Chapter 368
A feast needs a prelude, and the dialogue between Ruan Erniu and Kobe is the most exciting prelude.

The dialogue between the two super giants was short and to the point, but there was a shocking feeling of hearing thunder in a silent place.

Although the Eagles are not the powerful team that everyone expected, judging from the latest ratings, even if the Celtics really make it to the finals, they may not be able to compare with the Atlanta Hawks.

The ratings of 10.1 are second only to the 04 finals between the Lakers F4 and the Pistons, which is the highest value in 4 years.

You know, the ratings of the finals between the Spurs and Cavaliers last year were only 6.2, and this ratings are the lowest ratings in more than a decade.

What?And the Spurs and Pistons?
Wrong, this is impression flow again.

Facts have proved that the ratings of the Spurs and Pistons in the Finals both reached 8.2, the so-called record low in the past years, which is not worth mentioning in the face of the script where the little emperor was completely abused by Deng Daidai.

Why can the league agree with the Celtics to form BIG3, and the Lakers can rob Gasol?
There is no way, David Stern is in a hurry, and the ratings are not going up. How can the league's business plan be promoted?

The NBA is a commercial league, and no ratings mean no bargaining rights with TV stations, no more advertisers willing to buy space, and more concisely, no money!

The 07-08 season is a season worthy of special mention in the history of the league. This season has played the role of inheritance and turning point.

And the root of all this is not the player's desire for a championship. The inner motivation is only one word-money.

The management of the league is liking Kraft Ruan more and more. The Celestial Man is by no means a super giant who can't be made, and his commercial value is underestimated.

Facts have proved that a Chinese man led the team to compete for the championship, not only did not hurt the feelings of the American people, but also rekindled their desire to watch the game.

The data will not lie, why is Jordan the god of basketball?

Most importantly, he brought the NBA to the world.So what are the ratings of the Bulls' six championship finals?

In addition, the Bulls' sixth championship is also the finals with the highest ratings in league history.

Of course, times have changed. Games that used to be watched on TV can now be watched online.

But fans can still learn a thing or two from these ratings about the crazy worship of Michael Jordan.

In the league office in Los Angeles, Stern is discussing with Adam Silver and Tan Huimin the continued promotion and momentum of the finals.

After eliminating the Celtics, the Hawks, as the biggest dark horse of the season, made it all the way to the Finals.

Moreover, he fought with the Lakers in the first two games of the finals, and the winner was almost always decided at the last moment. This undoubtedly has a huge boost to the increase in ratings.

David Stern looked at the latest report and said with a smile: "Tell me what you think."

Adam Silver said: "Sir, the ratings have returned to over 10 points, which is something to celebrate! Now, who is the real MVP to watch, may be more attractive than the yellow-green battle.

I think we can do a vote for the MVP in your mind on the official website. "

Stern pushed his glasses and thought: "It's interesting, you mean let the audience judge?
But what if, the answer they give doesn't match our final answer? "

Tan Huimin added from the side: "No, the choice of the audience is our choice. After all, only the strong are qualified to occupy the commanding heights, and our answer is also the same.

Popularity is also subject to change.

In the year of Kobe's accident, his popularity fell to the bottom, but with the two-time scoring champion, 81 points, and MVP, he became the league's No. 1 again.

As for Kraft Nguyen, there is no need to say much about his statistics.This historic monster is destined to become one of the rulers of the alliance. "

Stern nodded and said, "Do as you say. In addition, the referees don't need to pay special attention. The audience wants to see a smooth game. The Eagles themselves may be the biggest suspense."


On the evening of June 2008, 6, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Atlanta Hawks VS Los Angeles Lakers, Finals G10.

According to normal conditions, the arena can accommodate about 19000 fans. At present, it is very likely that there will be more than this number.A full house is the bare minimum.

But the number of people at the Staples Center is different from the number of people at Philips Arena, because the Lakers' home court has too many big names.

In terms of popularity in the front row, they are not at the same level at all.

Leonardo DiCaprio and his good friend "Spiderman" Tobey Maguire who have accompanied the Oscars so far; Charlize Theron, an infinitely charming South African diamond; 6 Grammy-nominated black female singer Rihanna; and the eternal Humi, the famous Hollywood actor-Jack Nicholson.

Still wearing his iconic sunglasses, he was discussing something with his friends.

It is said that his schedule happened to be staggered with the Lakers game, and it is not known whether it is true or not.

Wait, who is this?Did he go to the wrong set?This is the City of Angels, this is the Staples Center; not the Big Apple, not Madison Gardens.

When the camera was shown to the great director-Spike Lee, many people were amazed, did the die-hard Knicks fans also rebel?
You know, he, like Nicholson, is a diehard fan.

By the way, he also co-produced the famous "Single Out" with Denzel Washington and Ray Allen.

Jack Nicholson apparently spotted Spike Lee not far away, wearing the iconic hat.

Nicholson walked up to Spike Lee with a big laugh, and said, "Hey, old man, have you finally decided to stay away from the damn Big Apple and go to the City of Angels completely? You are welcome to join the ranks of Humi .”

Spike Lee sneered and said: "Jack, shut your stinking mouth, stay there quietly, and watch your game. I just came to cheer for my hometown team."

After speaking, Spike Lee took out a Hawks jersey from the bag he was carrying, and the number on it was 88.It's still Er Niu's jersey.

Leaving aside the grievances and grievances of these two die-hard fans, the players of the two teams have officially entered the field to warm up.

Van Exel opened his arms exaggeratedly, as if he was embracing something.

Ruan Erniu asked curiously, "Nick, what are you thinking?"

Crazy Fan said seriously, "I'm reminiscing about the place where my dream started."

"If I remember correctly, during the regular season, we came here twice, one was the home court of the Lakers, and the other was the home court of the Clippers."

Madman Fan said: "It's different, the stage I'm on is the finals."

Er Niu glanced at his mouth, ignored the hysterical lunatic, and started his own warm-up.

Just after throwing two balls, a voice suddenly came from the audience in the front row: "Two bulls!"

It turned out to be Ruan Daniu, and he brought his fiancee - Fiona Gallagher with him.

Due to the noisy scene and Er Niu's warm-up, Dr. Ruan just made a gesture to call after the game, and ended the exchange.

The war is about to break out, who can make another victory and take the lead?

 Thanks to the book friend 160711214858669, and there is a pig at home for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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