Standing pretty old

Chapter 299 The Temptation of Four Pairs

Chapter 299 The Temptation of Quadruple Doubles

The data of the Celestial People naturally attracted the attention of most people in the first place.

Kenny Smith said: "Hey, Charles, have you seen it? Kraft Nguyen's data, my eyes are not dazzled, right? If this continues, he is likely to get a quadruple pair today, right?"

Charles Barkley said: "Kenny, you're talking nonsense, of course you're heading for a quadruple-double."

Smith immediately attacked: "If I remember correctly, a certain big star has also won a quadruple double, right? Let me check... 28 points, 15 rebounds, 10 assists and a magical 10 turnovers, Charles is really amazing Amazing data."

Barkley said without shame: "However, counting the double-double records of turnovers, the NBA has only had eight quadruple-doubles so far."

Barkley's pride is not annoying at all. Yes, even with the non-benign data of turnovers, in the history of the NBA, only 8 people can get a quadruple double in a single game.

This is not just a question of comprehensive basketball skills. A quadruple-double is a comprehensive manifestation of strength and luck. In the history of the league, the four statistics are all benign, and there are only four people who have won the quadruple-double:


1986. Elvin Robertson, on February 2, 18, in the Spurs game against the Suns, Robertson scored 20 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists and 10 steals. This is the only one in league history with steals. "Four pairs".



Unfortunately, Wilt Chamberlain's name is not included in this list, because in Chamberlain's era, block data was not kept as a tangible record.

Nate Thurmond, No. 1 of the "quadruple double", said long ago: "I'm definitely not the first person to get this kind of data. Wilt didn't know how many times he got it, but he didn't People just pay attention.”

But in any case, a quadruple-double is indeed a super statistic that only top stars can complete, and Er Niu is now heading towards the record of the fifth quadruple-double player in NBA history.

In fact, it's not just the commentators who are discussing, the news media has even stepped up the delivery of manuscripts.

You know, this is the playoffs, and hitting a quadruple-double in the playoffs is much more difficult than in the regular season.

More importantly, Ruan Erniu has just been suspended. After the suspension was lifted, he performed so well immediately. support the legalization of homosexuality" and so on.

Anyway, brains need to be big, headlines need to be explosive, as long as they can catch the audience's attention, morals or something, just throw it away.

This is the same at home and abroad.

For example, Lambiel said the famous line: "Do you want a championship or be a good person?"

For the media, that is: "Do you want the so-called truth of the media people or the ratings?"

The essence under the phenomenon always has striking similarities.

Ruan Erniu obviously didn't know that those unscrupulous media were planning to make fun of him again. He was in the locker room at the moment, still sitting alone in his seat as if thinking.

The teammates wanted to make a joke with him as usual, but they were all discouraged.

This god-like man gave them a sense of distance, and mortals don't know how to communicate with a god.

In the end, it was Woodson who shook Er Niu's shoulder and said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "It's okay, I feel very good!"

Woodson also said with a smile: "We're still short of 4 assists and 3 steals to get 4 pairs. Pay attention in the second half!"

With the door closed, there is no need to talk politely. They are all men. How could they not care when faced with such data?
Well, well, of course there are people who don't care.

For example, Larry Bird, he has Zhu Yu in front.

Niaoye Jianghu is known as the king of the king of the king. He scored 30 points + 12 rebounds + 10 assists + 9 steals in three quarters, and then smiled slightly. He stopped playing in the fourth quarter.

Even though many people are questioning whether Byrd's historical status can be ranked in the top five, but in terms of pretentiousness, Bird does not lose to anyone.

Regarding the strength of Master Bird, someone has made such a commentary. By the way, that person is called "Smiling Assassin":
""Larry Bird wouldn't be so famous if he was black! "

Yes, Isiah Thomas shocked people's attention. This is indeed a classic quote, but people should not forget that after this classic quote, it is the common reaction of a group of famous black players:
"The assassin is absolutely crazy to say such a thing!"

These blacks include magicians, skyhooks, and even several teammates of the assassins, and the final naming rights of these words fell on the "bad boy" Dennis Rodman at the time.

If a person's strength can be respected by his opponents, such a person must be a superstar.

Well, Bird is Bird, and Ruan Erniu is Ruan Erniu. In the 07-08 season, it was just Erniu's rookie season, and it is far from the point of singing praises.

Er Niu still needs more achievements to prove his historical status.

As for the quadruple-double data, Ruan Erniu himself doesn't pay much attention to it. His career has just begun, and Bird can let it go, and he can do the same.

Ruan Erniu didn't care, but the Chinese fans far away on the other side of the Pacific Ocean cared very much.

No one thinks too many honors, even if Er Niu continues to bring surprises to the Chinese people this season, he uses his actual performance to prove that the yellow race can reach the dominant level in basketball.

The fans are always dissatisfied, they are eager for Er Niu to win more awards.

Yu Jia and Su Junyang are the hosts of today's Chaoting Channel 5. The two began to discuss the possibility of Er Niu getting a quadruple double.

"Mr. Su, what do you think? How likely is Ruan Erniu to get a quadruple-double?" Yu Jia asked.

Su Junyang said with a smile: "I interviewed Erniu when he was still in college at UCLA. He is a boy with a strong sense of purpose. Judging from this game, the problem of the Eagles taking the Pistons is basically not big. , On the basis of winning the game, I can also get a great statistic, I think Ruan Erniu can do it."

The words are a bit reserved in the style of the Celestial Dynasty, but the meaning is already obvious. With this statistic in halftime, there is no reason not to get a "quadruple double" and cheer up the Chinese people.

The director at the scene was also ecstatic, because just after Ruan Erniu got this terrifying half-time record, in just a few minutes, the ratings of the 5 episodes more than doubled.

What is the influence of a superstar? This is the best proof.

The reason why Ruan Erniu is so popular with the media is that as long as you guard this guy, he will be able to produce a lot of valuable news for you in a short time.

Whether it is the American media or the Chinese media, most of them have a good relationship with Er Niu. On the one hand, this is Er Niu's own success in life, and on the other hand, it has fully verified how attractive the aura of a superstar is.

Some tabloids and some unscrupulous media are exceptions. They need to publish something that subverts everyone's conventional perception to attract attention. As for whether the logic is self-consistent, it is not within their scope of consideration.

Amid all the commotion, the second half of the game began.

(End of this chapter)

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