Chapter 371

The Eagles' anti-customer-oriented approach obviously caught the Lakers by surprise.

The joy of winning G2 disappeared at this moment, and the Lakers couldn't accept the fact that they were behind by a big score at halftime.

You know, in this season's playoffs, the Lakers have never been at home, and have trailed by more than 10 points at halftime.

This is an unfavorable situation they have never encountered in the playoffs this season.

It turned out that the proud Lakers believed that the Celtics were eliminated largely because they were not familiar with the Hawks.

But after G1, they wanted to quickly change their attitude, affirming that the strength of the Eagles is not weaker than themselves.

G2's final kill at the last moment also fully demonstrates the Lakers' super adaptability.

However, the Zijin nobles still underestimate the young Atlanta Hawks. Not only are the team’s Ruan Erniu, Jiongsen, and Lunar Eclipse growing rapidly, but even the wooden head coach Woodson is more and more worthy of his best coach. The trophy is gone.

At the beginning of the second quarter, he was able to withstand the pressure and put Ruan Eryou and Jiong Jisen on the bench, which fully demonstrated the improvement of his coaching level.

The level of the head coach also needs to be improved through the game. With the improvement of the level of the game, the tacit understanding between Woodson and the Eagles continues to grow because of the victory.

His seemingly stubborn and inflexible coaching style has also subtly improved, but he himself did not expect it.

Woodson couldn't see it himself, but Phil Jackson on the opposite side could see it clearly.

The wooden man has been upgraded to a tin man, and he is the one who accompanied Alice to defeat the evil witch and got the "heart".

Woodson has grown up, and it is even more difficult to beat the Hawks.

Phil Jackson is known as the prototype of coach Anxi, but in fact, his commanding ability has always been questioned, even if he is the player with the most championship rings in the league.

Well, Anxi pig can transform into an Anxi devil at a critical moment, making Yingmu Huadao bow his head and obey in an instant.

At this point, Phil Jackson doesn't have the ability to turn "T" into a big devil.

Of course, Rodman's IQ is much more reliable than Sakuragi's, and he doesn't need to forcefully suppress him in the game.

In fact, the magic of Phil lies in his ability to train players like Jordan and Kobe, who are known as tumors, into championships. To be more specific, this person is a god-level chicken soup master.

Being able to make good use of a guy with a perverse personality like Rodman fully proves his ability to control the player's psychology.

However, Zen Master is not a master of tactics, and his impromptu changes are not as powerful as imagined.

He likes to leave matters to the players to solve by themselves. In fact, from another perspective, he doesn't expect his on-the-spot guidance.

At this point, an old bastard on the Spurs is different. His impromptu changes can often help the team reverse the situation.

Of course, if a player scores more than 30 points in a single game, the next game must be rested for various reasons.

In the locker room, Phil Jackson poured down another pass of chicken soup. As for whether it will succeed or not, it depends on God's will.

Instead, Woodson said to the players in the Hawks locker room: "In the second half, we play zone defense."


These are things that the Eagles are familiar with, and they are all things that are completely transparent.

What is the defense most afraid of?
Three point shot!
You know, in the first quarter of the game, Kobe's three-point shooting rate almost broke through the sky. This is the biggest hidden danger for the Eagles. Who knows if the temporarily unlocked black mamba will suddenly recover in the second half of the game and bite back come over.

囧囧sen said coldly: "I will be optimistic about Kobe!"

Short words, full of power.

But Woodson reminded: "It is completely handed over to Joe from outside the three-point line, but once Kobe enters the inside, we must immediately form a double-team in a small area. We must use the most fierce defense to clamp Kobe."

Ruan Erniu said: "Even to a certain extent, relax the defense of other Lakers players?"

Woodson nodded and said: "Yes, that's it, Kraft, I ask you what tactics the Spurs implemented? Why were they eliminated?"

Er Niuzao and his teammates watched the video of the Western Conference Finals countless times, and blurted out: "Jordan's rule two, use Bowen to defend Kobe alone, and don't give other Lakers players a chance to score. The result is that Kobe is super god, almost by himself. Killed the Spurs."

Mike Woodson said with a smile: "Then our defensive choice should be exactly the opposite of that of the Spurs. Implement Jordan's rule one and try every means to kill Kobe Bryant and put him in a cage."

The generals of the Eagles nodded in conviction. Woodson is by no means a good guy. Yes, he does sometimes compromise because of stars like Jiongsen and Ruan Erniu, but his defensive philosophy is successful.

Otherwise, Larry Brown would not have defeated the Lakers F4 with the poor Pistons and won the championship.

Players from the two teams quickly returned to the field, and the second half of the game is about to begin.

Ruan Erniu and Kobe happened to meet each other and faced each other head-on.

Kobe said: "Kraft, thank you for helping the Lakers drive the Celtics, but you can only go here."

Er Niu smiled and said: "Kobe, I also thank you for helping the Eagles get rid of the Spurs, but we have won the O'Brien Cup!"

After the two looked at each other, they crossed shoulders and walked away.

With Javi's whistle, the second half of the game officially began.

The Lakers had the ball, and Fisher had possession of the ball for half court, and then immediately passed the ball to Kobe.

Kobe VS Jiongsen.

In the first quarter, Kobe shot Jon Jonson; in the second quarter, Jon Jonsen locked Kobe dead.

The two played a good quarter each, and now it's up to who can have the last laugh.

Kobe's shoulders shook, he took a tentative step, and suddenly lowered his center of gravity to break through.

In the 07-08 season, Kobe's speed has dropped significantly compared to when he was young, but with his technical advantages, his breakthrough is still unsolvable.

Although many people say that the first step of a breakthrough master is very fast, but from the perspective of the camera, Kobe's first step is really not fast, but Kobe's sense of rhythm is really good, and his first step is really big. .

Kobe broke through Jiongsen one second before, and was double-teamed by three Hawks defenders the next second. A hand protruding from nowhere cut off the basketball in Kobe's hand.


Kobe, who was cut off the ball, yelled, but the referee Steve Javi did not call a foul.

Strictly speaking, this was a thug foul, but the eclipse who made the attack just used his body to block the referee's sight.

Ruan Erniu, Jiongsen, and Eclipse formed a cage with joint defense tactics, directly covering Kobe who just broke through the inside line.

Bibby picked up the basketball and played it quickly, with Fisher interfering with him.

Bibby sent a fake fax and shot directly. He was in a hurry and missed!
However, it doesn't matter, Marvin Williams, who came in from the back, got the rebound and faced Odom toughly to complete the attack at the basket. An unpretentious shot on the board further expanded the score for the Hawks.

The Eagles' zone defense gave the Lakers another blow, and the situation is rapidly falling to the Atlanta people.

If the Lakers can't find a solution, they are likely to enter garbage time early and lose the crucial G3.

(End of this chapter)

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