Standing pretty old

Chapter 357 The Truth and the Enemy

Chapter 357 The Truth and the Enemy

Lovers reunited after a long absence always have too much to say, but among them, nothing surprised Er Niu more than this piece of news.


"Well, if you don't believe it, you can call Bull. I think he is taking Fiona on a trip in your hometown right now. Maybe your parents already know about it!"

That's right, Professor Ruan was going to get married, very suddenly, but it seemed logical.

Anyway, he is also an old man in his thirties, so getting married doesn't seem to be a surprise.

After Er Niu dialed the phone number at home, he got an affirmative answer.

It is said that Comrade Zhong Chuhong wept with joy that day, and Ruan Jingtian, the owner of the supermarket, went to the mountain temple overnight to burn a stick of incense.

Ruan Huimei on the other end of the phone was quite happy because her sister-in-law Fiona gave her some cosmetics, perfume, bags and the like.

Well, the younger sister of the Ruan family may be the fastest to be dealt with.

So, after a catastrophe, Ruan Daniu actually figured it out?Er Niu has always thought that his elder brother is a celibate, but now it is not the case.

"What have you guys been through?" Ruan Erniu said as he hugged Dr. Han on the bed.

"Life is beautiful!" Han Meimei said.

Before the disaster in Wenchuan, there are many touching stories. Nearly half a month later, even a pig was miraculously survived, which became the focus of news media.

In the face of such a natural disaster that cannot be carried by manpower, even the most humble life has the desire to survive.


Well, well, the sensationalism is over here. In fact, when Ruan Erniu called his eldest brother later, he realized that the matter was not so complicated at all.

"You're going to be an uncle, Er Niu!" Ruan Daniu said on the other end of the phone.

"Brother, did you kill someone?" Er Niu was shocked.

"That's right! Fiona threw away my Jasper, and lied to me that she took medicine, this woman has failed her studies!" Daniel gritted his teeth.

Well, good and evil are rewarded in the end.

Ruan Daniu Professor Ruan has been awesome for half of his life, but he was tricked by a woman he thought was stupid. This is the bloody truth!

While comforting his elder brother, Ruan Erniu gave a thumbs up to his sister-in-law who had only met in the photo.

It's really a very satisfying way. When you lied to your younger brother, big brother, have you ever thought about today, this time you will be relied on by others, right?

Live it!

In any case, after rescuing the natural disaster, Lao Ruan's family ushered in a new life. Is there anything more gratifying than this?

In fact, there are so many winners and losers in the game between men and women. If you are too serious about deciding who is better, both sides will become losers.

Fiona's plan is brilliant, but Ruan Daniu's smooth compromise is also a kind of superb wisdom.

There is nothing that makes Er Niu happier than winning the Eastern Championship and advancing to the finals, and his relatives and friends returning safely from the disaster area.

During this period of time, Erniu was under a lot of pressure, both physically and mentally. Fortunately, he survived.

The day of G1 of the finals is gradually approaching, and Erniu can finally put all his energy into training. The 81 difficulty has passed the [-] difficulty, and this final difficulty must be overcome no matter what.

Youth is no excuse. None of the teams that made it to the finals was prepared to win the championship.

In the Eagles training facility on June 2008, 6, US time.

The generals of the Eagles are doing daily three-on-three training. Since tomorrow is the G1 game of the finals, the confrontation between everyone in the training is not strong. At this time, they must not be injured.

The most unfavorable point for the Hawks to play against the Lakers is the experience of the finals.

Don't look at the media saying that the Hawks have no experience before the Eastern Conference Finals, but if you look closely at the Hawks' lineup, both Mike Bibby and Van Exel have experience in the conference finals.

Thinking about it carefully, the Hawks' experience in the conference finals is not as bad as others think.

In fact, Mike Bibby stood up at the critical moment to stabilize the morale and morale of the army, and indeed played an irreplaceable role.

But in the finals, this is indeed another level for the Hawks.

Whether it is Bibby or Fan Crazy, it is the first time in their careers that they have reached the finals. The veterans are all big girls on the sedan chair, let alone the juniors like Erniu and Jiongsen.

In contrast, the Lakers' Phil Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and Derek Fisher are all figures with rich experience in the Finals.

It would be an absolute lie to say I was not nervous.

The O'Brien Cup is right in front of you, almost within reach, but it is not such a simple matter to really win 4 games on the stage of the finals.

In the previous playoffs, the interval between the game and the game was only 2 days, but the interval between each game in the finals was 3 days. Don't underestimate the difference in one day's rest time.

This has a decisive impact on the physical distribution and state maintenance of players. Perhaps because of the difference of one day, young players will have fluctuations in their competitive state due to inadaptation.

The importance of experience is here. Without personal experience, you can never get real useful countermeasures and methods by just guessing with your brain.

Er Niu still found Mike Bibby, hoping that he would say something for everyone before the finals.

Mike Bibby shook his head and smiled, "I'm sorry, I haven't played in the finals, so I don't have much experience to share!"

Bibby is a person who speaks with actions, and it is really difficult for him to make up a bowl of chicken soup.

Crazy Fan didn't care about this, he said directly to everyone: "I haven't played in the finals, but you guys should understand the relationship between me and XX's Kobe Bryant and XX's Lakers management. It was to avenge me, and we also had to take the Lakers."

Er Niu and Jiong Jisen looked at each other, and they suddenly felt a little scared. Crazy Fan shouldn't fight in the finals, right?

Thinking of this, the two, no, and Mike Woodson, these three guys are about to break out in cold sweat.

The three of them had to take turns expressing affection and reason to Fan Fengzi.

This is the time when the bigger picture matters!

After the team training that day, Er Niu and Jiong Jisen stayed to practice shooting.

Jiong Jisen, who is not very talkative, took the initiative to say: "Kraft, have you thought about today? To be honest, I still feel a little unreal. This season is really fantastic!"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "When you get the championship trophy, we can discuss this topic again."

Jon Jonson asked, "Do you think I can stop Kobe Bryant?"

Ruan Erniu said again: "Before the Eastern Conference finals, I never heard you say whether you can stop the Big Three. What about Kobe? We even killed the Celtics Big Three, and the Lakers are no problem."

Jon Jonsen also laughed and said, "You really know how to change concepts. Just because you can beat the Celtics doesn't mean you can beat the Lakers. These are two different teams."

However, Ruan Erniu confidently shot a 20-foot mid-range shot. After making the hit, he turned his head and said to Jon Jonson: "Joe, it's the same whether it's the Lakers or the Celtics. Since I was in the regular season Halfway through, from the moment the whole team said they wanted to win the championship, they only had one common name—enemy!"

囧囧sen also immediately threw the basketball in his hand, and it also made a hit!
(End of this chapter)

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