Chapter 364

The meal was a joy for both the host and the guests. Ruan Erniu wished the three media professionals a smooth career, and Zhang, Sun, and Wang also wished Erniu that they could win the championship and win glory for themselves, as well as for the country and the nation.

After the meal, Er Niu took Dr. Han back home. This was the first time Er Niu took Han Meimei to meet friends as his girlfriend. There may be many such occasions in the future, but this is a good start.

Han Meimei said: "Anyway, the finals are going to Los Angeles, how about I take you to meet my parents?"

Er Niu suddenly lost his composure. As the saying goes, an ugly daughter-in-law is afraid of seeing her parents-in-law, but in fact, the same is true for an ugly son-in-law.

More importantly, this is in the United States. God knows when Ruan Erniu went to Dr. Han's house, was it Old Han's shotgun that greeted him? (A part of American family culture is full of fancy content. The father-in-law with a shotgun greets his son-in-law or boyfriend. It is an important ceremony. Please make up your own mind for the specific meaning.)
Ruan Erniu might not have been so nervous even in the game, he thought for a while, and suddenly came up with such a statement: "Forget it, it's not that I don't want to go, don't forget, you don't have annual leave anymore, right?"

After Er Niu said this, he took a guilty look at Han Meimei.

Although Dr. Han is an independent woman, as long as you speak reasonably, she can still be kind.

Dr. Han patted his forehead and said, "It's true, forget it, wait until I have a vacation... Hey, cow, why are you sweating?"

Er Niu wiped his forehead, and there were actually a few drops of fine sweat. Dr. Han's eyes were really good. He said with an embarrassed smile, "Have you sweated? Probably because of the hot weather?"

"Is it hot? Why don't I feel it?" Dr. Han looked at the closed windows, got up and opened the windows to breathe.


There's not much to say about the Hawks, they're winners, so no need to change.

What needs to be changed is the Lakers. They have already lost G1, so in G2 they will definitely try to redouble their efforts to fight for the next game.Otherwise, it would not be a pleasant thing to return to Los Angeles with a score of 2:0.

In Atlanta, in a training hall rented by the Lakers, other players had finished training for the day and returned to the hotel to rest, while Kobe and Gasol stayed behind, and they were engaged in a one-on-one bullfight .

That's right, these two guys are really playing heads-up.

Although the two are not in the same position, they can also fight back and forth. Generally speaking, there are not only confrontations of strength, but also important factors that promote emotional exchanges.

As a paranoid Kobe, the best way to communicate that he can think of is perhaps a one-on-one match.

If you let him sit down and chat with you about life, his arrogant attitude will be unacceptable.

Crazy Fan often complained in the media: "Kobe is just a child spoiled by Jerry West and others!"

In fact, Kobe's early career was indeed a little smooth. He won the Triple Crown with O'Neal and together established the Zijin Dynasty in the new era.

In this process, he is more just being himself, and O'Neal is the leader of the Lakers.

During the years of leading the team alone, Kobe gradually understood how a leader should lead the team.To be honest, the relationship between him and O'Neill is still not good, but it has eased a lot compared to the past.

Time is the best healing elixir, even if you wanted to kill each other back then, after a long time, each other will be relieved.

Even rivals like Michael Jordan and Isiah Thomas, after so many years, they don't attack each other in the media anymore.

The players in the 80s and 90s are still like this, and the recovery of the relationship between Kobe and O'Neal is only a matter of time.

In the past, Kobe may not have matured enough, but in the 07-08 season, Kobe Bryant is already a qualified leader.

After he hit a fadeaway jumper against Gasol, he said to Gasol: "Paul, what are you thinking?"

"What?" Gasol asked in confusion.

Kobe said: "I ask you what are you afraid of? You only took 1 shots in G11, don't you think it's too little? Or is it that the rookie in China has already defeated you?"

Although Gasol's style of play is biased towards technology, it does not mean that he has no temper.

"Of course not, I just didn't find an opportunity to make a phone call." Gasol argued.

"Excuse! Paul, the championship cannot be won by one person, you must stand up!" Kobe said bluntly.

Gasol didn't speak, and completed a dunk under the basket with a basketball.

He turned around and said to Kobe: "I will prove it to you! My goal of coming to the Lakers is the same as yours."

Kobe nodded and said: "We will win more than one championship together, Paul, I hope you will go with me."


Time soon came to the day of the G2 game.

The Philips Arena was once again surrounded by crazy cheering Atlanta fans. Because of G1, the Hawks defeated the Lakers at the last moment, so the local Atlanta fans became more enthusiastic.

No one likes to lose, and who wouldn't love a home team that often wins?

The two teams stepped into the Philips Arena again, this time without even the basic temptation.

From the first moment of the game, the two teams entered into a confrontational mode.

Gasol and Erniu jumped the ball in the middle circle. This time, Gasol, who was taller than Erniu in height and wingspan, fought hard to win the jump ball.

Kobe caught the falling basketball and sent it to Gasol's hands immediately.

Facing Ruan Erniu's defense at a high position, Gasol suddenly pulled up. No, he didn't jump high. He just took advantage of his height and wingspan to quickly throw the basketball in his hand.

Insufficient take-off, but it does not mean that there is no hit rate, the basketball plunged into the basket.

Jiasao opened the scoring for the Lakers.

Er Niu ran to the frontcourt and said to Gasol: "Good job, it's my turn!"

Er Niu held the ball in a low position, turned around directly along the baseline, and passed Gasol. Gasol's pursuit speed was fast enough, but Ruan Er Niu's speed was faster, after a backhand dunk.

Ruan Erniu equalized the score for the Hawks.

On the offensive end of the Lakers, Gasol held the ball in a high position, in the same position, in the same way, he chose to pull up again, Er Niu rushed forward this time, but he was still a step slower, and hit again!

On the other hand, Ruan Erniu also made a shot from the horn position, but missed!

After Odom grabbed the rebound from the backcourt, he passed it to Fisher to organize, and Fisher slowly advanced to the frontcourt to play positions.

After some conduction, Gasol received the basketball in the low post. After the opening, he had to hit Gasol three times in a row. The purpose of the Lakers is very clear, which is to rely on Gasol to contain Ruan Erniu's defensive attention.

Absolutely cannot let the Chinese rookie be able to do whatever he wants on both ends of the offense and defense.

Human energy is limited. Once Er Niu consumes too much energy on the defensive end, his offensive efficiency will inevitably decline.

Gasol did not rashly use force to squeeze hard, he now also understands the gap in strength between each other, a beautiful bottom line cut in, this is also Gasol's forte, and after a tentative step forward, Gasol Sol took back the basketball and directly chose a sideways hook.

Ruan Erniu did not keep up with Gasol's beautiful inside footsteps this time, and watched the basketball spin into the basket with acceleration.

 Thanks to Xiaojizi for the reward, I am very grateful, and also thank you for the reward from the book friend 170113103342691.

  The third episode will be later, so go to sleep if you can’t wait, it will be the same tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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