide firepower output for the team.

At 24:29, the Magic pulled back 5 points.

At the end of the first half, the two teams fought 51::51. The game was still inextricably fought. Compared with the Celtics' crushing promotion, this G7 battle is obviously more exciting.

Any small scene should not be missed, because maybe the score in the next second will determine the final fate of the two teams, and any offensive and defensive gains or losses will determine whether they will end the season early.

The second half of the game started quickly, and the defensive intensity of the two teams reached the highest level in the third quarter, and they were going to fight for their lives.

No player can score more than 10 points in a single quarter in this quarter.

However, the overall stronger Magic took the top spot in the third quarter.

At 17:25, the Magic led the Cavaliers by 8 points in this quarter, and the Cavaliers were in danger.

The last quarter of the game became the final performance of James' lone hero.

He is truly the best player on the field, and he lives up to his reputation as a genius.

But there can only be one winner on the court, and tonight, that winner belongs to the Orlando Magic.

98:102, this is the scoring record of the two sides in the whole game.

In the end, it was the Magic who came out on top, beating the Cavaliers 4:3 and advancing to the second round.

The top half of the Eastern Conference finally decided on their second-round roster.

The Celtics and Magic will have their second round of the G5 battle on May 6, US time.

Ruan Erniu in front of the TV watched the whole process of the game, he is eager to go further in the playoffs...

(End of this chapter)

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