Standing pretty old

Chapter 340 Ambition and Rights

Chapter 340 Ambition and Rights

"This is not Atlanta's home court. The Hawks' opponent is the referee!"

"There is no darkest, only darker. In order to sell tickets, the league turns games into performances!"

"The conflict between Pachulia and Garnett is the only bright spot. Congratulations to the audience who went to watch the game, you have wasted a good time of dating!"

"I'm from Boston, but I don't have any hope for the Celtics' promotion now. Rivers must be replaced. He can't lead the Celtics to the championship!"


The public opinion on the Internet is almost one-sided. Of course, the alliance has always been my own.

After so many years, are there still few controversial games?It's just a matter of finding a balance.

For a commercial league, what the NBA is afraid of is not controversy, but being forgotten by fans!Just as the opposite of love is not hate, but forgetting.

Years of hype and operations have allowed the NBA to form a routine. The so-called controversy is just part of their promotional content.

But, why does it seem so lively now?That's because of the influence of the Internet, the communication between fans has spread in a larger time and space dimension.

After listening to Tan Huimin's ratings report and the league's internal analysis, David Stern said with a smile: "Do the fans need the truth? No, what they need is just a talk."

Tan Huimin responded from the side: "That's right, this talk can make them spontaneously form a chain of coercion and contempt for non-fans and new fans. I have already issued the plan for the next game. What else do you want to teach?" Is it?"

Stern said with a smile: "No need, I fully trust you and Adam, you can handle it. By the way, when will Kaf Nguyen come?"

Tan Huimin quickly glanced at his watch, and then said respectfully: "The appointment is at 9:[-] in the morning, and there is still about half an hour before he will come to visit you in person."

David Stern nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very well, I'll meet him here. Mark, do you think there will be an Asian Jordan in the league?"

Tan Huimin said: "As long as he can bring enough influence to the alliance, what does it matter if he is a Martian?"

After finishing speaking, the two alliance executives looked at each other and smiled.

At 9 minutes before 15 o'clock, Ruan Erniu rang the doorbell of the Hilton Hotel Suite, and Tan Huimin opened the door for Erniu.

"Hello, Mark!" Of course Erniu knew Tan Huimin, and he also knew Stern and Xiao Hua, but it was the first time to meet in such a private occasion.

"Hello, Erniu! As I said, you can call me Old Tan!" Tan Huimin smiled and shook hands with Erniu.

Then he was introduced to the door. At this moment, Stern was standing in front of the glass window with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

Tan Huimin said, "Sir, Kraft is here."

Stern turned around with a smile, walked up to Er Niu, and shook hands with Er Niu.This is already the third time they have shaken hands this season.The first time was at the NBA Draft, and the second time was at the All-Star Game, where Er Niu won the AMVP trophy.

Stern said: "Sit down! Kraft, in my impression, I don't seem to have had so much contact with a rookie player. The last rookie player I had many exchanges with was in 03." LeBron."

Er Niu sat down politely, and said with a smile: "It's my honor, but I hope this is not the last time I meet and shake hands with you this season. At the awards ceremony for the Eastern Conference champions, and even the championships, I Hope to have the opportunity to shake hands with you again!"

Stern nodded and said: "You are much more proud than the Asian players I have influenced, but in the face of your strong strength, this should be interpreted as self-confidence. Tell me, Kraft, how do you feel about your future? Planned? What kind of player do you want to be?"

Ruan Erniu said: "When I first joined the league, I just hoped that I could gain a firm foothold in the team.

Later, I hoped to play a more important role in the team.

After that, I became the first candidate for the best rookie, and gradually grew into the leader of the team.

In the second half of the season, with Bibby joining, I had a desire for a championship again.

I now hope that my future will be able to rival those legendary existences. "

Er Niu's answer was full of celestial restraint, but in the end, he still exposed his ambition.Although compared with the bragging of black players, it is still a little less imposing.

In Stern, though, that's the sensible thing to do.

At least, LeBron James did not achieve what Ruan Erniu has achieved today in his rookie season.

Stern said: "Magician and Big Bird let Quanmi know the NBA, and the existence of Jordan made the whole world know the NBA. Kraft, tell me, can your influence surpass these predecessors?"

Ruan Erniu said confidently: "As long as the league needs it, I will do everything I can. Mr. Chairman, in the Internet age, basketball fans all over the world may need a new basketball idol."

Stern pretended to be serious and said: "The league would have preferred to see the Celtics and the Lakers face off in the Finals. Tell me, after disrupting the situation, why do you have to invest in saving the league in advance?"

Er Niu spread his hands easily and said: "Of course this is not something I can redeem, but I believe that the Eagles appearing on the stage of the finals as a dark horse will also bring good ratings to the league. Compared with the script that has already been determined, most audiences are definitely looking forward to the appearance of the dark horse."

David Stern laughed: "I won't give you a special discount, but from today, you will get the same level of whistle as LeBron."

Stern's words are full of depth. Mr. Chairman will not admit that there is a star whistle, although this thing exists objectively.

From this moment on, Erniu has officially become the new darling of the league. In the media, he has long been the popular spicy chicken, but in fact, the promotion of him by the league has been in a tepid state.

Stern's words can be regarded as a certainty for Er Niu. This is his full affirmation of his achievements and the ratification of those achievements in the past season.

Some unspoken things should have been given to Er Niu long ago, but it is not too late now, it should be said that it is just in time!
The talks between the two gradually deepened, and Stern was surprised to find that Kraft Nguyen not only played well, but also had his own unique ideas about business operations.

Especially in some Internet promotion methods, it also gave Stern new ideas and vision. Tan Huimin, who was silent at the side, couldn't help but nodded repeatedly.

In the end, Stern couldn't help but said: "Kraft, have you ever thought about retiring and working in the league? Your potential is far beyond being a basketball superstar."

Er Niu smiled and said: "Mr. Chairman, this is a long time later. Now, I just want to win this season's championship first."


Stern and Erniu ended this unknown meeting, and Tan Huimin took Ruan Erniu out of the house instead of Stern, and returned to the suite after a while.

While packing his luggage, Stern said to Tan Huimin: "I won't say more about the specific matters. I will inform Boston to prepare the Eastern Championship trophy, and I will personally present it."

(End of this chapter)

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