Chapter 341
On May 2008, 5, U.S. time, in San Antonio, the Lakers came to the AT&T Center for a Game 25 battle with the Spurs.

Both G1 and G2 at the Staples Center ended with the Lakers winning. After the Spurs lost consecutive away games to the Hornets in the last round, they lost consecutively to the Lakers at Staples.

G3 is a home game that they cannot lose anyway. If they lose to the Lakers, it means that they will fall behind their opponents by 0:3. No team can finally come back in this situation.

Kobe played extremely well in this game, 23 of 13 shots, 56.5% shooting rate, 30 points, 5 rebounds, 1 assist, but the Lakers finally lost G84 with a big score of 103:3.
The reason for this is that the Spurs' GDP collectively exploded:
First of all, Manu Ginobili made 15 of 9 shots in this game, including 7 of 5 three-pointers and 7 of 7 free throws. He scored 30 points, 2 rebounds and 1 assist.

Then, as the last FMVP, Tony Parker was also eye-catching. He also made 15 of 9 shots, 4 of 2 free throws, and scored 20 points, 3 rebounds, and 5 assists efficiently.

In the end, it was natural that the eternal No. 21 rookie Deng Dadu gave a gorgeous performance. He made 17 of 8 shots and 9 of 6 free throws in the game. He scored 22 points, 21 rebounds, and 5 assists, completely blowing up the matchup. defender.

Gasol's data in this game was 15 points, 5 rebounds, and 1 assist. Odom's data in this game was 7 points, 11 rebounds, and 6 assists.

Kobe's game is definitely not a cancer, and the blame for the loss should be on Gasol and Odom, who made their shooting percentages 38.9% and 18.2% respectively.

Unexpectedly, Kobe did not criticize his teammates at this time. He said rationally in front of the media: "The Spurs played better. We didn't do well enough, so we lost!"

Is this still that paranoid?At this moment, he really looks like the No. 23 in Chicago.

Facing the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant like this, Popovich, who won the game, couldn't laugh at all.

He and Deng Daidai teamed up to show a wave of indifference at the post-match press conference, as if the Spurs lost G3 of the Western Conference Finals.

The G3 battles between the East and the West have come to an end. Similarly, the big scores of both sides are 2:1. The difference is that the side with the better record in the East is behind, while the West is the opposite.

On November 2008, 5, US time, Philips Center Arena.

The G4 battle between the Atlanta Hawks and the Boston Celtics will be held here.

In the G3 game, the Eagles narrowly lost their opponents by 2 points, but the Atlanta fans did not abandon the home team.

This season, the sudden rise of the Eagles has given the people of Atlanta too much surprise.

The last time the Eagles won a championship was in the 57-58 season. At that time, the Eagles still belonged to St. Louis, but they had little to do with the people of Atlanta.

So now this Eagles is the best basketball team in Atlanta history.

The packed Philips Arena fully demonstrated that the fans of the home team have affirmed and supported the Eagles this season. The glory of the Kings era, but this does not mean that they do not know how to appreciate the Eagles led by Erniu.

We are a team with the strength to win a championship!Ruan Erniu's big words in the regular season are becoming a classic declaration of victory, and they deserve the praise of the fans.

Before the opening game, Ruan Erniu just casually slapped Garnett. Since the conflict between KG and Pachulia in the last game, the conflict between the Eagles and the Celtics has become apparent.

This is also a matter of course. There is only one place for promotion. Both teams want to win the championship, and one of them will always be eliminated.The game is not a dinner party, so there is not so much tenderness.

Want to make a splash in style?

Be the winner first!
Not surprisingly, Ruan Erniu lost to Garnett in the jump ball again.

Pierce got the basketball, crossed half court with the ball, made a speed change breakthrough, passed the lunar eclipse, went straight to the inside, and rushed towards Er Niu.

His purpose is very clear. Like G3, he strives to kill Ruan Erniu at the beginning of the game and force him off the field. Without Ruan Erniu, the Eagles' small ball tactics are impossible to talk about. The Walters still have a certain chance of winning.

The two met in the sky!

Pierce leaned his body up, and the physical contact had already been made. Just before he fell, Pierce exposed the basketball in his hand, and he wanted to end the battle with a throw.

But the moment he exposed the basketball, Ruan Erniu turned sideways slightly in the air, and then, the big yellow hand slapped down, hit the ball first, and then hit Pierce's hand heavily, " Crack!" There was a very loud sound.

Jon Jonson picked up the ball and rushed towards the Celtics' half court immediately.

There was no whistle, and the referee assumed it was a strike.Pierce yelled "Foul!" to referee Crawford before stepping back.

But Crawford, who was obviously biased towards the Celtics in the first two games, completely ignored Pierce's complaints.

囧囧sen saw that the Celtics retreated in time, so he had to slow down to fight.

The ball was passed to Bibby, and Bibby passed to Marvin Williams in the high post. Marvin hit the ground and passed in, and the ball went to Ruan Erniu in the low post. Behind him was Kevin after switching defenses. *Garnett.

"You can't get in, XXX!" Garnett sprayed manure while pushing the two cattle out of the danger zone.

Ruan Erniu, who had a lower center of gravity, didn't move at all, and immediately exerted force, chiseling back with all his strength.

"Beep!" The referee's whistle sounded.

Ruan Erniu held the ball inexplicably and looked at Crawford.

what happened?Could it be that he walked?The footsteps are indeed a bit broken, but Erniu's pivot foot is still standing firmly, so it shouldn't be blown.

That's right, there was no bragging, because the referee pointed to the green number 5, and the visiting team made a defensive foul.

Why?Thinking of easy to find, pushing people, pulling jerseys, small movements, these things are commonplace for KG. As long as you want to blow it, how can you not blow it?
Now, it was KG's turn to be upset. He thought he was being targeted, and there was nothing wrong with his defense.

So after complaining for a while, Crawford directly gave him a "T". Fortunately, technical fouls were not included in the total number of fouls, otherwise, Garnett would have to sit off the court immediately because of two fouls on his back.

Without Garnett, the Celtics' defense would immediately fall apart, which is an unacceptable loss for the Celtics.

As the player with the highest free throw percentage in the team, Jon Jonson completed the free throw for a technical foul and made a steady hit!
The Eagles scored the first point of the G4 game.

The Eagles still had the ball, Ruan Erniu held the ball in the low post again, and this time it was Perkins who was defending him. Erniu tricked Perkins away with a false move, and directly attacked the basket. Niu waved his palm, and his fingertips still seemed to touch Erniu.

But with Ruan Erniu's physique, even if the whole palm of his hand was hit on the arm, it would not necessarily be affected.

Er Niu dunked with one hand and dunked the ball in. At this time, the referee's whistle sounded again!


There will be an additional penalty for scoring the goal!

(End of this chapter)

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