Standing pretty old

Chapter 347 Super Giant Responsibility

Chapter 347 Super Giant Responsibility

Ruan Erniu and Garnett jumped the ball in the middle circle. Today Erniu played bravely and took the lead to shoot the ball into the hands of Jiongsen.

Jon Jonson passed the ball to Bibby, Bibby dribbled the ball halfway and passed it back to Jon Jonson.

After the latter took a tentative step, he directly pulled out from outside the three-point line, with a little backwardness when he shot.

"Bang!" The ball missed!

Ruan Erniu, Garnett, Perkins, and Marvin Williams at the basket have huddled together, and they are all eager to get the best position to get the ball.

But judging from the trajectory of the basketball, Garnett and Marvin obviously had no chance, and the ball flew in the direction of Erniu and Perkins.

Perkins' huge body was firmly in front of Er Niu, and it was not easy to push him away.

Ruan Erniu jumped up immediately after a subtle pulling action, relying on his excellent bounce speed, flicked the ball further back.

The two are entangled, and Erniu can't jump to the highest point, but he can use continuous jumping to grab the ball into the area under his control.

Er Niu, who took off for the second time, took this offensive rebound, then made a fake move to fly his opponent away, and took a big stride to dunk the basket with both hands, scoring the first point in the G5 game.

The Celtics had the ball, and Rondo went down after completing the pick-and-roll with Garnett in the high post, facing Marvin Williams' defense, and scored a layup.

It has to be said that since the past few games, Rondo's awareness of active attack has strengthened a lot.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low position. Facing Perkins' defense, Erniu took a step inward, turned over and made a jumper and made a hit!
Er Niu showed a strong desire to attack in the opening stage.
Teacher Zhang Lili said happily in the commentary booth: "A very beautiful fadeaway jumper. Although Ruan Erniu is an inside player, his skills are quite comprehensive. He can use the skills of a guard to attack. Perkins can't stop him at all. .”

Sun Zhengping also cheered from the side: "We know that Er Niu is not only excellent in basketball skills, but also very patriotic. During the Wenchuan Earthquake, his donations were tied with Dayao, the largest among all domestic athletes. At the same time, he also I am sure that he will participate in this year’s Imperial Capital Olympic Games, and I believe everyone is looking forward to his performance in the Olympic Games.” (In fact, some of the donations come from their respective foundations, which belong to the category of charitable donations)

The inclinations of domestic commentators are understandable, but in today's full-meter live broadcast, TNT's commentary seats also tend to be Atlanta people.

The commentary lineup sent by TNT today is: Charles Barkley, Reggie Miller and Kevin Harlan, the first two are Hall of Famers, and the latter one, if you play 2K games, you should often hear his commentary sound.

Barkley first spoke: "I don't think the Celtics can stop Atlanta from winning the Eastern Conference championship. They haven't been able to solve Kraft Nguyen's defensive problems from beginning to end.

Leaving aside the magical small-ball lineup, in the final analysis, the core of the Eagles is Kraft Nguyen. If you can't stop him, then it's impossible to beat the Eagles. "

Kevin Harlan said: "The only game the Celtics won was because the Celtics were trapped in fouls and did not have enough playing time. The Celtics have not yet shown convincing results. The record comes."

Reggie Miller said: "I don't think the Celtics have no chance of winning at all. Although I am also optimistic about my UCLA juniors, I have to say that Coach Rivers still found some players in G3 and G4. The way to deal with it.

In addition to biting the score in the early stage, it is also a very good choice to use the outside lineup composed of three-point shooters to target the Eagles in the late game.

Of course, the biggest problem with this lineup is the rebounding. "

Barkley curled his lips and said, "So, the Celestial Monster will eventually devour Boston."

Obviously, Ruan Erniu's great deterrence in rebounding is a hurdle that the Celtics can't get around.

Pierce held the ball in a high position, facing the defense of the eclipse, a CROSSOVER, after shaking the opponent away, he stepped back and hit a jumper.

Immediately afterwards, Pierce cut off Jon Jonson's pass, quickly advanced the frontcourt, and chased for 3 points, overtaking the score.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in a high position, facing Perkins who was unable to save in time, he shot with a straight arm and made a hit!
Overtake the score again!

Pierce held the ball at the horns, passed the lunar eclipse in one step, faced Ruan Erniu's supplementary defense and passed the ball sideways to Garnett. The latter was fouled by Marvin Williams and sent a free throw before the layup. Wire.

2 of 1 free throws, equal score!

In the next few rounds, the two teams entangled each other between fouls, turnovers and scoring, and it was impossible for either side to gain a lead of more than 3 points.

As Mike Bibby said after G4, the league will not make too biased calls in such a critical game.

Judging from the first quarter of the game, the whistle-blowing scale is not too strict. As the game progresses further, the whistle-blowing scale will be looser.

At that point, many fouls in the traditional sense will not blow the whistle.Players can only figure out how to put the basketball into the basket.

The law enforcement referee of this game is still the famous bald head-Joseph Joy Crawford.

Crazy as he is, he didn't dare to make any smile expulsion incident in the crucial Eastern Conference Finals G5. Well, well, there is no superstar with a wretched smile like Deng Daidai who caused him huge psychological pressure.

On the offensive end of the Celtics, after Rondo entered the penalty area, he scored the ball beyond the three-point line. Ray Allen immediately shot after receiving the ball and hit a 3-pointer!
Looking back, on the Eagles' offensive end, Ruan Erniu attracted double-teams in the low post, and then distributed the ball to Mike Bibby from beyond the three-point line.

Mr. Big Heart shot immediately, and hit 3 points in return!
Several rounds passed, and still no one was able to open the score.

G5 is about promotion, and the intensity of the two teams' confrontation has reached the apex of the Eastern Conference Finals.

Although the Celtics have no retreat, the young Eagles also cannot afford to lose.

As some pro-Boston media have said, they are too young and their ability to respond to emergencies is questionable.

Once they fail to withstand at a critical moment, who knows if they will lose a lot and lose the series?
Neither Woodson nor Rivers were sitting in their seats. They don't have time to be tall now. They weren't born that way.

Cursing again and again, shouting loudly, this is the command method they are most familiar with, and it is also a good way for them to relieve their pressure.

I just hate that there is no rule for coaches to help out in basketball games, otherwise they will definitely roll up their sleeves and participate in this fierce game.

In the second half of the first quarter, the two teams began to rotate, and Jon Jonson was replaced first, preparing to lead the bench to play in the second quarter.

Ruan Erniu didn't take a rest, the score was too tight, Kraft Ruan, as the Hawks' first offensive choice, needed him to make a stable output for the Hawks at this time.

At 31:29, the first quarter ended, and the Hawks led the home team by 2 points.

Ruan Erniu scored 15 points and 8 rebounds in a single quarter, becoming the most dazzling star on the court.Possibly the most exhausting one.

But this is the fate of super giants, and no one will pity the losers.No matter how tragic the reason for failure is, it cannot cover up the fact of failure.

Ruan Erniu didn't want to be that LOSER!

(End of this chapter)

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