Standing pretty old

Chapter 316 Forgotten things and people

Chapter 316 Forgotten things and people

Ruan Erniu, Jiongsen and Woodson attended the press conference after the game.

The main questions of the reporters also focused on the magical small-ball lineup.

"Coach Woodson, is this your well-arranged secret tactic?"

Woodson touched the head of the egg and said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't come up with this proposal. You should ask Kraft about the specific situation."

There was a sudden commotion among the reporters present. They had no idea that this miraculous tactic came from a rookie in the Celestial Dynasty. Is this guy really omnipotent?

Don't look at Woodson telling Larry Drew that he wants to keep Er Niu's idea for himself, but Woodson still has to face when it comes to the critical moment. He took the initiative to give the credit to Ruan Er Niu hand.

Er Niu hesitated for a moment. Now that he has been roasted on the fire, it depends on whether he has been tempered into copper skin and iron bones, with piercing eyes, or simply burnt. He pondered for a while before slowly opening his mouth and said: "Actually, I I feel that most of the credit for this tactic we named 'Eagle Raid' should be credited to Mike, if he hadn't been emphasizing defense and giving me full autonomy, I don't think this tactic would have been born."

The reporters were not prepared to let him go so easily.

"You feel like the 'Eagle Raid' has become the norm from time to time and can be played as a normal rotation."

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "Will tactics be normalized? This is Mike's problem, but I don't think there is any need to rely too much on this tactic. This tactic also has its extreme side, excessively pursuing the speed of offensive and defensive transitions. At the critical moment, it is easy to cause mistakes on our defensive end."

The question turned to Dantou, and his answer was similar to Erniu's.

Woodson said: "I also think that this tactic should not be routinized, because it means little to us. It is very important for us to keep this tactic that can defeat the enemy at critical moments."

"Kraft, you have reached the Eastern Conference finals. In late February, you said that the Hawks are also a strong contender for the championship. Now, what do you think is the probability that the Hawks will win the championship?"

Ruan Erniu said without hesitation: "At this time, talking about probability is completely meaningless. We just need to maintain a firm determination. The game is not blown out, we need to win every game."

"Joe, what do you think?"

"As we all know, the Eagles locker room is now dominated by a yellow man. You know, I don't have the guts to refute his statement."

As soon as 囧囧sen finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter again.

Ruan Erniu joked: "Well, someone will be criticized when he goes back, because he revealed the biggest secret of this century."

Er Niu's words once again ignited the laughter of the audience. Sometimes the gringo's laughter is so low that several guys bent over laughing.

Later, the reporter turned the question to Ruan Erniu's positioning of himself:
"Are you a center or a defender, have you ever thought about how you define your position on the court?"

Ruan Erniu actually encountered this problem when he first joined the league. At that time, he just responded by being himself.

"This question, you should ask Bird, Magic and Barkley. In the history of basketball that blurs the position, I am just a successor."

Finally, Ruan Erniu also took the initiative to bring up the situation of the Wenchuan earthquake. At the press conference, he urgently hoped that all parties could lend a helping hand and show love to the people in the disaster area.

On the Hawks bus, some players still couldn't react.

Like Asi Law, he said, "So we really made it to the Eastern Conference Finals?"

Marvin Williams on the side also had a hellish expression, he said with a smile: "It really feels unreal, I still can't believe that we are the first team to reach the Eastern Conference Finals. "

Childress said: "Yes, we are here to overturn history, Eagles, long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Normally, during this period of time, there is one person who should be in a very high state. However, there is obviously a problem with his state today. This person is Josh Smith.

I saw Lunar Eclipse frowning tightly, scratching his ears and cheeks, and thinking hard, which was somewhat funny.

As the saying goes, when humans think, God laughs.

In order to let the omniscient and omnipotent God take a break, Ruan Erniu took the initiative to ask: "J-Smoove, what are you thinking, so entangled?"

Moon Eclipse said distressedly: "If only I could remember it, I always feel like we have forgotten something, but I can't remember it."

Ruan Erniu was stunned for a moment, his brain is much better than a lunar eclipse, and the next second, he remembered that forgotten incident, and said to everyone with some helplessness: "I regret to tell you that every one of us Everyone will lose a 'Hamilton'."

"I X!"

"So it is!"

"Why did you forget?"

"Then what should I do? Go back and get it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, is the Palace of Auburn Hills owned by your family?"

"By the way, is the money still there?"


Ruan Erniu spread his hands and concluded: "It seems that we can only get the money next season!"

Well, the above is not just a topic for fun.

The annual salary of this group of people is at least hundreds of thousands of meters, which is definitely not bad.In fact, those bills had paid off, as the Eagles ended up outscoring their opponents 4-2.

In the end, Ruan Erniu's rhetoric of winning three games in a row was fulfilled, and they could really consider their opponents in the next round.

That's right, you should really consider your opponent in the next round.

The second round of the playoffs has gradually come to an end.

Let's first look at the West. The game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Utah Jazz has ended before the Eagles' G6 game.And they also hit the sixth game.

Like the Hawks, the Lakers finally defeated their opponents with a score of 4:2 and became the first team in the league to enter the conference finals.

Kobe Bryant is naturally the one who played the best in this round of the series. His average data of 33.2+7.0+7.2 per game is enough to prove his dominance, and his shooting percentage, which has been criticized by Kobe, also reached 49.1%.

With such a high efficiency, plus enough for teammates, it is reasonable to beat the Jazz.

Deron Williams' performance is second only to Kobe's. He averaged 22.3 points, 11.5 assists and 4.5 rebounds per game.If it wasn't for his teammates holding him back, it's entirely possible for Deron to go one step further.

This teammate is the old enemy of Chinese fans - Carlos Boozer.In this round of the series, Boozer scored 16.0 points, 12.8 rebounds, and 3.0 assists. On the surface, he looks good, but seeing his shooting rate of about 40%, he immediately makes people speechless.

D-Will and Boozer had a lot of conflicts, and after the loss, the conflicts between the two may break out at any time.

After all, they are not Stockton and Malone. These two guys who get together don't have the same relationship as the two old guys. They can be godfathers to each other's children.

In the era of such a strong modern business atmosphere, it may be difficult for the story of two brothers to reappear.

If Stockton hadn't retired, it's hard to imagine Malone leaving Utah for Los Angeles.

In that era, brother basketball talked about Stockton and Malone. They handed over their backs to each other like soldiers, hugged each other's thighs to enter the finals, and then were killed tragically.

Malone once said, "I look at him (Stockton), he looks at me, we don't even need to talk, we know what's going to happen next. Sometimes, when he passes the ball, I layup, I run Going back to the backcourt, he said, 'I never thought you'd catch that ball.' That's all the two of us said on the floor."

that's enough!
(End of this chapter)

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