Standing pretty old

Chapter 315 Breaking into the Eastern Conference Finals

Chapter 315 Breaking into the Eastern Conference Finals
On-site commentator George Baraja broadcast the real-time information of the first three quarters in frustration.

Now that the game has developed, how many people still think that the Pistons have the possibility of pulling back the game?

That's right, the Eagles are indeed trapped in fouls to a certain extent, which means they can't let go.

But in the face of such a large score gap, in comparison, the Pistons must have less chance of a comeback.

The sudden change of the Eagles in the third quarter will definitely become the focus of heated discussions in the major sports media that day.

It is undoubtedly surprising that a conservative like Woodson actually played a small ball offense.

Isn't it scientific?

Of course it is unscientific. Eggplants grow on cucumber vines. Isn’t this a species mutation?
However, the fact is right in front of us, the Hawks played the Suns-style RUN-GUN offense in the key battle of the playoffs.

What's even more frightening is that the Hawks' rebounding and defense are better than the Suns. This is a group of small-ball lineups that replicate most of the Suns' strengths while suppressing the Suns' shortcomings to the greatest extent.

In other words, the Eagles can quickly switch between positional offense and RUN-GUN.

Why is there such a mutation?
In fact, this reason was doomed as early as the moment Woodson connived Ruan Erniu with independent possession of the ball.

After all, Woodson's policy is: as long as you defend well, the rest is free!
Especially for superstar embryos like Ruan Erniu, Woodson gave him the highest degree of freedom.

If it weren't for the team already having Jon Jonson, it is estimated that Woodson is likely to give Er Niu the right to fire unlimitedly, just like Durant did in Seattle.

Superstars all have their own systems. Woodson thought Er Niu only had a positional offensive and defensive system, but now he finds that Ruan Er Niu also has his own system aura during the transition between offense and defense, and the buffs are soaring.

The current situation of the Pistons is quite embarrassing!

Give up, this is a life-and-death battle for G6 after all, if you lose to your opponent, you have to go home and go fishing.

Don't give up, the huge disadvantage of being 25 points behind in three quarters is like a natural moat, firmly blocking their pursuit.

George Baraja should be the most vocal, he has experienced the ups and downs of the Pistons.

In his opinion, it is time to rebuild the team of kings who once defeated the Lakers F4.

In his words: "We were attacked by a birdie! But this is not the reason for our loss. We have to admit that our lineup has aged, and the data of many players has declined to varying degrees. Even McDay Adams is not injured, and I don't think the Pistons are sure of winning, it's time to start the process!"

The term to start the program is very euphemistic, but the meaning is very clear: reconstruction is imminent!
The fourth quarter started quickly. Ruan Erniu, who had committed four fouls, sat on the sidelines for a while. He now has enough capital to watch the Pistons counterattack with a smile.

The Pistons did not choose to give up in the final quarter. In front of their home fans, even if they lost, they would fall down with their heads held high.

Hamilton was the most active Pistons player in the last quarter. He continuously used running to open up space, catch the ball and hit a jumper. Salim Stoudemire, who defended him, obviously had not fully adapted to the rhythm of the Hawks.

Fortunately, although he did not do well in restricting opponents on the defensive end, he still made some gains on the offensive end. Now that the Hawks are leading more, Woodson is also happy to rehearse the lineup at this time to prepare for the Eastern Conference Finals.

on the bench.

Ruan Erniu said to Jiongsen beside him: "What was our original goal?"

囧囧sen said suspiciously: "When are you talking about the goal?"

"What did you tell me at the beginning of the season?"

"At least make it to the playoffs!"

"What about the middle of the season?"

"Must pass the first round!"

"What's next?"

"You can also think about the second round!"

"What about the end of the season?"

"A certain shameless rookie directly said that he wants to win the championship!"

Hearing this, Ruan Erniu nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, we should have a lofty goal, this is just a small goal that has been completed for a stage!"

The Pistons used their strength to the extreme. They once chased the score to within 15 points, but this is already their limit!
Ruan Erniu and other main players all appeared on the stage, and the Eagles once again put out their small ball lineup-Eagle raid tactics.

The old Pistons commentator George Baraja said to his black partner Greg Kresler: "I seem to see Hannibal crossing the Alps!"

This is the most famous article in Western military history. During the Second Punic War, the commander of Carthage, Hannibal, crossed the Alps, and under the unfavorable circumstances of losing command of the sea, he went all the way to the city of Rome, achieving the greatest achievement in Western history. The reputation of the first strategist.

Of course, while the old guy George Baraja praised the success of the Eagles' raid, he also concealed a way, that is, the Pistons will become the ultimate winners like Rome, and the Pistons are now eager for their Scipio Advent. (The famous Roman general Scipio finally defeated Hannibal, the famous general of Carthage, and won the second Punic War for Rome, but Rome also paid a huge price, which is why after the Third Punic War , one of the reasons why Rome wanted to completely destroy Carthage.)
The home commentators off the court are all telling historical stories, which shows how miserable the Pistons are on the court, and the game has basically become garbage time.

The Eagles led by Er Niu once again played such a gorgeous basketball that the close-up camera lens may not be able to catch up with it, and the Pistons completely collapsed.

When Ruan Erniu ushered in his fifth foul and was substituted off the field, the score stretched to more than 25 points again. In the last 3 minutes, both teams sent their substitutes and even marginal players to the field.

In this series, Van Exel, who had almost no playing time, also made two three-pointers. It seems that Fan Maniac is in good condition.

With the red lights on, Dan Crawford finally blew the game whistle.

In this game, his calls were biased towards the home team to a certain extent, but the sudden change of the Eagles reduced the role of the referee to a minimum. The Eagles used their own strength to win a hearty victory.

The people of Detroit covered their faces and cried. For the first time in five years, they missed the Eastern Conference Finals and went home early.

The players of the two teams hugged each other and greeted each other. At this moment, they could let go of their burdens and bless each other.

The veterans of the Pistons actually understand that their time is running out, and the reconstruction actually starts from the moment they lose.

Ruan Erniu and Aaron Afflalo hugged and greeted each other. The old captain smiled and said, "Hey! Kraft, you did a great job. Don't embarrass UCLA. I think you will win the championship!"

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "I will! Aaron, I believe your chance is coming soon."

Billups happened to walk by them, and the FMVP joked: "Hey! I'm still alive!"

Er Niu smiled and said, "MR.BIG.SHOT (Billups nickname), have you ever thought about joining the Eagles?"

Ruan Erniu did it on purpose, but the Eagles had no intention of trading.

Billups also said with a smile: "Mr. Ruan, you are still too young. When you lie in the future, don't blink your eyes. Get rid of this habit, and you can do better!"

The pair then hugged each other and wished each other good luck!
28 points, 16 rebounds, and 15 assists, these are the data Ruan Erniu got in only 28 minutes of playing time.

He led the Atlanta Hawks to advance to the Eastern Conference Finals!

(End of this chapter)

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