Standing pretty old

Chapter 318 Choice

Chapter 318 Choice
The sky was gloomy, but it didn't mean it was raining at all. Fortunately, it didn't rain, otherwise the disaster relief work would have been even more difficult.

There are ruins everywhere, and there is death and blood everywhere.

Countless people lost their lives in this earthquake.

Han Meimei was eating biscuits and water with the volunteer medical team led by Ruan Daniu. After a little refill, they will continue to treat the wounded.

Not far from where they were eating, a dead body with its head pressed under the stone slab lay straight there.

No one will feel sick, they have seen enough such scenes these days.

Death corresponds to life, and no one can escape the laws of nature, but when the living really witness death, the chill that goes deep into the bone marrow still tells human beings that the fear of death is engraved in your genes.

Dr. Han is relatively calm. She has experienced the scene after Hurricane Katrina, and it is not the first time she has experienced the déjà vu of the end of the world.

Sitting on the side was Dr. Han's best friend - Fiona Gallagher. She was still somewhat uncomfortable. Subconsciously, Fiona was still unwilling to look at the dead body over there.

Because of her admiration for Ruan Daniu, she joined Professor Ruan's team without hesitation and participated in this disaster relief operation.

In the past few days, she has experienced a death toll that she may not have seen in a lifetime.

Fiona grew up in California, her life has always been smooth sailing, and she has hardly encountered any setbacks. The only setback that can be called a setback is the fruitless love for Boolean Ruan.

In her own words: "My old lady can even master such a difficult Chinese, but she can't even handle the man Bull."

But in the past few days, she suddenly felt that it might be the right choice for Professor Ruan not to choose herself. For this man, she might not be the ideal object.

This resolute man has barely closed his eyes in the past two days, and he is the busiest person in the entire team.

Just yesterday, Fiona was scolded by Professor Ruan for the first time in her life.

This is what happened. The medical team led by Ruan Daniu is working with the PLA to treat the victims.

PLA is responsible for excavating survivors, Ruan Daniu and the others are responsible for emergency treatment.

At that time, they had already finished the rescue of this disaster area, and were about to go to the next one for support, but a faint voice suddenly came from a ruin.

"help me!"


Ruan Daniu heard this voice for the first time, and said to the PLA platoon leader, "Old Cui, there is someone there!"

"Quick! Dig people!" The platoon leader named Lao Cui immediately commanded his soldiers to start digging again.

Soon, the face of a little girl emerged from the ruins. Her complexion was pale and she looked like she had lost too much blood, but she still survived tenaciously.

Fiona was comforting her. The little girl had never seen a blond person in reality in her life. Even though she was trapped here and couldn't move, she still stretched out her hand and pointed at Fiona's hair with interest. Said: "Sister, are you a foreigner? Your hair is still golden, so beautiful! Beautiful!"

As if she was afraid that Fiona would not understand, the optimistic little girl also said something in English.

Fiona smiled and comforted, "Don't worry, kid, you'll be out soon, tell sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Li Jia, what's your name, sister?"

"My name is Fiona, but you can call me by my Chinese name—Ruan Nana!"

"Then I'll call you Sister Ruan, and you can call me Xiaojia."

"Okay, Xiaojia."


While the two were chatting, PLA quickly removed the outermost layer of gravel, and most of Li Jia's body and right leg were exposed.

But the boulder pressing on her left leg was too thick, and it was a large wall, which could neither be moved nor cut.

PLA entered the disaster area for rescue at the first time, but all they had was a pair of hands and a few shovels, and they also lacked disaster relief tools.

"What should I do? I can't move it!" Platoon Leader Cui was in a hurry. He had to turn to Professor Ruan for help, hoping that he could come up with a good suggestion.

Ruan Daniu kept calm all the time, he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Old Cui, cut off your legs!"

Daniel's voice was low enough, but little Li Jia heard: "Uncle, uncle, don't saw my legs, I'm learning ballet, I can't live without legs!"

The little girl was trapped under the ruins for more than two days and she did not shed tears like she did now. She finally realized that she would have to make a choice between her legs and her life.

No, maybe she didn't even have the chance to choose, she passed out.

Ruan Daniu touched her forehead, and it was obvious that her injured left leg had already made her inflamed.

Daniel was unmoved, and said to Fiona at the side: "Get ready, I'm going to amputate her leg!"

Fiona couldn't accept it. Women are emotional. She couldn't accept such a desperate ending: "Bull, don't, amputating her leg is the same as killing her!"

Ruan Daniu was unmoved and said: "If you don't amputate her leg, she will be dead now. Miss Gallagher, you are a fucking doctor, not just a waste of emotions. If you can't do it, please quit us immediately." !"

If it was in the past, even if Fiona was killed, she wouldn't believe that the obscene words just now would come out of the gentle Ruan Daniu's mouth, but now, all of this happened so naturally, there is no violation at all.

At this time, Han Meimei came up with a saw, and she said to Fiona: "Fei, Bull is right, we are doctors, we are responsible for the lives of patients first, and other things should be put on the back burner .”

It was also Dr. Han who saw the leg in the end. This made the PLA soldier who had a good impression of this Chinese beauty suddenly feel cold. This woman is so cruel!

Ruan Daniu was quite satisfied with this younger sibling, Er Niu finally found the right person, and he was relieved a lot as the eldest brother.

Little Li Jia's life was saved. Of course, her ballet dream may end here, and her life will also change. Only time will give the final answer as to whether the leg was sawed right or not.

Fiona figured out the reason for it that day, and she quickly forgave Ruan Daniu, because there were more people who needed to be treated, and not only Xiao Li Jia couldn't afford it, but they couldn't afford it either.

If there are too many amputated hands and legs, the sense of guilt will naturally decrease. For doctors, saving lives is the first priority, and the cold pursuit of survival rate is the greatest humanity of doctors.

Today, Ruan Daniu and the PLA have separated from the PLA, and their supplies have also been interrupted.

However, they soon discovered that there was actually a small shop open in this ruined place, and there were still many people surrounded in front of the small shop.

Ruan Daniu walked over with two people, and after a while, he came over with five buckets of instant noodles.Then it was handed over to Fiona, who was in charge of logistics: "Hide it well, a bucket of noodles has sold for 200 yuan, and I don't have much cash on hand."

"So expensive?" Han Meimei said in disbelief.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the direction of the small shop, and the shop owner was seen holding a hammer in one hand and a watermelon knife in the other, shouting, "Guapaozi, you are a coward! Laozi's noodles only sell for two hundred." A bowl, why, do you want to grab it if you are not convinced?"

(End of this chapter)

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