Standing pretty old

Chapter 322 I am the strongest and best player in the world

Chapter 322 I am the strongest and best player in the world
With the final promotion of the Spurs, the fans also had a heated discussion about the situation of the playoffs.

Among these four teams, the two teams in the East did not enter the playoffs last season, and the Lakers in the West also made it to the first round of the playoffs last season. The standard weak team, only the Spurs are old and powerful, and they have always been strong. .

Many people are saying that this season's NBA season is full of subversion, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

So many people and things happened this season.

The Celtics formed the BIG3, the Lakers robbed and got a wife, the old shark traveled westward, the old Kidd returned to the Mavericks, and Bibby came to Atlanta.Of course, there is also a celestial rookie named Ruan Erniu who landed in the NBA with a look of contempt. If we look back at the story of this season in the next 10 years, I believe Ruan Erniu will be the well-deserved focus, because he represents the future.

The Hawks are lucky, they got a guaranteed draft pick, so they got the second pick in the third pick.No one would have thought that after Ruan Erniu joined the NBA, he would advance to the ranks of super giants so smoothly.Compared with his predecessors, he doesn't look like a rookie at all.

This situation also happened in San Antonio many years ago. The reason why the Spurs rose was also because they used a No. [-] pick to select their destiny-Tim Duncan.Since then, the Spurs have set up their own powerful banner and never let it fall.

There are always striking similarities in history. The two teams completed the transformation from a weak chicken to a powerful one through a strong rookie and an inherent team.

The difference is that the powerful Er Niu seems to be more terrifying than Deng Daida. When Woodson's on-the-spot coaching ability is obviously not as good as Popovich, Er Niu just supported the team alone and led the Eagles to the Eastern Conference. finals.

This is something Duncan has never done. The Spurs only made it to the second round of the playoffs and were defeated by the Jazz.He won the NBA championship in his second season.

In any case, these two teams are mainly based on drafts, supplemented by trades to build teams, and both coaches belong to the Larry Brown style of coaching style. To a certain extent, they are very similar.

And what about the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers?
These two teams can be said to be the existence of heroes made by the times.

The Celtics were the bottom-ranked team in the Eastern Conference last season, and this season they have become the top-ranked team in the Eastern Conference.When they gathered the powerful Big Three, everything became logical.

Danny Ainge finally became the best team manager of the year. The Celtics have been silent for many years and finally ushered in an outbreak.As the team with the most championships in the league, they have their own pride.

After losing the Sharks in the first round of the playoffs last season, the Lakers have always been in an embarrassing situation, and Kobe's ability to lead the team has also been questioned.

This season, the Lakers finally robbed Pau Gasol in the critical February, and successfully promoted the team to the top power in the West.

Kobe, who has been putting pressure on the management, no longer complained. While welcoming his true love, he also launched an impact on the championship again.

Compared with the Eagles and Spurs, these two teams are typically using earthquake-level big deals to complete the final improvement of the team.

Moreover, the two teams are still in history, and the history of the yellow-green battle has been staged many times. In different time periods, it is almost synonymous with the NBA Finals.

In fact, whether it is forming BIG3 or robbing Gasol, there is a hint of connivance by the alliance.

In order to save the ratings, the league has gradually shifted from building a single star to building a group of stars.The former is still important, but the latter, as a trend or signal, has clearly appeared in front of everyone.

Now that the final list has appeared, the predictions of various media about the East and West finals have also emerged.

Although this season, most of the media are in a state of being slapped in the face, but the final outcome is generally not beyond people's expectations.The league has advertised the yellow-green battle for half a season, and it seems to be just around the corner.

First look at the West, the Lakers VS Spurs, most people think they will play 7 games, and finally the Lakers advance to the finals.

Popovich has long described that the Lakers getting Gasol is a robbery.The Predators have come to him, and it is not known how the Spurs will fight back.

Before the final playoff games, the leaders of the two teams will generally do some final mobilization on the TV media to boost morale.

As the leader of the team, Duncan seemed relatively low-key, simply stating that he would lead the Spurs to defeat the Lakers.

However, Kobe said even more domineeringly: "No one can stop the Lakers from winning the championship. We are the best team."

As usual, at this time, it should be the stage when the two teams are drooling.

But Popovich and Phil Jackson are both masters. They were not disturbed by external forces and resolutely issued a ban on other players.

The reporters who watched the excitement and were not afraid of big things had no choice but to focus on the east.

First, they got big news in Boston.

A reporter interviewed Paul Pierce and asked: "Facing such a powerful player as Kraft Nguyen, how will you limit him?"

Pierce thought for a while and said: "I don't intend to offend anyone, but I personally think that I am the best player in the world. Although many people say that being too confident is arrogant, the two are easily confused, but What I want to say is that I know where the boundaries are drawn, so I say this with full confidence in myself. Once again, I am the best player in the world."

As soon as this remark came out, the entire meter was immediately detonated. People discussed whether Pierce, who had just killed the Magic by himself and led Green Kai to the Eastern Conference finals, was qualified to say this.

Some people say that Pierce is arrogant, and some people think that the truth represents his self-confidence.

Of course, the unscrupulous media spread this word to Atlanta in the first place, and relayed it in front of Ruan Erniu. Whether there is any addition to it is another matter.

After hearing PP's rhetoric, Ruan Erniu was also shocked. He thought for a while and said: "Charles Barkley once said, 'I am the best player in the world, Jordan? He is from Mars!' 'I hope my future can be comparable to Jordan's."

Comparing the two, Er Niu's IQ clearly occupies the high ground!
Pierce is the strongest in the world?Sorry, Ruan Erniu is as Martian as Jordan!

The reporters praised Erniu on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also sent the news back to Boston immediately without stopping.This time the war of words between the two sides has completely started.

The two sides came and went, not giving in to each other, and immediately let the reporter find countless breaking points.

Charles Barkley of TNT summed it up: "Unfortunately, I've become a bad example, but Kraft, I still think it's too early for you to say that. Winning the O'Brien Cup, your future, is eligible." Stand shoulder to shoulder with Jordan.

As for Pierce saying he is the strongest in the world?Hey!Brother was the same back then, you know! "

The Eagles were given a sip of tainted milk, and Barkley said that he was more optimistic about the Atlanta Hawks' promotion.

(End of this chapter)

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