Standing pretty old

Chapter 301 God is a Yellow Man

Chapter 301 God is a Yellow Man

If God gives Billups another chance to choose, he will never fight Bibby in the low post.

In this game, Ruan Erniu had an unimaginable presence on the defensive end.

He always seems to have a way to judge the opponent's ball path or predict the opponent's next move.

Billups raised his hand, and Ruan Erniu cut the ball with a precise strike. The basketball bounced high on the floor.

The Pistons fans in the audience have gone crazy. They can't wait for the end of the game. A group of people left the field in groups. They were humiliated by others in their own home court. What are they doing here?Continue to watch the home team get ravaged?

There are also die-hard fans staying here. They have witnessed the glory of the Pistons, and now they can accept the downturn of the Pistons calmly.

Some young fans couldn't control their emotions and cried.The team they supported was beaten into such a miserable state, and they suddenly felt that life was full of tragedy.

Of course, there are also small fans who are very open-minded. He originally wore the Pistons' No. 3 jersey (Ben Wallace's jersey). After seeing Er Niu complete the epic data, he immediately put on a Hawks No. 88 jersey. .Of course, this behavior did not escape the capture of the live camera, and immediately became the object of ridicule by major media in the United States.

Oh, and it's the same over there.

Yu Jia said with a smile: "We have seen that young Pistons fans are all impressed by Ruan Erniu's performance, which fully proves how strong Erniu's dominance is."

Su Junyang also said: "This little fan must have bought two jerseys in advance. I guess he was originally a second-best fan living in the Detroit area. When the Pistons lost, he simply changed clothes to support his favorite star."

Well, no matter how you interpret it, Ruan Erniu's terrifying record of scoring a quadruple-double in three quarters was born.

This is a postseason known for its defensive intensity, and no matter how you look at it, it was an unforgettable night.

In fact, the fans at the scene don't need to complain, today is just a man called God who turned into the appearance of Ruan Erniu, or he used his body to fight.

Just like in the TD North Shore Garden Arena that year, a man named Michael Jordan singled out the Celtics led by Bird, and scored the highest score in the history of the playoffs in overtime. 63 points are average.

However, the Bulls lost that game, and today the Hawks won.

There are talented people from generation to generation, and Ruan Erniu is speeding up towards the "Jordan of this era". Perhaps, he may be even greater than Jordan.

Woodson didn't give Er Niu the chance to play aggressive on the court. At this time, it is the same to play aggressive off the court.

In dead time, Woodson replaced Ruan Erniu with Zaza Pachulia without hesitation.

Er Niu walked slowly to the sidelines and gave Pachulia a high-five to celebrate, then went off to rest, and when he walked to the bench, he immediately hugged Woodson affectionately.

Woodson said in Er Niu's ear: "Good job, Kraft, I'm proud of you!"

Ruan Erniu didn't say anything, just patted Woodson's back hard twice.

Then he gave high-fives to his teammates on the bench one by one. Although the guys on the bench have witnessed the miracle of Er Niu many times this season, this time, they are still looking at Ruan with admiration. Two cows.

Quadruple double in the playoffs, what an unimaginable thing, Ruan Erniu did it, and it only took three quarters.

The camera didn't even want to pay attention to the game on the field, and countless shots were aimed at Ruan Erniu.

Er Niu seemed to have spent a while before recovering from that super calm state, and started talking and laughing with his teammates.

And at this time in the third quarter, it also came to an end.

73:46, this is a score that lacks suspense. In fact, after the end of the first quarter, the game has largely lacked suspense.

The Pistons launched a counterattack more than once, but in the face of the newly lifted Celestial Monster, they finally fell under the death trampling of this terrifying bull.

In the last quarter of the game, the duel between the players on the field is no longer the focus of the major media broadcasts.

The camera is more willing to chase the expressions and movements of the substitute players off the court.

On the visiting team's side, the Hawks players headed by Erniu are naturally laughing and laughing. Even if they win this game, they only draw 2:2 with the Pistons, but the haze of losing two games in a row finally came from their heads Disperse.

More importantly, through the return of Er Niu and the big victory in this game, they finally regained their confidence and the courage to continue to win.

A competitive heart is the basis for winning the game.

As for the home team, it was completely gloomy.

The commentators of the Celestial Dynasty like to call this kind of lens "the appearance of all living beings", which is a term with a Buddhist meaning.

What does Buddhism emphasize?
Joy, anger, worry, thought, sorrow, fear, and fear, the seven emotions can be broken; seeing, hearing, smelling, smelling, touching and feeling, the six desires are all empty.

The generals of the Pistons obviously do not have such a state of life. They are helpless except for being confused. Whether they are willing to admit it or not, as long as there are rookies in the Celestial Dynasty, they have not yet won a playoff game.

On the surface, the 2:2 score is far from giving up completely, but anyone with a little sense understands that the Pistons have little chance of winning back.

Billups was the main player who played the longest in the last quarter. As the leader of the Pistons, he tried his best to recover the score a little, so as not to be too ugly on the scene.

The former FMVP scored 2+1 in a row, which made Woodson feel nervous at one point, and raged at the Eagles players present.

However, the behavior of a drop in the bucket has limited effect after all. As he was replaced in the middle of the fourth quarter, the game finally completely became garbage time.

With the two teams' substitutes scrambling on the playoff stage, tonight's game came to an end.


However, the media present rarely paid attention to the game itself. They surrounded Ruan Erniu as soon as the whistle sounded.

This is the upper palace in Auburn, and there is no Hawks uniform team to rescue the besieged Ruan Erniu.

"Kraft, what prompted you to break out in this game?"

"Mr. Ruan, are you accusing the league of unfair punishment?"

"Are you using your actions to prove that you should be the one who won the regular season MVP?"

"Are you here to support Ao Guanhai's election for the president of the United States?"

"Is your quadruple double in support of the legalization of homosexuality?"


Ruan Erniu was stunned, what a mess.

However, Ruan Erniu, who responded quickly, still replied decently: "This is a game in which I personally played well with the Eagles. It is no different from previous games. I hope everyone will not over-interpret it."

After a pause, Er Niuyou continued: "I personally fully obey the league's punishment, and I have no objection to it. As for the MVP, my argument is the same as before. There is no problem with Kobe's election. As for your other questions, forgive me It's hard to answer, I'm not a government official, and I don't have a pretty secretary to prepare my press releases."

After dealing with several strange problems, the Eagles finally sent someone to pick Er Niu out. He needed to take a quick shower before going to the post-match press conference.

28 points, 18 rebounds, 11 assists, 10 steals.

Tonight, God disguised himself as a yellow man and made a big deal in the Palace of Mount Auburn.

(End of this chapter)

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