Standing pretty old

Chapter 366 Communication and Selfishness

Chapter 366 Communication and Selfishness

The Eagles player N was stunned. They obviously haven't recovered from the state of being killed.

Leading the game by three quarters, leading by more than 20 points at the highest point, was killed in the last quarter. This is really a very disappointing ending.

And Kobe made a fist with one hand, and ran to the player tunnel first, and the other Lakers players also ran over in the same fashion.

Victory is such a joyful thing. As the winner, the Lakers have the right to cheer.

Bibby also tried to communicate with the referee. He believed that the Hawks should have 0.4-0.8 seconds to counterattack. However, after watching the replay twice, Bavita made a firm judgment and the Lakers won.

The last two Lakers players who stayed at the player's gate got the final news, and they immediately ran back to the locker room without looking back. Without any doubt, the Lakers won G2.

Ruan Erniu was interviewed in the locker room.

He adjusted his mentality and emotions at this moment, and said with regret: "The Lakers deserved this victory, but we didn't seize the opportunity, which must be admitted.

We once led by a big score, but capsized in the last quarter, we slackened, this is a problem that we need to solve urgently.

Next, we will play three consecutive away games, which is not an easy task for us, we must do better and better. "

At the press conference, Woodson put all the blame on himself. He said: "We screwed up a good situation, and the main responsibility is on me. I failed to adjust the state of the players in time.

They played well, but this game, it was Kobe Bryant, who was simply unstoppable. "

Bryant and Gasol attended the postgame press conference together.

The Black Mamba said happily: "I like the feeling of the decisive battle. The thrill of killing the game is indescribable."

Jia Sao said: "We played better than the last game and grasped the key ball. Kobe is the strongest player on the planet. I am very proud to be able to cooperate with him."

The Black Mamba said at the right time: "It's my honor too!"

Given that these two guys are full of love, the press conference ended in harmony.

The G3 match is scheduled for June 2008, 6, US time, and the two teams will move to Los Angeles for the match.

The Eagles decided to fly to Los Angeles that night, so Dr. Han had already packed the luggage for Er Niu, and the Eagles will fall asleep on the plane.

However, Er Niu, who lost the game, couldn't sleep a little, and Kobe's final shot was played repeatedly in his mind.

Coupled with the snoring of his teammates, he fortunately stood up and went to the cabin to wash his face.

He decided to use the computer and watch the fourth quarter again, wondering why the Hawks lost the game.

At some point, 囧囧sen stood beside Er Niu, and he said, "Haven't slept yet?"

Ruan Erniu asked with a smile, "What about you? Isn't it the same?"

Jon Jonson said: "We lost our defense in the fourth quarter, and I didn't handle Kobe."

Er Niu shook his head and said: "No one can completely handle Kobe. The key is the sudden explosion of Odom and Radmanovic, which makes our defense focus on one thing and lose another."

The two were discussing in low voices, and Bibby in the front row also woke up.

He walked up to the two of them and said, "I am also responsible for the loss in G2. You know, I missed several key shots. But if I make one of them, the result of the game will change."

Ruan Erniu said: "So, we shouldn't lose confidence. We just lost this game carelessly. We must firmly believe that we are stronger than the Lakers."

Jon Jonson said: "We must persevere. Don't forget that the next G2, G3, and G4 games will be played for two days. This is a test for us."

Ruan Erniu said: "We are younger than the Lakers, but the Lakers are also younger than the Celtics, so our advantage in physical strength is not that great.

I've been thinking about why 'Birds of Prey' didn't work for the Lakers?
On the one hand, it must be because of this lineup, which has been practiced more in the game, and other teams will definitely target and adapt to it. On the other hand, the two insiders of the Lakers seem to be tall, but they can run faster than the Celtics. many. "

Er Niu is right. Although the Celtics' Big Three are at their peak, they are in their 30s after all. Their skills and experience are at their peak, which doesn't mean their physical fitness can keep up.

So at the critical moment of the game, it is often Rondo, who is usually unreliable in shooting, who stands up to save the team.Because after he played a quick transition for most of the halftime, he still has plenty of energy to make moves.

The Lakers are different. Both Odom and Gasol are capable insiders. The young Luke Walton and Ariza can sometimes reach the 4th position. From this point of view, they are comparable to the Celtics. People's group of meat shield centers are much more reliable.

This is the problem of lineup compatibility. Obviously, from the perspective of accounting strength, the Celtics are stronger than the Lakers, but in actual games, for the Hawks, they are more willing to fight against the Celtics. Can't run by myself.

The discussion between the three became more and more in-depth, and when it came to their joy, they couldn't help making gestures.

The loss did not make the core of the team lose confidence. They are actively looking for their own shortcomings. This is the attitude of a strong team.

Seeing that they were talking more and more vigorously, Woodson deliberately coughed on his seat and said, "Everyone who should sleep should go to sleep!"

The three core members of the Eagles had no choice but to cover themselves with blankets, adjust their seats, and fell asleep.

On June 2008, 6, the Eagles were doing adaptive training as usual in their rented hotel. By the way, they had to overcome the jet lag. Atlanta was three hours ahead of Los Angeles. (There are five time zones in the United States, and each time zone has a difference of 9 hour)

After the training, everyone obediently went back to the hotel to rest.

This is the finals, if he went to the Fengyue venue and was photographed, he might cause some trouble.

Although the players of the Eagles have many characters with rich nightlife, they still have to exercise restraint at this time.

Although Ruan Erniu was the leader, he didn't stand still and say more, because he was always a good boy on this point, but the tried and tested Jon Jonsen, as the second leader, imposed a curfew on the whole team, never Allowed to go to some places in LA to have fun.

This is Hollywood, full of flesh and blood and bitches who want to be famous and crazy.

After the dinner, Ruan Erniu and Asi *Lao rested in the room. Asi*Lao was bored looking at a magazine about dinosaur science, while Ruan Erniu put on headphones and listened to the latest IT reports. Exercise your biceps while holding dumbbells.

A phone call came, and it turned out to be Er Niu's high school coach - Luke Holland.

"Hello, Luke, I didn't expect you to call me at this time."

"Excuse me, Kraft, I want to know, how did you deal with the game in G3?" Holland asked straightforwardly.

"You don't work for the Lakers, do you? This is our team's secret." Ruan Erniu replied with a smile.

"Hey, good, then I just have one suggestion, Kraft, you have to play more selfishly."

After finishing speaking, before Ruan Erniu could reply, Luke Holland hung up the phone.

Although not a professional coach in the NBA, Luke Holland pointed out a truth for Ruan Erniu:
The playoffs are the stage for superstars!
(End of this chapter)

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