Standing pretty old

Chapter 363 I Can't Talk Well

Chapter 363 Can't Talk Well
All Eagles players were cheering, except for one person, Ruan Erniu, who was the only one who stood calmly on the field and watched the final score.

If you just look at this expression, some people may think that the losing side is the Atlanta Hawks.

The Lakers hurried back to the locker room, losing Game [-] of the Finals, and they needed a good summary.

囧囧sen walked to Er Niu's side, and said suspiciously: "Kafu, what's the matter?"

Ruan Erniu said regretfully: "Didn't you find that the 'Raptor Raid' is not easy to use? Counting the G5 of the Eastern Conference finals, we have had two consecutive games to decide the outcome through life and death moments."

囧囧sen patted Er Niu on the shoulder and said: "Come on, Kraft, we won, and that's the most important thing!"

Ruan Erniu smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I agree."

Afterwards, long guns and short guns surrounded him again. The first person to get the interview right was TNT reporter Greg Sager. This guy is also a veteran reporter. Apart from the iconic smiling face, his clothing taste is also quite unique.

Of course, Er Niu also accepted his interview. When he met him for the first time, what Er Niu thought in his heart was: "Russell (Westbrook) should be able to become good friends with him."

A big man can wear such colorful suits and even more colorful ties. This fashion is definitely beyond the control of ordinary people.

If you have to find an adjective, it can only be - colorful!

Anyway, after contacting him a few times, Er Niu expressed on Twitter: "Greg Sager, yes, I'm talking about the reporter, his taste is different, that's all I can say ..."

Well, in fact, Erniu is definitely a moderate and sarcastic faction among the super giant teams in the NBA. Kevin Garnett, who is also a Taurus, sprayed directly in the interview: "I don't know why you came out in such a suit. Like shit."

However, what he talks about most is the conversation with Gregg Popovich, the unscrupulous coach of an unscrupulous team.

Case number one:

Bo: "Tell me, you dress like this and still call yourself a professional?"

Sai: "This is the mash-up after the coin toss last night."

Bo: "You are so blind!"

Case [-]:
Sai: "The defensive end oppressed the opponent, allowing the opponent to score only [-] points in a single quarter, plus seven turnovers, and only hit five goals. How do you explain it?"

Bo: "Because they're all staring at your suit."

Case [-]:
When Saiger passed by the Spurs bench, Popovich looked up and yelled: "I was blinded! I can't see the court!!"

There are still many interesting conversations about these two people. Basically, Seg is on the side of being transferred to X. Well, the tyrant Popovich is not famous.

However, against juniors like Shang Ruan Erniu, Saige can still control it freely.

Saige said: "Talk about your expression, why do you still look unhappy after winning the ball?"

Ruan Erniu pouted and said: "Kobe scored 30 points, 9 assists, and 5 rebounds. We won a thrilling victory. I don't think there is anything to be happy about, unless we win the final victory."

Sager laughed and said, "But you also scored 27 points, 21 rebounds, and 4 assists, blowing out Gasol and Odom."

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said: "I didn't blow Gasol and Odom, this is the result of the Hawks' overall defense. I defended Kobe alone from the beginning to the end, and Joe and other outside defenders paid on the defensive end." A lot of energy.

In fact, if Kobe had played better, we would have been the losers. "

Saiger said: "Kraft, then how many games do you think the Eagles need to win the final championship trophy?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said: "It's not important. The important thing is to win the championship. None of the teams that have played in the finals is going to take the runner-up. We must strengthen our defense and go all out. The game is just now. It's just the beginning."


After finishing the interview, he quickly went back to the locker room to change, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

He has to go to the press conference to be interviewed next, which is the job of professional players.

Of course, if you don't care about the league's free throws, you can choose not to.

The questions at the press conference were similar. Of course, there were also people with malicious intentions who came out to make trouble.

A reporter from the "Los Angeles Times" asked: "Kraft, we all know that you are a basketball superstar trained in California, and you are also a player who rose from UCLA. One day, will you play for the Lakers?"

If it is normal, of course this question does not matter, just perfunctory.

But during the critical period of the finals, this problem is difficult to deal with.

Gossip and gossip are always illogical, as long as they touch it, it's hard to tell clearly. (This is also the reason why Westbrook and DeRozan frequently had scandals with the Lakers in the future. One of them is from UCLA and the other is from USC. They are both superstars who came out of Los Angeles.)
Ruan Erniu thought for a while, but still smiled and said, "Why not the Clippers?

Well, this is just a joke, I will not leave Atlanta, I want to lead the Eagles to win the championship here! "

Er Niu solemnly promised.

Unexpectedly, a media like the "Los Angeles Times" has no integrity, and it is also too much.

The next day’s headline read: “The Son of Los Angeles blew himself up as a Clippers fan. He scored 59 points in the regular season just to attract the attention of the Clippers. Los Angeles is about to usher in a two-horse race!”

Such sinister intentions are self-evident, and it is clear that they are trying to drive a wedge between the Eagles and create a good opportunity for the Lakers to win the championship.

Interestingly, the Hawks' locker room was peaceful and no one took it seriously, but Hawks owners Bruce Levinson and Michael Gillon did have a meal with Er Niu the next day.

After getting an affirmative answer, the bosses relaxed.

It turned out that they received a call from Clippers owner Donald Sterling the next day.

It is said that Sterling was very proud on the phone, and said bluntly: "As long as you can get Kraft Nguyen, you can pick any member of the Clippers, and pick any future draft pick!"

They were all businessmen, who didn't understand the value of Ruan Erniu, so Bruce Levenson immediately rejected Sterling's proposal and vetoed any possibility of a deal.

After finally winning such a cash cow, how could it be possible to give it up at will?
Well, these are all things that happened the day after G1 ended.

After the match that day, Er Niu invited Zhang Lili, Sun Zhenping, and Atlanta-based "Sports Weekly" reporter Wang Meng to have dinner together, and brought Dr. Han with him, which was regarded as his real name. The girlfriend brought it out to let everyone get to know each other.

While chatting, we talked about the national team.

Ruan Erniu asked: "Director Zhang, do you have any news about the latest situation of the national team, I mean, are there any newcomers joining?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Li said, "No, you should know all those people, right? Didn't they play the summer league together last year? Add Yao and you're all set."

But Wang Meng reminded from the side: "Director Zhang, you forgot, there is a person, Comrade Erniu, who should have never met. He sprained his foot in the first game, and then went back to China directly."

Zhang Lili patted his forehead, and immediately said: "Yes, yes, yes, and him..."

(End of this chapter)

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