Standing pretty old

Chapter 365 1 Hit Kill

Chapter 365 One Hit Kill
Gasol attacked so resolutely, somewhat beyond the Hawks' expectations.

However, Ruan Erniu was not stage fright at all. Facing Gasol who was in good form, Ruan Erniu chose to attack without hesitation.

If you only compare competitiveness, Ruan Erniu is not worse than Kobe at all.

From being underappreciated to becoming a superstar, Ruan Erniu also relied on a strong heart to get to where he is today.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in a high position, accelerated, and broke through Gasol head-on. Then, facing Odom, who was coming to make up the defense, he succeeded in a mid-air misplaced dunk, and played an imposing answerball.

After landing, Er Niu made another muscle-bright posture, and the fans on the scene rang out the MVP sound again.

Now Ruan Erniu's status in Philips Arena is like Kobe is to Staples and Wade is to American Airlines Arena.

Even if he shouted: "This-is-my-house!", I believe no one would refute him.

Judging from the Hawks owners Bruce Levenson and Michael Geelong's attitude of rejecting all trades about the Chinese people for the first time, no one can shake Ruan Erniu's position in the Eagles for the time being.

"Beautiful counterattack, this is what we often say is the difference between the second bull and the general center forward. He is an insider with the ability to control the ball." Teacher Zhang Lili commented.

In the latter part of the first quarter, the two sides entered the usual see-saw state. In the unnamed round of the competition, everyone was desperately defending, and the shooting rate naturally dropped steadily.

At the end of the first quarter, the score of the two teams came to 22:20, and the away Lakers led by 2 points in a single quarter.

Ruan Erniu and Gasol each scored 8 points in a single quarter, and they were the highest scoring players of the two teams.

Kobe's state in the first quarter was still mediocre, only scoring 3 points, 2 rebounds, and 1 assist.

The second quarter will start soon.

Axi* Lao held the ball for more than half, and Jiongsen asked for the ball from the outside.

After receiving the pass, Jon Jonsen faced Vujacic's defense. After shaking a shoulder, he made a sudden shot and hit a 3-pointer.

Jon Jonson's performance had just begun, and it was him again. After a CROSSOVER stunned Vujacic, he went inside and caused Trevor Ariza's foul, and then made two free throws to overtake the score.

囧囧sen scored one after another, widening the score gap.

Vujacic, with his teeth and claws, really has no advantage at all in front of the cold Jiongsen.

囧囧sen took a tentative step to reach the three-point line, dribbled the ball in front of him continuously, and immediately turned around to pull the ball after the breakthrough, directly shaking Vujacic to the ground, and then steadily hit a 2-pointer.

Fortunately, Jon Jonson didn't cross Vujacic like Iverson crossed Tyronn Lue. Otherwise, with Vujacic's temper, a fight might happen immediately.

Phil Jackson called a timeout. There was a problem with the Lakers' defense, but he didn't have the fastest time to replace the main players.

Jon Jonson's scoring momentum was slightly curbed, but after the main players of the two teams returned to the game, the Eagles still maintained their advantage on the scene.

Kobe gradually entered the state in this quarter, but he hadn't turned on the firepower mode to the maximum. The interaction between Gasol and Er Niu became the main theme in the second half of the second quarter.

Jiasao has gradually adapted to Er Niu's oppressive defense. He has become more confident in his low and high shots, and his shooting percentage has improved significantly.

Of course, on the defensive end, he also has no choice but to take the second bull.

Ruan Erniu, who has a kaleidoscope behind him, can use all kinds of incredible defenses to send the ball to the basket.

This kid from the Celestial Dynasty is not just possessed of brute force, his skill utilization is also excellent, and he is also completely top-notch among the active inside players.

Super giants did not rely entirely on their bodies to dominate the world. Why is O'Neal a super giant but not Howard?

Because O'Neal has a historic inside pace, and Howard only has an unreliable hook ability.

At the end of the second quarter, at 20:34, the Hawks took a 14-point lead in this quarter. Jon Jonsen scored 10 points, 3 assists, and 1 rebound in a single quarter. Er Niu also contributed 6 points and 4 rebounds. 1 assist.

Gasol and Kobe scored 7 points and 6 points respectively in this quarter, but other Lakers players failed to stand up and share the pressure for them.

At 42:54, the first half ended, the Eagles led by 12 points at halftime, and the situation was very good.

The halftime break was very short, and the audience at the scene completed a DANCE-CAM full of entertainment under the guidance of DJ.

The rules are similar to KISS-CAM, that is, where the camera goes, the audience there must improvise a dance.

In the end, a woman who was at least over fifty years old was able to steal the spotlight. She performed a convulsive cramping dance like no one else. Her husband was still smiling at the beginning, facing the camera, but he couldn't stand it anymore. He had no choice but to cover his face and retreat to the side in defeat.

Others ask for money to dance, but his wife dances to death!
The tidbits of the midfield passed quickly, and the second half of the game officially began.

As soon as this section came up, Kobe opened up his firepower and entered the attack mode.

Jon Jonson's defense can't help but do his best, but in the face of picturesque shots with a very high hit rate, Jon Jonson can't stop him.

Since it can't be stopped, let's attack. Jiongsen's performance in this quarter is not bad. Facing Kobe's marking, he also showed the strength of a top swingman.

After the confrontation between the two, it was the turn of Er Niu and Gasol to confront.

In this quarter of the game, the stronger Erniu finally took the top spot, especially after changing to a small ball lineup, Ruan Erniu, who rushed up, became Gasol's nightmare on the defensive end of the Lakers.

This nightmare has not only happened to Erniu, but also when facing Howard and Stoudemire.

To deal with the violent inside line, Gasol is indeed a bit powerless.

At 26:29, although Kobe tried his best in this quarter, the Lakers ended the third quarter with a single quarter behind by 3 points.

Kobe scored 12 points in a single quarter, while for the Hawks, Jon Jonsen and Er Niu scored 10 and 7 points respectively.

At 68:83, before the start of the final quarter, the score gap between the two teams had reached 15 points. Almost no one believed that the Lakers could still pull it back.

Even the Hawks thought so, but in the fourth quarter, the Hawks were in big trouble.

First of all, Radmanovic, who had been silent for most of the half, suddenly showed his strength and hit several consecutive goals to bring the score closer.

Then Kobe ushered in another explosion, continuing and improving his performance in the third quarter.

Odom was no longer distracted at the moment of life and death. He scored 7 points, 3 rebounds and 1 assist in a single quarter under the hard defense of Marvin Williams and Eclipse.

However, the Eagles suddenly fell into a vicious cycle of repeated missed shots. Neither Jon Jonsen, Ruan Erniu, nor Bibby could throw the ball into the basket. Almost crushed in minutes.

Woodson called two timeouts in a row before stopping the decline slightly.

But the momentum of the Lakers has risen.

With the last 1 minute of the game, the Hawks still led the Lakers by one point 107:108 and had possession of the ball.

Ruan Erniu took the ball in the low post, and under the double-teaming of Gasol and Odom, he forced a shot and missed!

The Lakers had the ball, Kobe Bryant played a high-post single, and made a breakthrough with an emergency stop, followed by a step-back jumper. Kobe completed the final kill at Philips Arena.

At 109:108, the Lakers defeated the Eagles by one point, won G2, and evened the big score.

(End of this chapter)

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