Standing pretty old

Chapter 345 The Familiar Score

Chapter 345 The Familiar Score

On the surface, the Celtics have regrouped their fighting spirit and will, but this will not change the fact that they are 1:3 behind.The internal conflicts they need still exist, but they don't know when they will explode.

The Big Three are certainly powerful, but if they do not win the championship for a period of time, the result will inevitably be disintegration.

As mature players, of course they know it well, they just don't tell each other.

Looking back from the east to the west, G4 in the Eastern Conference finals has just been played, and the next day, G4 in the west is about to start.

At the AT&T Center, home of San Antonio, Kobe Bryant performed well in Game 3 of the Western Conference Finals.However, his teammates were really CBA, so they lost the game.

This time, all the media put the blame on Gasol and Odom. Based on the efficiency of the players, these two Lakers insiders should indeed be blamed. It can be said that they can play normally in the G4 game. It will be the key to deciding the outcome of the game.

However, Kobe did not blame his teammates in front of the media, which fully demonstrated his maturity.

But whether the teammates can be worthy of the MVP's tolerance remains to be tested by time.

Since the Lakers lead their opponents with a total score of 2:1, in this focus battle, it will also determine whether the Lakers get the match point or the Spurs equalize the total score.

After the start of the first quarter, the X factor of the Lakers stood out first. Bosnian Radmanovic contributed 6 points on three of four shots in the first quarter. His explosion exceeded the expectations of the Spurs.

At 28:23, the Lakers ended the first quarter with a 5-point lead.

In the second quarter, the two teams were still in a stalemate, but in this quarter, the substitutes of the two teams became the protagonists on the field. Facts have proved that the two teams with equal strength reached the decisive moment and decided the direction of the game. is the so-called X factor.

The Lakers stand out is Luke * Walton, and the Spurs stand out is Brent *White Men Can Fly* Barry, who was signed back to the home team at the trade deadline.

The two scored 8 and 7 points respectively.

At 25:24, the Lakers gained another 1-point advantage in the second quarter.

At the end of the half, the Lakers led the Spurs by 53 points at 47:6.

This score is not safe, but it gave the San Antonio fans a heavy blow. They have a feeling that this year's Western Conference champion seems to be a little far away from them.

After the start of the third quarter, the two teams finally entered the state of star confrontation. Naturally, the Lakers side is the well-deserved Kobe Bryant, while the Spurs side, Deng Dumbly shouldered the weight of the decisive battle.

In this section of the game, Kobe made 9 of 5 shots, scored 10 points, 3 rebounds, and 1 assist, while Tim Duncan made 10 of 3 shots for the Spurs, but relied on 7 of 5 free throws to contribute 11 points in a single quarter. 4 points, 2 rebounds, [-] assists.

The score between the two teams was once tied at 67:67, but in the end the stronger Lakers opened the score again in the final stage of the third quarter.

At 24:23, the Lakers still took a 1-point lead in the third quarter.

At the end of the three quarters, at 77:70, the Lakers led by 7 points. As the home team, the Spurs are already quite dangerous.

In the fourth quarter of the decisive game, the Spurs finally ushered in an explosion. In this quarter, Brent Barry showed the explosive power of the X factor to the fullest. Contributed the team's most 38 points in the fourth quarter, and once led the Spurs to chase the score to 8:81, only 79 points away.

However, the Lakers are also very tenacious. Odom and Kobe stood up at the critical moment and continued to suppress the Spurs.

At the last moment, the Spurs launched a final counterattack.

With 50 seconds left in the game, the Lakers led the Spurs by 93 points 86:7.

In 42 seconds, Manu Ginobili made a three-pointer. At 93:89, the Lakers led by 4 points.

In 28 seconds, Duncan sent an assist, Tony Parker hit 2 points, 93:91, only two points left.

The story that follows is:

strike iron +1,

strike iron +2,

Blacksmith +3.

The score was not rewritten, and the two teams ended the game after calling each other for a timeout and smashing the basket.

The score of 93:91 was fixed. The Lakers won G4 with difficulty at the Spurs' home court. They will return to the Los Angeles home court with a total score of 3:1. No matter how you look at it, the probability of the Western Conference Finals ending in Los Angeles is also higher than that of the Spurs. The Eastern Conference Finals ending in Boston is bigger.

Deng Dada looked dazed after the game. Of course, this was not the result he wanted.

In this game, Mr. Big Fundamentals made 26 of 10 shots, and his shooting percentage was only 38.5%. However, with the addition of 11 of 9 free throws, his true shooting percentage also reached 47%. As the team's first attack point, this hit The rate is not low.

The data of 29 points, 17 rebounds, and 3 assists are also luxurious. Tony Parker and Brent Barry both scored 23 points, which also supported him objectively.

Odom and Gasol, who faced Duncan, scored 16 points, 9 rebounds, 3 assists and 10 points, 10 rebounds, 6 assists respectively. In the G3 and G4 games of this series, Duncan blasted the defenders, There is no doubt about it.

But Kobe, who scored 28 points, 10 rebounds and 1 assist in the whole game, still had the last laugh. After having a reliable helper, he was once again infinitely close to the finals.

Strictly speaking, in this game, the Lakers were given a black hand by the league. They only got 19 free throws in the game, while the Spurs had 26. Kobe, as the team's first offensive choice, even made one free throw in a row None have been obtained, which is obviously a bit of a problem.

But in the final analysis, the Spurs themselves did not seize the opportunity to comeback.They were very close to equalizing the total score at one time, but unfortunately they still fell short in the end.Most fans feel they will end their playoffs in Los Angeles.

The Spurs are still strong, but if they want to complete a successful defense, they seem to lack something.

Maybe in odd-numbered years, they will become a strong contender for the championship again. Even if the GDP is one year older, fans still believe that they have extraordinary competitiveness.

But in even-numbered years, the old guys should take vacation early and enjoy life!
Both G4 in the East and West have come to an end, also 3:1. This score is somewhat beyond the expectations of the media.

Needless to say in the West, as the protagonist of the Yellow-Green War, the Lakers have completed the league's script very well and are making great strides towards the Finals.

But in the east, the Celtics lost the chain, and they were cornered by a youth army.

Although the Bostonians continue to emphasize that they have not been eliminated and they will bring the game back to Atlanta, people are still more optimistic about the Eagles with a big lead.

Those media who criticized the Celtics' grouping jumped up and down, sending infinite blessings and praises to the Eagles.

But the fact is that if the Hawks hadn't strengthened their No. [-] position through a trade, they might have been killed by the Pistons in the second round.

Before the start of the Eastern Conference Finals, when the media was discussing the strength of the Celtics, they still ignored or underestimated the strength of the Hawks.

With Ruan Erniu, Jiongsen and Lunar Eclipse, plus Mike Bibby's lineup, in fact, the Celtics are not booing at all in the starting lineup, plus Zaza Pachulia, The bench lineup composed of Josh Childress, Van Exel and others is definitely capable of winning the championship.

More importantly, compared with the Celtics' moderate ability to fight defense and fight for stars, the Eagles themselves have produced a magical chemical reaction.

After G5 in the Eastern Conference finals, will the quota for the finals be born in advance?
Everything depends on the night in Boston on May 5!

(End of this chapter)

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