Standing pretty old

Chapter 344 Don't complain, don't spread rumors, don't admit defeat

Chapter 344 Don't complain, don't spread rumors, don't admit defeat

The Eagles who were hacked in G3, immediately made up for the penalty in the first game of G4.Although so far, judging from the entire series, they are on the weak side in terms of penalties.

But relying on their youthful advantages, era-crossing tactics and wonderful chemical reactions, they still led their opponents with a total score of 3:1 and got the match point.

In the Hawks locker room, the players cheered heartily for a while.

Then, Mike Bibby gathered the crowd as an experienced driver and said: "Now you believe what I said after G3?"

After G3, Bibby did the same. He gathered all the Eagles together for the first time. What he said at the time was: unified thinking, no complaints.

That's right, after the G3 game, the Eagles players were surprisingly calm. No one complained in front of the microphone. This surprised all media. They didn't expect the Eagles to be so calm.

This is the credit of Bibby. He was the first to stand up and answer for his teammates. Although the league will make some gimmicks to sell tickets, it does not mean that they dare to risk the world to play the Eagles.

As Bibby expected, Er Niu was summoned by Stern, and it was the Celtics' turn to be hacked in G4.

If you are not a veteran driver of the alliance, how could you come to such a precise judgment?

So experience is too important for a young team. Without enough experience, you simply don't know how to deal with complex situations.

If the depression caused by the G3 game affects the G4 game, it will be a big loss for the Eagles.

Talking here, Lunar Eclipse asked worriedly: "Doesn't this mean that we may be targeted by the referee again in the next game?"

Mike Bibby said with a smile: "It is possible, but I believe that in the next game, the referee will completely let go and try to leave the game to us to complete. The reason is very simple, we hold the match point!"

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "I believe in MB's judgment, we must first be the best of ourselves, the behavior of others is beyond our control, but we must adjust ourselves to the best state.

We're close, but we haven't really won the Eastern Conference yet, so don't let up, let alone go to the nightclubs, you hear me? "

When Er Niu said the last sentence, everyone burst into laughter.

To be honest, after the playoffs against the Pistons, this group of people really didn't go to nightclubs to hang out. Even if they have a little energy, they still toss their wives and girlfriends at home. Such a lifestyle is naturally healthier.

In the playoffs, it depends on the mental outlook of a team, and you can guess one or two just by looking at the state of the girlfriend on the sidelines.

Well, this must be a joke.

At the press conference after the game, He Doc once again expressed regret, but he still refused to admit defeat: "We will strive to bring the game back to Atlanta. Apart from this, we have no second way out."

The fact is that the one with the least retreat is He Douan himself. Who knows if the Celtics will give him full trust and let him continue to lead the team next season without winning the championship.

Erniu and Woodson did not appear at the press conference today, and Jon Jonson and Van Exel returned to the podium.

Crazy Fan is really a long-lost name, but his performance today is indeed commendable. A 38-year-old veteran can actually score the team's third-highest score and contribute his own strength to the victory. He has overfulfilled the task.

What did the media say when the Hawks signed him midseason?

"Maybe, when the Eagles are not playing well, they can assign this lunatic to kill the referee!"

But in the G4 game of the Eastern Conference finals, Fan Fanzi helped the team kill the powerful Celtics.

"I wanted to retire again next season and join the coaching staff. To be honest, I now feel that I can work for another two years." Crazy Fan's speech made all the reporters very happy.

Whether it is the immortal spirit of a veteran, or the story of a veteran who has lost all his glory for the championship, it is inspirational and inspiring. Millican also needs positive energy.

"Will you solve the battle in G5 and win the Eastern Conference championship?" A reporter raised the question that everyone is most concerned about.

Jon Jonson made a speech on behalf of the Eagles: "Although a certain yellow man who ruled the locker room repeatedly emphasized that we should keep a low profile. But I think this is completely unnecessary. We will return to Atlanta with the Eastern Conference championship trophy!"

Another reporter from Boston asked: "Judging from this game, whether it is scoring, number of shots or usage rate, you are well-deserved No.1 in the Eagles. Does this mean that you are the leader of the Eagles?"

The Bostonians will not let go of any opportunity to challenge the Atlanta people, but Jon Jonson said calmly: "Craft Nguyen has been the leader of the Eagles in the past, present and future, and I am quite satisfied with my position in the team. .”

Van Exel said into the microphone from the side: "We are united like never before. This is the most important point. In fact, it is not us who should care most about unity now."

Crazy Fan's words may be casual, but sometimes this guy really doesn't go through his brain when he speaks, just like his unconstrained shooting and passing.

But this time, he seemed to have vaguely touched a little truth.

In the locker room of the visiting team, the Celtics were indifferent and desperate. No one was interested in talking. They were on the verge of being eliminated.

Kevin Garnett, who usually likes to chatter the most, sat there alone, not packing his luggage, nor yelling or admonishing him.

The Celtics, who are used to Garnett's daily manure spraying, are not used to this state.

Ray Allen was used to being alone, and he silently put back a classic novel he was carrying with him in his bag. His elegant posture did not look like a basketball player at all, and there was no hint of joy or anger on that handsome face.

As the captain, Pierce should have stood up to speak out, but he didn't. He straightened his shoelaces by himself, then slammed the hair tie on the floor, picked it up again, and stuffed it back into the bag.

The young Rondo couldn't stand such an atmosphere, he still preferred the environment where he was yelled at and ridiculed by his seniors, at least in that environment, it didn't matter even if he fought back repeatedly not to be outdone.

Rondo said: "We haven't lost yet, why should we look depressed? Now it's only 3:1. We only need to win 3 games in a row to win the championship."

It is said that Rondo is the one with the highest IQ in the Celtics team. What he said is true. In theory, the Celtics can win three games in a row to eliminate the Eagles, win the Eastern Conference championship, and advance to the finals .

However, this is only a theoretical possibility.

Sam Cassell, who came to hug his thigh at the end of the season, was also dissatisfied and said: "This is not the attitude that a team that aspires to a championship should have. We now lack a championship heart."

Pierce finally stood up and said, "KG, Ray. They're right, we should stand up and say something at this time."

Ray Allen said with a smile: "I never gave up hope, how about you?"

Garnett gritted his teeth and said: "The game of XX is not over yet. As long as we don't lose, XX will fight until the last moment!"

Pierce occupied the center with his fists raised, and all the players stood up and gathered their fists together.

Then they shouted together:
"CELTICS!" (Celtics)



(End of this chapter)

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