Standing pretty old

Chapter 358 Each has its own advantages

Chapter 358 Each has its own advantages
On June 2008, 6, US time, the entire Philips Arena was full of seats. According to the normal number of seats, it can accommodate up to 5 spectators. audience.

You know, this is not counting the crowd gathered outside the Philips Arena. When the home team player's bus drove into the parking lot, it was screamed and cheered by the local Atlanta fans all the way.

After getting off the car, it was none other than the rookie Ruan Erniu who received the loudest cheers.

In the past, Er Niu always heard the saying "one person, one city". At the beginning, he was more or less skeptical.Can a player really be so popular?
But now it seems that the crazy and enthusiastic fans used their actual actions to tell Er Niu that he is the hero of Atlanta and even the entire Georgia state.

When they came to the field, apart from the fans at the scene, the biggest change they felt was the team logo in the circle of the field.

The pattern of the O'Brien Cup is inlaid on the outside of the Eagles LOGO.

This seems to be reminding every Hawks player - this is the stage of the finals.

From the very first second of the game, they will receive the attention of the news media in more than 100 countries around the world, and they will soon become the idols of fans all over the world.

"Is this the feeling of the finals?" Lunar Eclipse couldn't help sighing.

Er Niu put his arms around his neck, pulled him aside and said, "Don't be distracted, and don't shoot three-pointers randomly. Only by winning the championship can you be eligible to fight for a big contract."

The two teams entered the warm-up time.

Then there was a stage performance, and the performance ended quickly, and it was time for the introduction ceremony of the players of the two teams.

As the Lakers are the visiting team, the DJ simply introduced the starting lineup in a dead voice:
C Pau Gasol

PF Lamar Odom

SF Vladimir Radmanovic
SG Kobe Bryant
PG Derek Fisher

Then, all the lights in the venue were dimmed, leaving only the last projection light aimed at the floor.

On the center screen above the court, as a piece of passionate music sounded, an edited video of the Eagles' playoff journey began to play.

There was Zaza Pachulia and Garnett's bloody conflict, Salim Satadamier's cut to the basket, Childress' gliding dunk, and Jon Jonson's key 3-pointer With fists and roars, the screen paused.

Then came Er Niu's chest-thumping roar, the huge sound shocked the audience.

Mike Bibby's long-distance pass, Marvin Williams' empty-cut dunk, Lunar Eclipse's tomahawk-style dunk, and several classic heads-up scenes interspersed with Er Niu and Jiong Jisen, and finally The picture freezes on Er Niu's dry-land plucking onion-like supplementary score when Er Niu eliminated the Celtics.

The fans applauded and cheered frantically, and the DJ then called out the numbers and names of the home team's substitute players one by one. Every time someone called out, the only spotlight would shine on someone's face.

Some guys are lonely and silent, some guys make victory signs, and after that, it's the turn of the Hawks' starters.

Mike Bibby still chose to play first, then Marvin Williams, then Josh Smith, then Joe Johnson, and finally, amidst the loudest applause and cheers from the fans, Ruan Er While taking small steps, Niu shook his shoulders and high-fived his teammates all the way below.

Er Niu came in front of Jiong Jisen, the two jumped up at the same time, and completed a handsome shoulder bump in the air. This time, Er Niu's strength was well controlled, and Jiong Jisen was not pushed aside.

Today's on-duty referee is the most senior man in the league, Dick Bavita, the second referee is Scott Foster, and the third referee is Eddie F* Rush.

Players from the two teams hugged each other. Kobe and Ruan Erniu didn't talk trash. They patted each other on the back as a greeting.

Er Niu and Gasol stood in the middle circle, the spotlights were flickering wildly, and the next second, the basketball was pushed high into the sky.

Er Niu took the lead, Gasol's reaction was a little slower, and the Eagles won the jump ball.

Bibby controlled the basketball and advanced the frontcourt. In front of him was Derek Fisher. The old fish was never a gentleman. As the chairman of the players association, if he didn't have a bit of intelligence and skill, he couldn't do anything for the players. fighting for interests.

Just after halftime, Bibby felt Lao Yu's harassing little movements. Compared with Lao Yu's speed, Bibby, whose body had just suffered serious injuries, was still one step faster than him.

Without any help, Bibby dribbled the ball directly into the penalty area.

Gasol's defensive position is good, he blocked Bibby's only way, Bibby made a false fax, facing Gasol's defense, chose to complete a throw after having physical contact.


Bibby scored 2 points for the Hawks first.

Fisher dribbled the ball across the half court, Gasol held the ball in a high position, and raised the ball high above his head, Ruan Erniu had to follow up to defend. From this distance, Gasol has the ability to shoot mid-range.

The Lakers stretched the paint, Kobe went low, and Gasol passed the ball.

囧囧sen blocked Kobe from behind him, Kobe turned his back and shot a jumper straight back, making a hit!

In the last round of the Western Conference Finals against the Spurs, Volute almost used such unsolvable shots to solve the battle by chopping melons and vegetables.

If the Hawks want to beat the Lakers, Jon Jonsen must contain Kobe's performance, at least to a certain extent, to form a mutual explosion with Kobe.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low post, and the Eagles players immediately opened up space to create opportunities for him to play singles.

Can Sister-in-law Jia stop Erniu's butt attack?

This is nonsense. Jiasao has always been the one who suffers from players with excellent physical fitness.

Teacher Zhang Lili, who has transferred from Boston to Atlanta, said bluntly: "Pau Gasol can't stop Er Niu, and Er Niu's back is now the best in the league."

"Bang!" If you can't stop it, you have to block it. This is the fate of inside players.

In just a second or two, Gasol, who was blushing, was pushed aside by Er Niu. Ruan Er Niu, who completely controlled the vantage point, calmly made a fake dunk and tricked Gasol into the air After that, with a jerk, he dunked the ball into the basket with one hand.

"Beep!" Bavita's whistle sounded at the same time, the goal was scored, and a penalty was added!
Er Niu turned his wrist and confidently walked to the free throw line. After the last round of fights with Perkins, Garnett, Glenn Davis, PJ Brown and others, facing Jiasao like this For a player of stature, his strength advantage can only be further magnified.

On the offensive end of Erniu, Jiasao may not be able to stop Erniu's brute force even if she fouls.

Jiasao looked at Ruan Erniu on the free throw line, and cursed in Mandarin Chinese for bullfighting: "Mierda!" (Shit!)
The shadow of being completely blown up by Duncan in the last round seems to be the future again. Facing this terrifying center who is far shorter than himself, Gasol also has no advantage at all.

Under Er Niu's oppressive defense, it is also a luxury for Jia Sao to take advantage of his mid-range shooting normally.

As for hitting the basket?
Hehe, this is simply impossible.

Unless the referee completely falls to the Lakers and keeps calling the two bulls for fouls.Only in this way, Gasol is likely to gain a foothold in the Hawks restricted area.


Er Niu hit and added a penalty.

(End of this chapter)

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