Standing pretty old

Chapter 319 The Truth

Chapter 319 The Truth
Don't look at Lao Ma as a cripple, but the hammer and watermelon knife in his hand are not eye-catching. The victims who were aggressively asking Lao Ma to hand over their food just now dispersed.

What to eat is of course important, but this life is also given by parents, unless there is a mental problem, otherwise who would want to ruin it easily?

"Bullshit!" Fiona cursed angrily.

Ruan Daniu touched his chin thoughtfully, but did not express his opinion.

For the medical team that temporarily lost supplies, food has become an important strategic reserve, let alone the victims who have been here for several days.

For them who have nothing, they may do crazy things at any time for a little food.

The shop owner named Lao Ma did not back down, and resolutely sat on the ground and raised the price to sell the food in his shop.

Among the victims on the side, there were also people who knew the owner of the store, so someone came to the front and questioned: "Old Ma, you are all from the village, isn't it appropriate for you to do this?"

The old horse turned face down, and said coldly: "Whether you like to buy it or not, my cripple's things are at this price. If you don't buy it, you will wait for government relief!"

The tough attitude, and the hammer and watermelon knife in his hand are daunting. If you really make him anxious, who knows what he can do.

For the victims, they are not as united as they imagined, and they must get food from the old horse.

There is always someone who can't bear it and takes the money to buy noodles first.

People are iron, and rice is steel, so you panic if you don't eat a meal.

When you are really hungry, the money becomes torn paper, meaningless.

But the old horse said stubbornly: "Everyone can only buy one bowl a day. I don't know how long this ghostly life will last. The landlord's family has no food left!"

Not far away, Han Meimei suddenly nodded thoughtfully, and said to Fiona, "This shop owner is not a bad person, and there is nothing wrong with his actions."

Fiona asked in confusion: "Why do you say that? He is obviously a profiteer!"

Before Dr. Han could speak, Ruan Daniu on the side said, "Because in everything, don't just look at the good and the bad, but also the pros and cons. This old horse is also in a hurry, and there is no way. By the way, has the communication been restored? The supplies can't keep up. We It’s also hard to move.”

Fortunately, the PLA rescue team arrived at the scene that night and delivered water and food to the scene as soon as possible.

A disaster victim took relief food and came to Lao Ma's door to show off: "Profit! What about your 200 yuan a bucket of noodles? Why don't you sell them? You are deliberately speculating and driving up prices. Be careful of the police." to catch you."

Lao Ma took out all the food in the small shop without haste. He only had 2 boxes of bucket noodles and half a box of ham sausage.

The old horse said with a smile: "There are so many left in total. I'm selling it at the original price. It's still the same sentence. Buy it or not. As for speculation, hehe, you go and sue me!"

This time, no one thought about surrounding the old horse anymore.

Fiona suddenly realized, she finally understood why May and Bull said that, they must have discovered the shopkeeper's good intentions at the first time.

Ruan Daniu later said to Fiona: "That old horse lives in this place, surrounded by his fellow countrymen, there must be a reason for him to be so tough.

Giving people some hope is better than no hope at all.

Fiona, have you ever heard a story that a big ship capsized at sea, and a dozen people fled to the small boats.Only the captain had a jug and a gun in his hand, and he would not consent to anyone who wanted water.

Several people on the boat surrounded him, took turns to rest, and wanted to grab water from the captain, but the captain didn't close his eyes for three days and three nights, guarding the kettle, and no one came near him.

As a result, when the rescue ship arrived, someone finally snatched the kettle from the captain.Guess what is the ending? "

Fiona is no fool, and she quickly guesses the correct answer: "There's no water in the kettle!"

Ruan Daniu nodded and said: "That's right, sometimes a strong will to survive can only be produced under the double pressure of hope and despair.

The old horse only had that little food in his hand, and he gave it to the victims for free in a moment of kindness. If the supply did not arrive, everyone would be hungry for a long time.

His reason for raising the price is not so much to raise the price, but to give hope to the victims. After such despair from the earthquake, at least there is still a chance to get a bite of food. This is already the greatest humanity.

In fact, even if he has enough food and sells it at a higher price, there is nothing to blame. According to the values ​​of the United States, this is a response to supply and demand, and it is also free business.Of course, the pressure of public opinion and moral judgment that will be endured in the future is another matter. "

Whether it is for Ruan Erniu or Fiona, Daniel is a life mentor. His theory is sometimes a bit subversive, but after careful consideration, it is reasonable.

The eldest brother is like a father, and Er Niu has worshiped his elder brother since he was a child, even today.

Of course, Ruan Erniu in the United States still did not receive any messages from his elder brother and Dr. Han, but his partner and manager - Ouyang Haotian made a video call.

On the other end of the phone, Ouyang had already returned to the imperial capital from the disaster area, not because he didn't want to persevere, but because the business elite who rushed to the front line was forcibly persuaded to come back.

Ruan Erniu saw from the video that Ouyang Haotian's left arm was still tied with a bandage and hung around his neck.

"Steven, you are my partner, you are fine, why are you crazy! When you called me that day, you were already on the way, right? If you dare to do this again, we will break up."

But Ouyang Haotian said proudly: "Without me as a housekeeper, wouldn't you do well? I have seen it from the Internet. You are doing very well. Now whether it is the daily activity of Weibo or your own Your influence has risen to a new level, if you can go further in the playoffs, you will be the well-deserved No.1 in the Chinese sports circle!"

After all, Ruan Erniu forgave Ouyang. Even if he was a Chinese American, he was able to risk his life to get first-hand information in the disaster area. This spirit is also worthy of admiration.

In the major media, there are also news about being rescued by swiping Weibo in the ruins, and the influence of Manniu Weibo has indeed taken a qualitative leap.

Still the same sentence, in front of life, other things are not important.

"What's the matter with the arm?" Ruan Erniu couldn't help asking with concern.

Ouyang Haotian said lightly: "Oh! I was crushed by a stone and broke a bone. It won't affect my work."

"Come on, give yourself a vacation, adjust your mood, the earth will go around the same without everyone." In this regard, Ruan Erniu is indeed a good boss, and he didn't squeeze the labor force of his subordinates.

Ouyang Haotian is a hard worker, since he ended his secluded life in the outskirts of the imperial capital, he has completely become a machine that does not know how to get tired.

"It's not time to rest yet, Er Niu, I've already booked a plane ticket for today's noon, and I guess I'll arrive in Atlanta tomorrow afternoon." Ouyang Haotian said.

"What do you say? Is there an accident in the company in the US or on Weibo?" Er Niu asked puzzled.

Ouyang Haotian said directly: "The Barbarian Bull Fund will be launched as soon as possible! This is the most important reason for me to come back from the disaster area!"

(End of this chapter)

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