Standing pretty old

Chapter 320 Eastern Finals Opponent

Chapter 320 Eastern Finals Opponent
When most people think of charitable funds, the general impression is that the rich are transfusing blood for the poor.

It is true that the rich are leaders in philanthropy, whether they are famous or not, but in fact, the poor benefit.

But in the United States, are the rich really doing charity at the cost of lost wealth?
the answer is negative.

First of all, the motivation of the rich for charity must be divided into two parts:

On the one hand, it cannot be denied that the rich do have the idea and purpose of giving back to society;
But on the other hand, the reason why the rich in the United States are so keen on charity is also inseparable from the high inheritance tax in the United States.

How terrible is the inheritance tax in the United States?
According to different inheritance bases, it can basically reach a span of 18%-49%. If the inheritance exceeds [-] million, sorry, at least half of it must be handed over to the country.

For example, Bill Gates has an inheritance of 500 billion US dollars (certainly more than that), and if his children want to get the money after Gates' death, then they themselves have to pay a high inheritance tax of 250 billion before they can receive this money. A legacy of 500 billion.

Some people may say, can I get the money first, and then pay the tax?

Sorry, no!

If his children don't have 250 billion, sorry, they won't get any inheritance.The Gates children are almost certainly not 250 billion now.

So in theory, they don't get any money.

Why do rich Americans like to donate money?

Because there is an unwritten rule there, that is, after donating money, a charitable fund can be formed, and after the death of the donor, the children can get kickbacks from the fund, or use the name of the fund manager to control the fund.

In order to achieve the purpose of reasonable tax avoidance.

American law stipulates that donations and insurance are not subject to inheritance tax.

Bill Gates donated not the Red Cross, but his own fund, and the heirs of the Gates fund are his children.

There are many lawyers and accountants in the United States who design fund donation taxes specifically for the rich.And in the United States, many of the people who support the inheritance tax are wealthy people. What is the reason?
Because only the rich can afford to spend money to avoid taxes.

Some people may ask, how can there be such a loophole in the soundness of American laws?

It can be said with certainty that the American economic laws are the rules of the game designed by these rich people. There must be unspoken rules of the same collective interests, and they are crowned with religious beliefs, noble hats for donations, and tax avoidance. Why not do it? Woolen cloth?

Of course, it does not rule out those who really engage in charity, because after all, no matter how much you avoid taxes and control the fund, some of the money will still go to charity.

But working hard for a lifetime, donating money to capitalists who serve the people, and donating it when they have their own children, is really questionable.

The media has disclosed Bill Gates' fund more than once: Judging from the annual financial report announcement, the foundation is making a profit.

A charitable fund is actually profitable, which may subvert some people's three views.

In short, under the current laws of the United States, donating one's own property to a charitable fund under one's name is the best way to deal with one's own property.

Guarantee your own property in the hands of your own family, so that your children and grandchildren can benefit.So Bill Gates donating his own charitable funds is a smart way to deal with his own assets, which has nothing to do with ethics, and anyone would do the same.

Bill Gates's donation has been publicized by the Chinese media, but in fact it is not just a moral issue, but more about tax avoidance and making good use of his wealth.

? To be honest, Ruan Erniu is not like this.

Objectively, he is also making contributions to his compatriots, but this does not prevent him from preserving and increasing the value of his assets.

On this point, Ruan Erniu had had several detailed exchanges with Ouyang Haotian.

In short, Ruan Erniu, as a multi-millionaire now and a billionaire in the future, is just following a rule of the game.His enthusiasm for charity is second to none.

Of course, whether Ruan Erniu can reach the height of Gates in the future remains to be discussed, but he already has a good understanding of the game of the rich in the United States.

The control of assets cannot be straightened out in a short while, and Ruan Erniu doesn't have more energy to focus on it now.

After talking with Ouyang Haotian, Ruan Erniu received another long-distance call from Doctor Han to report his safety.Now that the people he cares about are all well and good, Ruan Erniu must of course focus on his future opponents.

Is the Atlanta Hawks' opponent in the Eastern Conference Finals the Boston Celtics or the Orlando Magic?
Now, the eyes of all Mi basketball fans are focused on this tiebreaker.

That is, the night Ruan Erniu received the call, on May 2008, 5, US time, Game 18 of the Celtics VS Magic started at the North Shore Garden Arena.

The biggest feature of G7 as a life-and-death battle is that the home referee's bias is not obvious. After all, in a life-and-death battle, if the whistle is biased to one side, the credibility of the alliance will be greatly affected.

The league itself is still more inclined to use strength to determine the number of promotions.

In the first quarter of the game, the scores of the two teams did not open, and the Celtics at home were only slightly ahead of their opponents by 5 points.

The second quarter was almost a replica of the first quarter. The two teams also did not widen the gap too much under the anxious duel, but the stronger Celtics have shown their ability to suppress.They won another 5 points in the second quarter.

At the end of the first half, the Magic trailed by 40 points at 50:10.

In the third quarter of the game, under the leadership of Howard, the Magic team finally played an advantageous situation, especially the sparks. Their performance tonight must not be worse than that of Ruan Erniu. Si succeeded and led the team to recover 7 points in a single quarter in the third quarter.

At 72:75, the two teams entered the final quarter with a slight gap of 3 points.

In the last quarter of the game, Pierce stood up. He hit 3 points in a row from the outside, and a wave of flow opened the score.

At the moment of life and death, Sparks stood up again. After he succeeded again and again in the inside line, after attracting double-teams, he created many open opportunities for his teammates in a row.

If the Magic's three-point shooting group is strong enough, maybe they will win this game.

But there was no if in the game, and the Magic finally fell before the finish line.

At the last moment, Paul Pierce succeeded in consecutive singles against Turkoglu, broke out strongly and sealed the victory.

At 94:97, in the end, the Celtics only defeated their opponents with a slight advantage of 3 points. They entered the Eastern Conference Finals with two consecutive tiebreakers.

In this game, Paul Pierce is the well-deserved MVP. He scored 41 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists.

His scoring alone accounted for more than 42% of the team.

In terms of magic, Dwight Howard's performance is not as bad as Ruan Erniu's performance. He scored 30 points, 22 rebounds and 7 assists.If the teammates can be more accurate, there is no problem for the Sparks to win a triple-double.

Even Ruan Erniu wrote on Twitter: "Howard did not lose to Pierce, but the Celtics are stronger than the Magic."

In any case, the Eagles' opponents in the Eastern Conference Finals have finally been determined, and they are the Boston Celtics.

This year's Eastern Conference playoffs, although there are often surprises and surprises, but in the end they all returned to normal.

The top two teams in the Eastern Conference in the regular season eventually reached the Eastern Conference finals. The ending of this script was expected by most people.

On this day, Ruan Erniu turned 20 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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