Chapter 346
On May 2008, 5, more than half a month had passed since the Wenchuan earthquake occurred.

The rescue activities of Ruan Daniu's medical team are almost coming to an end, Er Niu and Dr. Han's contacts have also increased recently, but Dr. Han's return date has not yet been determined.

The disaster relief activities have continued until now, and Professor Ruan's medical team has done their best.

It can be said that no matter how small human beings are in the face of natural disasters, the spirit of never giving up is the survival instinct of the human species. It is precisely because of this instinct that human beings can tenaciously survive in this world.

How can there be so many injuries, people are such creatures that are good at healing wounds.Of course, this also requires a little medium or stimulation.

It must be admitted that what the people of the Celestial Dynasty need most is spiritual upliftment and unyielding defeat.

And Ruan Erniu led the Eagles all the way through the playoffs, and currently leads the Celtics by a large score, which undoubtedly meets the needs of the Chinese people.

"Director Zhang, Teacher Sun, so you two will follow me from now on?"

Before the game, Er Niu met Zhang Lili and Sun Zhenping.

CCTV is not going to drop the two of them back. If there is no accident, until the end of the finals, they will participate in all the remaining games with Er Niu.

Well, Er Niu is in charge of the game, and they are in charge of commentary.

Zhang Lili said: "Erniu, you are so popular now! People all over the country are looking forward to your good news!"

Sun Zhenping also said: "That's right, that's right. But don't be under pressure, we believe you will definitely win the championship!"

Teacher Sun, are you giving pressure or not?
Ruan Erniu said: I haven't even won the Eastern Conference championship yet, you have already reserved the championship for me first!

In fact, Erniu should thank Mr. Sun for his mercy, because on the Internet, Mr. Sun has already summarized ten classic commentary quotations, and wrote them with pictures for notes. Show mercy:
[-]. The Cavaliers replaced several garbage players one after another (the Cavaliers led the Spurs by a big score at the time)

With the picture - the knights looked at the sky speechlessly: "You say that, we are very sad!"

7. Due to a leg injury in the last game, Hamilton made 1 turnovers, [-] more than the team combined! ! !
Picture - Masked Man spread his hands and said helplessly: "What, I made more mistakes than the whole team?"

[-]. Kobe is Kobe. Facing the flanking attack of two opposing defenders... still made a mistake...

Pictured - Kobe put his hands on his hips, his eyes full of contempt: "Are you kidding me?"

[-]. You see how good the Nuggets' audience is. They are so far behind and no one leaves the field. Do you know what this means? (A moment of silence) It means that the local traffic conditions are very good...

Pictured - A Nuggets fan opened his hands and questioned life: "What-the-Fxxx?"

[-]. It seems that Garnett is on the court, it seems that he is not on... and it seems that he is on, on!Yes, it must seems to be on...

The accompanying picture - Garnett put his hands on the ground, and roared with a ferocious expression: "Am I on or not?"

[-]. Yao Ming gets a rebound, oops!A turnover, the Rockets' small guard stole the ball from Yao Ming.

Accompanied by a picture - a piece of Dayao's emoticon package is sent, no text is required.

16. Now the score gap is 18 points. . .Sorry for the audience, it was 68 points (the score was 56:[-] at the time).

Pictured——a physical education teacher who teaches mathematics is shouting: "Zhenping! Today I will teach you a math problem 68-56=18, remember it!"

6. Battier made 8 of [-] shots! ! !
With picture - Shane Battier held up two fingers and said in a daze: "There are two more goals that you scored for me?"

2. Because the Spurs have won 2 games and the Pistons have won 2 games, we can say that this game is tied 2-[-]!
With the picture - Ao Guanhai, who was getting closer and closer to the presidential throne recently, pursed his lips and said, "What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless!"

[-]. Look, both sides are pulled apart, let Kobe single out Bryant!
Pictured - Kobe looked back and pointed in a certain direction not far away: "Bryant, come here, I want to fight you one-on-one!"

Well, the above are actually not considered Mr. Sun's pinnacle works.

Because many netizens agree that, apart from the "Fuck me" a few years later, that Sharpie (football) is the insurmountable Everest for other commentators:
Player No. 7 sharp points the ball and passes it to player No. 9. Player No. 9 is also named Sharp. They may be brothers.There are many brothers active in football, such as the De Boer brothers in the Netherlands and the Keane brothers in Ireland.Strike, the ball passed to No. 10 was very good.

Hey, No. 10 is also called Sharp.It may be like this, foreign players only have their surnames printed on their jerseys, and these players all have the surname Sharp, just like many players in South Korea have the surname Park.Beautiful, No. 10 scored with two players in a row, No. 11 stepped forward to congratulate, No. 11 is Sharp? (pause for a while)
Sorry, audience friends, Sharp is the name of the sponsor printed on the jersey! ! ! !

Well, let the past be the past, no one has ever made a mistake.As the commentator of the imperial court in the post-Song Shixiong era, and also became a firefighter for a while, and was always on top of the emergency, Mr. Sun's career is still remarkable.

As for those stories that pass with a smile, let them pass with a smile in the minds of old fans. On the other hand, isn't this an affirmation of him?
Of course, in the face of the expectations of domestic fans represented by Mr. Sun, Er Niu has no reason to hesitate.

Er Niu said with a smile: "I have already bought my national flag. As long as I win the championship, I will wear it on my body!"

This is a kind of fate of Chinese athletes, sometimes the game is really not for oneself.

This situation did not change until a woman surnamed Fu appeared.

At that time, the audience realized how fucking stupid it is to base their sense of superiority on the achievements of others.

Instead, let more joy spread.

Ruan Erniu chatted with the two for a while before returning to the Eagles' locker room. The Eagles' teammates were preparing for the game.

It can be seen that everyone is more relaxed.

They have reached this point, and they all know each other well.If you are more nervous, it is better to end your career as soon as possible.

Winning G5 and advancing to the finals is the final consensus of the Eagles. They will return to Atlanta with the Eastern Conference championship trophy.

David Stern also came to the game today. He sat in the box with Adam Silver and Celtics owner Wycliff Cross Parker.

The reason why Celtics general manager Danny Ainge can gather the Big Three this year is not only the support of the league, but also the mutual compromise between players for the championship. support.

You know, the last Houston Rockets who gambled heavily on the Big Three almost exchanged half of the team for the old Charles Barkley, but the result ushered in a failure.

But the Celtics boss finally chose to take a gamble.

Cross Parker still said with confidence: "I believe the Celtics still have the possibility to advance. The Eagles are too young, and I don't believe they won't make any mistakes."

Adam Xiao Hua echoed from the side: "That's right, until the last moment, who can guarantee that he will be the final winner. The alliance will give both sides a fair competition environment, and the strong will win in the end."

Cross Parker turned his head to look at Stern, but Mr. Chairman sat without saying a word, as if he was thinking about some century-old problem.

After a long time, David Stern said with a smile: "In any case, the Celtics' ball market has made great progress this year, which is very important to Boston and even the entire league."

Cross Park nodded and said: "So, I hope that the team will have a perfect ending this season."

Stern did not directly answer this question, but turned his gaze out of the window. The game between the Eagles and the Celtics has officially begun!

 I thought that the third shift would be restored tomorrow, but now it seems that I was too naive.There are too many chores to be busy.

  In addition, I still want to thank book friends such as Good Name and Good Name, There is a Pig at Home, Ronghuan Circle, hxx217 and other book friends for their rewards. The second update will be released later, so I can’t wait to read it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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