Chapter 314

Since D'Antoni's small ball tactics have swept the league, countless teams have been studying it, imitating him, and learning from him.

However, for the time being, the attitude of most basketball experts is, yes, they played very well, but they couldn't win the championship.

Why did you come to such a conclusion?

The most critical reason is not defense. In fact, with players like Marion and Raja Bell, the Suns' defense is by no means as bad as everyone imagined. largely compensated.

What really makes the Suns have no way to get closer is the rebounding!

The absence of backcourt rebounds means that the Suns cannot make quick transitions, and the absence of offensive rebounds means that the surging offensive rhythm is choked to death by the opponent.

The reason why the Spurs were able to suppress the Suns in the playoffs was that they protected the rebounds in the final analysis.

Now the speed of the Hawks has also increased. They don't have the exaggerated offensive speed of the Suns, and they have to complete the attack within 7 seconds.But their rebounding ability is definitely more than one level higher than the Suns.

Because of the existence of Ruan Erniu, a celestial monster.

Moreover, what makes the Eagles more terrifying than the Suns is that at the moment when the offense and defense switch, the Eagles are faster than the Suns!
In the Suns, whether it is Xidi (Stoudemire) or Ma Liang (Marion), the first thing to do after taking a rebound is to hand the ball into Nash's hands, and the 2-time MVP quickly advances to form a wave of attacks.

The Eagles don't care about this. After Ruan Erniu wins the rebound, he can take care of everything by himself. Long pass, advance and even one-stop attack, Erniu can play with everything.

No matter how good the tactics are, they are slowly honed in actual combat. No matter how well the routines are arranged in training, when it comes to the ever-changing basketball court, it is the talent and intuition of the players that can be relied on.

The tactics of the Eagles' raids have gradually settled down in the test of many playoff games. The same as the Suns, they also have the ability to directly attack the basket. The difference from the Suns is that Bibby is not The only engine, Ruan Erniu, took at least half of the organizational tasks.

The Pistons were stunned. During the timeout, they didn't find any good way to contain the Eagles. If G6 was not a life-and-death battle, they could still sum up their experience and think of a way in the next game, but now, they have no way out.

Sanders just kept emphasizing defense, defense, defense in the dugout.

However, in the face of the Eagles' tide of offense, they have no specific way to stop their opponents.

The timeout ended quickly, and the two teams returned to the game state.

The Pistons had the ball, and Billups deliberately slowed down the pace, trying to regain the situation with steady attacks again and again.

Billups directly broke through the inside, and after attracting double-teams, he passed the ball to Prince, who raised his hand and shot from outside the three-point line, hitting a 3-pointer.

The Eagles quickly served the baseline ball, and Bibby dribbled the ball forward, Er Niu took the initiative to lift up to cover, Bibby went inside, and the ball went out.

The entire counterattack process took less than 8 seconds, which is almost playing in the way of the sun.

On the offensive end of the Pistons, Hamilton circled and missed a shot. After Ruan Erniu got the rebound, he immediately started a bullish sprint and dribbled the ball.

The Pistons have a problem again, who should guard Kraft Nguyen between 16 feet and 20 feet?
At this distance, the Celestials have a fairly high hit rate in mid-range shots, and they cannot be shorted.

Under normal circumstances, let Maxhill or Ratliff save it.

But now the whole team is in the process of transitioning from offense to defense, and no one can keep up with Kraft Nguyen.

Er Niu saw that no one was defending, and after adjusting the rhythm with a crotch dribble, he immediately made a mid-range shot without hesitation and made a hit!
This is again the difference between the Eagles and the Suns. As a point guard, Nash always has a lingering defender in front of him, but Ruan Erniu, as a center, does not have this trouble. From the offensive end to the defensive end, it is already out of breath, so there is no need to care about defending the second best.

However, assuming that someone else comes to defend the second bull, then the defensive side will inevitably have a gap caused by the change of position. At this time, both Lunar Eclipse and the top student can cut to the basket at any time and insert a deadly shot in the opponent's ribs. One knife, and Jiong Jisen and Bibby, who are swimming on the wings or in the bottom corner, will also get a chance.

This is again the difference between Eagle Raid and Sun's RUN-GUN.

Ruan Erniu has always been considered a super rookie, destined to become a dominant player.

But with the tactics of the Eagles' raid, he will surely get the historical low position in advance.

Because he has a new title, that is: a new organizational center!
Different from the traditional supporting center, Erniu possesses super finishing ability and mobility.

He is neither an Olajuwon-style big center with small forward skills, nor a Garnett-style all-around fighter. He was forced to do hard work by the Huskies and insisted on forcing him to dribble the ball across the half.

Ruan Erniu is Ruan Erniu, he is a unique existence.

Of course, Er Niu's passing and assists benefit more from the system, rather than his extraordinary passing vision.

However, Ruan Erniu, who will turn 20 in two days, still has plenty of room for improvement. Who knows what kind of achievements he can achieve in the future?
The scores of the two teams were pulled closer.

Sanders called a timeout again, but to little avail.

Fortunately, the young Eagles also made mistakes after leading much.

After Ruan Erniu made a pass error, he wanted to block Billups who intercepted the ball on the spot.As a result, he exerted too much force and knocked Billups to the ground.

Not to mention how much performance the FMVP has, not to mention him, Er Niu's foul this time is undisputed.

Dan Crawford immediately fouled Erniu, and the Celestials also fouled four times.

There was no point in arguing about this ball, Ruan Erniu was substituted again, he shook his head with a smile, after finally playing basketball for most of the quarter, he had nothing to play again.

However, Woodson touched the back of Er Niu's head very affectionately. In his opinion, the rookie did well enough.

The Eagles were able to lead by more than 20 points at one time, which is inseparable from Ruan Erniu's superb performance.

By the end of the third quarter, Ruan Erniu scored 23 points, 11 rebounds, and 9 assists in a quasi-triple-double.

You know, due to fouls, Ruan Erniu played only about 20 minutes in the three quarters of today's game. With such statistics in such a short period of time, Ruan Erniu's efficiency once again caught the eyes of experts.

Among them, in the third quarter, Ruan Erniu scored 15 points, 6 rebounds, and 7 assists.

The Pistons finally breathed a sigh of relief after Ruan Erniu left the court. Without the Celestials, they set off a small climax of counterattack at the last moment of the third quarter.

Rodney Stuckey and Aaron Afflalo stepped up from the bench, scored consecutively, and finally recovered the score.

But for the Pistons, that wasn't enough.

At 92:67, the Eagles, who scored 40 points in a single quarter, will enter the final quarter with a 25-point advantage.

Seeing the old senior Afflalo complete the last shot of this quarter, Ruan Erniu smiled and shouted at him: "Aaron, save some energy, I promise to play the game soon in the fourth quarter!"

Of course, the subtext can't trouble the "extremely smart" Afflalo: You will have plenty of playing time later, so save some effort!
(Afflalo is bald!)
(End of this chapter)

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