Standing pretty old

Chapter 367 Rights and Proofs

Chapter 367 Rights and Proofs

In the finals G1 and G2, Ruan Erniu scored 27 points and 26 points in a single game respectively. This data is obviously lower than his data in the entire playoffs.

In the playoffs of the 07-08 season, Ruan Erniu averaged 31.1 points, 20.9 rebounds, and 6.1 assists per game, which were higher than his averages of 29.1 points, 20.3 rebounds, and 5.6 assists per game in the regular season.

Having obtained better data in more intense confrontation, Ruan Erniu's superstar quality can no longer be questioned.

But in the finals, Ruan Erniu's averages in the first two games fell to 26.5 points, 18 rebounds, and 4.5 assists.This is not good news for the Eagles.

Of course, this data is still at the historical level, so no one can say that Ruan Erniu has dragged down the Eagles, but as a leader, it is meaningless to shirk responsibility at this time.

Er Niu thought about Luke Holland's words carefully, and quickly made up his mind.

The key to G3 is self-evident. Whoever wins G3 first means that one side will gain a huge psychological advantage.

If the Lakers win, it means that they have a good chance to resolve the battle at their home court; if the Hawks win, they will take the lead among the Lakers' three home games. very important.

"Kraft, are you going to increase your shots in Game 3?"

Ruan Erniu hadn't said anything to 囧囧sen, but 囧囧sen had already got the answer from the recovery training that day.

Er Niu's murderous aura in training has already explained everything.

Before Er Niu could speak, Jiong Jisen immediately stated: "I support your idea, try to blow up the inside of the Lakers, I will make compromises on the offensive end, and focus on the defensive end. Let Kobe score."

Ruan Erniu didn't expect that Jiongjisen would offer to reduce his shot rights, which surprised Erniu.

"Why? Joe, there is no need for you to sacrifice. You are also an indispensable scorer in our team." Er Niu said.

"If you have to choose, I am the most suitable candidate, because defending Bryant is the most important thing, which is related to whether we can win the championship!" Jon Jonsen said very sincerely.

The Bulls back then, Pippen beside Jordan made a lot of sacrifices. Without him sacrificing his offensive firepower and taking on more tasks on the defensive end, His Majesty's six championships would never have started.

Scott Pippen at his peak also had the ability to be the boss of any team, which was clearly reflected in the years when Jordan left.

In the two seasons of 93-94 and 94-95, Pippen led the team to the second round of the playoffs.

Jiongsen's words clearly stated that he is willing to be Pippen next to Er Niu and win the championship for the Hawks together.

Jiong Jisen is a pragmatic person. At present, his ability to lead the Hawks to the playoffs is questionable, let alone lead the team to win the championship.

Jiong Jisen, who was originally the fourth leader of the Suns, was almost forcibly established as the "Eagle King" by the Eagles.

On the surface, although he himself enjoys the position of the boss, he is not very sure about becoming a qualified leader.

From the moment Ruan Erniu who turned out to be born came to Eagle, he actually knew that he would gradually hand over the highest scepter of power.

And his own desire for power is not like that of Jordan and Kobe, so the Hawks were able to right the Chinese in their rookie season.

Such a smooth transfer of rights is hard to imagine in other teams.

From this point of view alone, the sudden rise of the Eagles this season is certainly due to the addition of Ruan Erniu, a historical player, but Jon Jonsen's abdication is also an indispensable and important part.

Being able to suppress one's own ambitions, having a clear and clear understanding of oneself, knowing how to compromise and give in, these elements can all be called deficiencies in the leader, but in the second head of the team, it is indeed the best advantage.

It is undeniable that this is Ruan Erniu's greatest luck.

Er Niu didn't say a word in the end. He and Jiong Jisen seemed to have exchanged souls. The person who was more talkative should be Ruan Er Niu.

He told Jon Jonson with a tight hug: "Joe, you will always be my big brother!"

Mike Bibby smiled and watched the two big men embrace affectionately, but he felt too much emotion in his heart.

The Kings team back then was not so united, but after being defeated by the Lakers, the team's lineup was aging, and the management decided to trade and rebuild, it finally became lonely.

Brotherhood is indeed invaluable, but in this league, if you want to get the most say, you still have to rely on the championship to speak.

You know, even the role players of the championship team can greatly improve their worth.

In fact, this is also a principle that complements each other. After winning the championship, the players' self-confidence will have a qualitative leap, because they are members of the championship.

Invisible coercion is the most deadly.

I have a championship ring, what do you have?
Bibby still has two major regrets in his career: [-]. Not being an All-Star; [-]. Not winning a championship.

The first regret does not know that it will be realized in the future, but the second regret is very likely to be made up this season.

What he has to do now is to hug Ruan Erniu and Jiong Jisen's thighs tightly, and at the same time escort the sailing boat.


Before the game, the local media in Los Angeles unanimously predicted that the Lakers would easily win Game 3. Anyway, in their eyes, except for Kraft Nguyen who made his debut in Los Angeles, everyone else on the Eagles is like a countryman.

A strong aristocratic atmosphere of the city rushed over.

The fact is, how could Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, be a country city.

On the contrary, Er Niu, the favorite super rookie of the people of Los Angeles, climbed step by step from the countryside of the Celestial Dynasty to where he is today.

Ruan Erniu was interviewed by a local Chinese newspaper "World Journal". This media had a good cooperation experience when he was still at UCLA.

Ruan Erniu said: "The loss of G2 is not the end of the world, but I think some local media in Los Angeles are too optimistic.

That's right, the Lakers now seem to have home court advantage in the five finals that may appear in the future, but so what, the game is played out by the players one by one. If only by comparison, the Hawks may have long been blocked by experts Outside the playoffs.In fact, we had a better regular season record than the Lakers this season. "

The reporter of "World Journal" asked again: "Kraft, the outside world is discussing who is the real MVP this season? What do you think?"

Ruan Erniu spread his hands and said: "The MVP of the regular season is already in Kobe's hands. This is a fact that I cannot change, but I am sure that I can win the FMVP trophy, and the Hawks will definitely win the O'Brien Cup."

Erniu doesn't engage in the humility that is unique to Asians at this time.

At this time, you must be high-profile, blow it out first, and push yourself to a situation where there is no way out, so that you can break the boat and get the Lakers.

In the interview that morning, a reporter conveyed what Ruan Erniu said to Kobe Bryant in the afternoon.

Kobe smiled and said: "Who hasn't been young? I thought so too. But, Kraft, victory is not blown out with your mouth, prove it to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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