Standing pretty old

Chapter 370 The barbarian firepower is fully fired, and Jisen locks up the Mamba

Chapter 370 The barbarian firepower is fully fired, and Jisen locks up the Mamba

In the next game, Kobe entered the mode of single-handedly defeating the Hawks.

Black Mamba entered the crazy scoring mode in the first quarter, hitting 3 points in a row.

As for the Eagles, Ruan Erniu is of course the undisputed first choice of attack, but the others are also more blooming, providing enough fire support for Erniu.

On the sidelines of the ESPN commentary stage, Mark *I am the biggest victim of the back for 5 seconds *Jackson, Jeff *Van Gundy, Mike *Brin is talking and laughing.

The topic they discussed was: Can Kobe handle the Hawks alone?
Mark Jackson said: "Kobe's performance in the first quarter was too good. Before the end of the first quarter, he made 5 of 4 three-pointers, 2 of 1 free throws, and a layup. Scored 15 points. That's the highest scorer of any two teams."

"But what we're talking about now is, can he handle the Hawks by himself?" Van Gundy said.

Although Kobe played a superb level in the first quarter, I still don't think he can solve all the problems alone. "

Mike Breen continued, "For example?"

Van Gundy pointed to Ruan Erniu, who was on the fast break, and said: "Kafu Ruan, the Celtics didn't handle the Celtics, so he led the Eagles to the Finals. Now it's the Lakers' turn, and they also won. There is nothing this rookie can do."

ESPN, including his master, which is the first broadcaster of the NBA Finals - ABC TV, has never had a good impression of the Chinese people, and from time to time they even come up with some insulting things to disgust people.

But Ruan Erniu's performance conquered a group of commentators headed by Van Gundy. When they were commenting, they still gave Erniu the greatest praise because he was so outstanding.

The first quarter came to an end quickly, and Kobe Bryant, who scored 15 points in a single quarter, was undoubtedly the most dazzling star on the field.

But take a closer look at the point difference between the two teams, 30:32, facing Kobe who is fully fired, the Eagles are only 2 points behind in a single quarter.

Ruan Erniu scored 10 points, 10 rebounds, 0 assists in the first quarter, and scored a double-double in a single quarter. As he discussed with his teammates before the game, he played more selfishly.

After easily cracking the Lakers' zone defense, Ruan Erniu's offensive firepower has not diminished at all.

Er Niu after the end of the field was about to laugh and tease Jon Jonson because he had done his job well, but Jon Jonson's defense against Kobe was not considered a success.

In the next second, Er Niu, who is knowledgeable and interesting, didn't bother his big brother anymore.

This is the look Er Niu has never seen in the regular season, or even in the playoffs. Jiong Jisen stared at Kobe's figure, and I don't know if the camera caught this shot. If it did, then This death stare will definitely become the headline of the next day.

The Lakers won, and that was the death stare of despair.

The Eagles won, and that was the death stare of the counterattack.

How the future will look depends on the specific performance of the two teams in the game.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Woodson did not let Jon Jonsen lead the team to play. Jon Jonsen, who defended Kobe for the whole quarter, also needed a rest time. Bibby, who had a rest early in the first quarter, led the Eagles to play as a substitute. For the Lakers, it was Odom who brought the Lakers off the bench.

Odom's performance in the finals, he really didn't have many black spots, and when the time for distraction was greatly reduced, he really had the taste of a left-handed magician.

On the opposite side, the North Carolina junior-Marvin Williams played very unsatisfactorily, and was beaten by Odom in G1 and G2.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Odom used his footsteps to face Marvin Williams and hit shots.Odom, who scored consecutively, widened the gap for the Lakers.

But Woodson's performance today did look like a general. He didn't send either Jon Jonson or Ruan Erniu to play, but let Bibby lead the team forward.

Mike Bibby also lived up to Woodson's expectations. He made consecutive hits in the later period and brought the Hawks closer again.

When the players of the two teams returned to the court, the score gap was almost unchanged from the end of the first quarter.

The Lakers had the ball, and Kobe held the ball to face Jon.

Kobe accelerated and changed direction, trying to break through from Jon Jonson's side, but Jon Jonson predicted the position in advance, and got stuck on his own way forward.

In desperation, Kobe could only choose to pass the ball. Fisher saw that there was not much time and forced a shot.


Er Niu took the rebound and started the "Brute Bull Sprint" all the way to the Lakers' half court.

Gasol tried to stop him at the three-point line, but was passed by Er Niu, who changed speed instantly. Ruan Er Niu went straight to the basket, and a violent dunk with both arms resolved the battle.

Er Niu's senior, Jordan Farmer, tried to stop him, but was directly knocked out by Er Niu.

Once again, the sprinting bull proved unstoppable.

"Doo!" Jia Wei gave a 2+1 without hesitation.

In front of the free throw line, Ruan Erniu made a steady hit and added a penalty, successfully hitting a three-pointer.

On the offensive end of the Lakers, Kobe fell into a singles state again, but his hand feeling in this quarter was really bad. More importantly, Jon Jonson's defense entered the best state.

Kobe made another long shot against Jon Jonson.

No matter how beautiful and picturesque the volute's posture was this time, there was no way to cover up the harsh sound of blacksmithing.

"Bang!" Lunar Eclipse grabbed the backcourt rebound and passed it to Bibi.

After Er Niu received the ball, he took a big leap, took a step from outside the free throw line, and jumped directly to the three-second zone line. Facing Gasol, who rushed forward, he dunked with both hands.

Gasol fell directly from the air and sat on the floor with a look of lovelessness.

This kind of dunk that is purely more than bounce and physical fitness, he just can't do it.

Gasol was so depressed that he wanted American scientific research institutes to slice Er Niu. There was no reason why this yellow man was stronger than black players!
"Doo!" What made Gasol even more depressed was that Javi judged that this was a blocking foul, 2+1.

Ruan Erniu scored 2+1 in a row, and the Eagles gained momentum.

The rest of the second quarter completely became Ruan Erniu's performance time alone, with low post shots, high post shots, steals, and blocks.

Gasol quickly got his third foul and had to end the game early.

After Turiaf came up, he couldn't please him. Ruan Erniu fouled him twice in a row, and then Jackson replaced Turiaf.

The Gauls only got 1 minute of playing time in the first half, with 0 points, 0 rebounds, 0 assists... 2 fouls.

Throughout the second quarter, Ruan Erniu made 9 of 6 shots and 6 of 4 free throws. He scored 16 points, 5 rebounds and 2 assists.

Er Niu scored 26 points, 15 rebounds, and 2 assists in the halftime. It is foreseeable that he is very likely to score historical data in G3.

But Kobe Bryant's performance fell from the peak to the bottom.

Throughout the second quarter, Kobe made 4 of 0 shots, scored 0 points, 1 rebound, and 1 assist.
Under the strict defense of Jiong Jisen, Kobe ate eggs in a single quarter and was completely locked up.

Jon Jonson fulfilled his promise, he did get Kobe on the defensive end.

Only scored 2 points in a single quarter, which is really shabby for Jon Jonson, but compared to Kobe's score, Jon Jonson can definitely say that he has blown up the MVP.

At 30:16, the Hawks took a 14-point lead in the second quarter.

At the end of the first half, the Eagles led the Lakers 60:48.

(End of this chapter)

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