Standing pretty old

Chapter 323 Crazy Boston

Chapter 323 Crazy Boston
The war of words continues.

A player from the Eagles said that the Celtics only seem to be strong, but they are actually strong on the outside and strong in the middle. They have advanced to the seventh round of the playoffs in two consecutive rounds, and they are basically a pseudo-strong team.

Immediately afterwards, someone from the Celtics also stood up and said that the Hawks were too arrogant. They were just lucky to reach the Eastern Conference Finals. Meeting the Celtics meant that his good luck had come to an end.

After all, the war of words is just an appetizer before the final, and the real feast is the game itself.

On May 5, U.S. time, the Atlanta Hawks flew to Boston. As soon as they entered the hotel where they stayed, they were surrounded by Celtic fans.

That crazy energy seemed to tear these Atlanta people apart.

"Wow, are the Bostonians crazy? They surrounded us?" Lunar Eclipse looked out the window nervously. This is not as simple as just demonstrating and harassing outside the hotel. Killing feeling.

Jon Jonsen started his career with the Celtics for the first half of the season. He said coldly: "We should also pay attention to the food. We'd better eat what we bring. I'm afraid they will eat directly in my food." Food poisoning!"

Now even Ruan Erniu was a little uneasy, he asked doubtfully, "Can it be done to this extent?"

Jiongsen glanced out of the window subconsciously, this action still objectively exposed his uneasiness, and he continued: "How do you know they won't do this?"

Mike Bibby nodded and said: "I think Joe makes sense. Their last championship came in 1986. This is a 22-year wait. Who knows what crazy things they will do?"

Marvin Williams said unconvinced: "Our last championship was won in 1958. After 50 years of waiting, the desire is not enough!"

Woodson laughed and said, "Marvin, it's rare that you still remember the year the Eagles won the championship, but from now on, you must pay attention to your own safety.

In the past two days, except for training time, stay in the hotel for nothing. If you don't want to be stabbed a few times like Pierce, you'd better be quiet. "

Because the Boston fans were too 'enthusiastic', finally, with the help of the local police, the Eagles had to take a bus from the back door to the TD North Shore Garden Arena.

The generals of the Eagles also had a fire in their hearts. The unfriendliness of the Celtics also aroused his fighting spirit. The more they were harassed by their opponents, the more they wanted to defeat them and fight back.

At the stop of the bus, the Eagles were once again surrounded by the crazy Celtics.

"Go back to Atlanta, you Yankees."

"The Celtics are champions, you rednecks."

"The shame of the league, the XX team ruled by the yellow race."


Crazy crowd, crazy insults.The entire city of Boston seems to be in a state of war, ready to eat the visiting team at any time.

Ruan Erniu had no doubt that if the arena's security hadn't been maintaining order, these people would have overturned the bus to the ground.

It is true that the Eagles have not won a championship in 50 years, but they are not a powerful league, so even if there is a chance to win the championship, the fans will not be too excited.

In fact, many fans have been drawn to the Hawks this season because of their stellar record.It is obviously not a matter of a day or two to make them truly die-hard fans of the team.

And what about the Celtics?They have the most championship records in the league, with as many as 16 times.

Such a wealthy team has gone through 22 years of silence. They are too eager for the championship. The Celtics revival took too long.

After a while, the Eagles entered the Celtics' home court under the double cover of the police and security. Only the person involved knew the difficulty.

In the locker room of the visiting team, Lunar Eclipse kicked over the chair and shouted angrily: "We are like a group of mice being chased by cats."

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "As far as I know, when Tom and Jerry are together, usually the final winner is Jerry. J-Smoove may be a good omen." (Tom and Jerry, That is, the protagonist of the classic American animation "Tom and Jerry")

Er Niu Gang Yue Eclipse lifted the chair, then pushed him on the chair and said: "Remember this feeling of anger, and then use it on the court, we will definitely win today's game."

Woodson said: "I have said almost everything before the game, but I have to repeat the point again, defense! defense! defense!

I don't worry about your offense because you're creative enough to put the damn ball in the basket, I care about your overall defense going through.

Kraft, be optimistic about Perkins, even if you only have 50% of your energy to deal with him, but in the playoffs, you must devote 100%, or even 120% of your attention.

Marvin, try to limit Garnett, he has nothing to be afraid of, and he is just a person.

J-Smoove, when you defend Pierce, don't give him too much shot space, if you don't pay attention to defense, I will replace you immediately.

Joe, even a guy who can run like Hamilton has not troubled you. I believe you can do better in limiting Ray Allen.

MB, anti-break but not anti-shoot, Rajon Rondo's three-point shooting rate is only 26.3%, limiting him is the biggest threat to the Big Three.

Everyone is trying hard for me to fight every ball.No one is born a king, they all work hard step by step.Beat the Celtics, we are the champions. "

Woodson seldom said so much one-on-one at one time. Egghead looked very excited today. Although he showed his expression calmly, the flame in his heart was no less than that of the Eagles players.

Who doesn't want to leave their name in the history of NBA basketball, using a young army to defeat the mighty BIG3, there is no more inspirational story than this.

The two teams finally came to the court to warm up. Today, no one provoked them. The two teams quietly conducted simple warm-up training on both sides of the court.

The expressions on both sides are very serious, in other words, both teams are in a state of tension.

Tom Heinsohn and Mike Gorman, the two old guys, as the Celtics' gold medal commentator, are holding the microphone of the broadcaster CSN, sitting on the sidelines and giving a simple pre-match introduction.

Of course, Heinsohn, as a member of the 8 consecutive championships, focused on criticizing the Eagles' hatred for interrupting the Celtics' dream of 10 consecutive championships: "The bird is such a shit-stirring stick, it is simply an extremely stinky existence. They're always destroying the good stuff, or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, bla.

Gorman laughed: "In other words, you predict that the Celtics will sweep their opponents?"

"Yeah, that's what I think," Heinsohn said.

Gorman said, "I dare to bet you that the Celtics will need at least 6-7 games to finally defeat their opponents and advance. Judging from the record of the regular season, the Eagles are only behind Kyle by a score of 1:2." Special people, the gap between the two teams is not that big."

Heinsohn said disdainfully: "But this is the playoffs, their good luck is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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