Chapter 300
Will the Pistons give up G4 and focus on G5?
It's impossible!

This is the Palace of Auburn Hills, the spirit of the Pistons.

In the past five years, the Pistons have entered the Eastern Conference Finals five times, entered the Finals twice, and won a championship trophy once. How could such a veteran team easily admit defeat?
The Pistons finally set off a counterattack in the third quarter, and the first person to stand up was Tyshawn Prince. Chinese fans like to call him "Little Prince" because the surname Prince means , is the prince.

Among the five tigers of the Pistons, he was the only one who had just entered the league, but Prince quickly integrated into the team since his rookie season. The champion has done no small feat.

Playing conscientiously, never complaining wing defensive master, can always contribute steadily, this is Tayshaun Prince.

On the offensive end of the Pistons, Prince held the ball outside the three-point line. Facing the defense of the eclipse, he made a solid cross step and then chose a breakthrough. At a distance of about 18 feet, he suddenly chose a jumper and made a steady hit. 2 minutes!
This kind of singles is rare in the disciplined Pistons, but Prince, as the youngest starter, did it in a daze, and he did it more than once.

It was Prince again, facing the defense of the lunar eclipse, he suddenly changed his speed, passed the lunar eclipse, and then faced Marvin Williams and completed a stunning dunk, AND-ONE, the ball scored, plus penalty!

The situation began to tilt towards the Pistons. No one would have guessed that it would be the Pistons' perimeter defensive core, Prince, who would lead a wave of counterattacks.

The little prince went crazy!

If it is reasonable to say that the performance of the little prince is more or less reasonable, then Rodney Stuckey is a model of brainless A.

No one knows why this unreasonable guard who attacks with the ball continued in the third quarter to continue his miraculous performance in the second quarter. The most depressing Eagles defender in this quarter is Mike Bibby. Bibby asked himself every The ball was well defended, but Stuckey, a rookie, kept a very good shooting percentage.

Stucky held the ball from the outside, and Bibby was defending in front of him. Stucky basically thought that Bibby was old and could bully the opponent with speed. He didn't expect that he made two breakthroughs in a row, but was blocked by the strong Bibby. up.

In desperation, Stuckey's head became hot, and he directly ignored the order of the head coach, leaned back and forced a shot.

That's not the point, the point is that Bibby has forced him off balance, deformed his wrist, and the result is ~~ Goal!

When a defensive player encounters this fairy ball, there is no need for any explanation except for a long sigh.

In the third quarter, the Pistons played on the offensive end just like the Eagles' personal offensive mode in the middle of the season. It seems that there is no problem in saying that this is X**D (blind******).

All kinds of unreasonable, all kinds are able to advance.

Barkley commented: "I bet, Steve Javi's mind must be messy now. The Pistons in front of him may be the Eagles, and the Eagles may be the Pistons."

Kenny Smith concluded: "Charles, you're a philosopher now!"

That's right, in the face of such a counterattack, the method adopted by the Eagles is-we played more reasonably.

With Er Niu as the core, the Eagles quickly used simple pick-and-roll cooperation to find space on the offensive end, and increased off-ball running and ball transmission to find open opportunities.

Ruan Erniu's assist data quickly increased, and he was always able to distribute the ball to open teammates in the first time.

For Erniu, scoring double figures in assists is not a problem at all.Then, what the fans are most looking forward to will undoubtedly fall on Er Niu's steal.

Philip Sanders had to call a timeout again. He had no choice but to find that the X**D of the Pistons seemed powerful and could continue to score points, but the Hawks seemed to be playing more easily on the offensive end.

The playoffs are all about defense. Sanders once again replaced the main players of the Pistons. The outcome depends on whether the score can be chased to about 10 points in the second half of the third quarter. If there is a gap of more than 20 points Going into the final quarter, that basically meant the Pistons lost Game 4.

The Pistons returned to their inherent offensive mode. After running for most of the half, Hamilton was still full of energy and showed no signs of slowing down. He received a pass from Billups and hit a jumper!

Mask Man told everyone with his actions that the Pistons had not given up.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low position and forcefully grabbed Maxiel behind him. After the continuous fake moves shook Maxiel so that even his mother didn't recognize him, he sent the ball into the basket with an easy little hook.

The Eagles are still firmly in control of the lead.

But this is not what the fans want to see. What they want has not yet arrived.

Until the last 2 minutes of the third quarter, Er Niu's chance finally came.

Hamilton ran around the circle again to catch the ball. This time, Jon Jonsen followed very closely, and Hamilton didn't have a chance to get an open space.During the fight between the two, Hamilton, who suffered from physical confrontation, wanted to pass the ball back to Billups to let him reorganize the offense.

However, the moment Hamilton hit the ball, Ruan Erniu moved. He stretched out his long arms and flew the ball with his fingers, and then rushed to the frontcourt with the basketball like a hungry tiger. Buckle solved the fight.

8th steal!
Better late than never.

The Pistons also know that they can't catch up, and now they are consciously delaying time.

Even if it is a loss, there is no reason for the opponent to win a super stat before losing. Anyway, no one wants to be the background board.

And Er Niu's troubles are far more than that. Now he has encountered the same problem as Larry Bird. Is he ignoring the big lead and insisting on scoring a quadruple-double, or is he like Bird, let me say "I'm tired!" Bravely advancing towards the pretending throne?
This is a difficult choice.

What's more, at the last 1 minute and 07 seconds, the Pistons made another mistake. Rasheed Wallace hesitated in the singles inside, but was double-teamed by Erniu and Marvin at the bottom line.

Roaring Tianzun's brain twitched, and he hit the ball directly on Ruan Erniu's instep. He wanted to fight for a frontcourt ball, but he didn't expect Erniu's reaction speed to be extremely fast. An ultra-long-distance long pass, the eclipse in the frontcourt easily catches the ball and dunks, and he even made an arrogant pull-up when he was excited.

Fortunately, he came down from the basket quickly, otherwise Javi would have given him a "T".

Ruan Erniu's assists reached 11, and his steals...

Nine times!

In the last minute, not only the two bulls, but also the entire Pistons team fell into a tangle. On the one hand, they wanted to steal but had no chance. On the other hand, they didn’t want to steal the opponent, but they didn’t pass. .

Billups, who was holding the ball, gritted his teeth and decided to play singles with Mike Bibby.

One, two, the low Billups is still quite lethal!

Just as he was about to resolve the battle with a turnaround mid-range shot, a teammate exclaimed in his ear: "Be careful!"

Ruan Erniu didn't know when he appeared on the other side of Billups. At the moment FMVP raised his hand, Erniu's arm also flung out...

 Three hundred chapters!Please subscribe! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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