Standing pretty old

Chapter 382 Unexpected Choice

Chapter 382 Unexpected Choice
Looking for the sound, the person who said this was Ruan Erniu who was staring at the laptop analyzing the video.

Er Niu raised his head, looked at Bibby and said, "MB, the Eagles are a whole, but we can't sacrifice your future to perfect ourselves."

Bibby shook his head and said: "Kraft. You don't understand my desire for a championship. Not everyone is as lucky as you. You can reach the championship in your rookie season. You still have a bright future, but we old guys have a chance. Running out!"

Crazy Fan rarely interjected. He should have said something inappropriate, but he seemed to agree with Bibby.

Retiring, coming back, and getting such a god-sent opportunity, is this not the last chance in life for Madman Fan?

No one can succeed casually. From a retired veteran to a substitute who plays in odd hours, Fan Crazy has put in a lot of hard work and sweat in private.

Crazy Fan's silence was actually a sign that he cared about this opportunity.

Seeing that Bibby and Kraft might have a quarrel, Woodson and Jon Jonson pulled aside to persuade them.

This is still at an altitude of [-] feet, and this is not the time for a battle of spirits.

After a while, Bibby calmed down and said, "If I don't play, who will take the first position in G6?"

Bibi's words were not aimed at anyone, but Ashilao automatically lowered his head, which made Woodson look down on him very much.

No one criticizes you, you hang your head, do you want to be an ostrich?

But Bibby's words are the top priority for the Hawks, who can replace him as a qualified No. [-] player.

Needless to say, Axi Lao, who only scored 5 points, 6 assists, and 5 turnovers in G5, if Woodson continues to backfire, this rookie may be depressed and want to retire directly.

Crazy Fan is also out of consideration. He is 38. Can he be expected to play more than 25 minutes a game?
Where is Jon Jonson?He can indeed serve as a point guard, but the question is, who will handle Kobe?

Look at how terrifying Kobe Bryant is without Jon Jonsen's defense in G5. The result of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall may be that the defenses on both sides are not stable.

"How about I play number one?" Following the prestige, it was Ruan Erniu again.

But this time, the entire cabin fell into a huge silence, and everyone was stunned, except for the one who spoke.

"I'm serious, I'm going to play the first position. I just watched the story of the Lakers winning the championship that year. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was injured. Isn't the magician going to be the center?

He can play from position [-] to position [-], so why can't I play from position [-] to position [-]? "

Still no one answered Ruan Erniu's question, because the others were still in a dazed state.

Mike Woodson, as the head coach, was the first to respond. He asked: "Who will be the center?"

Ruan Erniu pointed and said, "Zaza, he will be the starting center forward, and we are playing zone defense. I can shrink back to defend at any time."

Woodson stopped talking, he was calculating the gains and losses.

After playing a game, the players should be very tired, but after listening to Er Niu's words, everyone started discussing in twos and threes, as if they were discussing the feasibility of this matter.

Jon Jonson said, "I'm not questioning your ball handling, Kraft.

But holding the ball in the half court and holding the ball in the whole court are two different things. If you are used to playing inside, can you really adapt to the No. [-] position?
This is two completely different concepts from you grabbing a rebound and launching a fast break. "

Er Niu nodded and said, "Of course, but I have confidence in myself.

And, so far, this is the most unexpected change I can think of, even you can't think of it, the Lakers are even more unexpected.

Phil Jackson's commanding ability has never been a strong point. By the time they react, we may have won the game already. "

Er Niu's words once again made the cabin fall into silence. This time, no one raised any objections.

Many people are thinking about one thing - is Kaf Ruan a genius or a lunatic?
Only a lunatic will suddenly use a lineup that has never been used before in the finals.

But only a genius can come up with such an unexpected method, completely breaking the rules, and even his teammates feel incredible.

The plane arrived at Atlanta International Airport safely, and the players went home to sleep. Er Niu's idea still needs to be verified in the next day's training.

Dr. Han welcomed his boyfriend who came back from afar at home. The two kissed each other, ate some fruit juice casually, and went to bed.

After a night without dreams, Han Meimei went to work at the clinic early and prepared a delicious breakfast for Er Niu. She left a note saying: "I will go to see G6 on site, Niu, I have a hunch that you will be there Win the championship in this game!"

Er Niu took off the note with a smile, and kissed it hard. He picked up the milk on the table, held up the cup, and said to the note: "May, with your good words, I will definitely not do that." You are disappointed!"

On the same day, at the Philips Arena, the Eagles conducted adaptive training as usual.

Today was also mainly about recovery, but Woodson still arranged a small 10VS5 of about 5 minutes.

The intention was very clear, he just wanted to see if Ruan Erniu could play the number one position.

To be honest, even though Er Niu often plays in offensive and defensive transitions, or as a guest organizer in small-ball lineups, he has never played the role of full-court possession.

Relatively speaking, it is easier for outside players to play inside players, because inside players have far less technical requirements than outside players.

However, inside players seldom take shape when playing outside. On the one hand, it is due to technical reasons, and on the other hand, it is also caused by the huge difference in the size of the frontcourt players.

The so-called five 2-meter players who can play from the first position to the fifth position form a team, but Riley took it for granted.

So far, no team has been able to realize such a concept.

Even the Atlanta Hawks, once known as the swingman concentration camp, are the same.

However, the Hawks seem to have been doing things that are unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people this season.

Is it unacceptable to choose Ruan Erniu, who is in his early two meters, as the center forward?

Is it unimaginable to allow the center to directly attack the frontcourt after grabbing the rebound?
Now add another one, let the center serve as the point guard. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not a big deal.

A tough life doesn't need an explanation, and magical tactics don't even need a reason.

In the team's 5VS5, Ruan Erniu's performance made Woodson nod again and again. A thought popped into his mind. Could it be that I really delayed Kraft? In fact, the most suitable position for him should be point guard?
However, immediately, Woodson threw this idea behind him. The team needs to provide stable rebound output on both ends of the offense and defense. This is a role that no one can replace.

Let Kraft play the first position, only occasionally!

Woodson blew the whistle to end the brief intra-team play.

The video of this game was later sold at a high price of several thousand yuan, and it is not known which trainer leaked it.

After Ruan Erniu finished the day's training, he stayed with his teammates and practiced shooting.

Tomorrow, they will shock the whole world with their actual actions.

And Ruan Erniu may engrave his name on the history of basketball.

 Thanks for the rewards from book friends such as Menghui 95 Daydreaming, Yiguo, Qingfengyundan under the moon.

  Hehehe, the final climax of this season is coming, I didn't expect that I would let Er Niu play point guard, right?Hahahahahaha!
(End of this chapter)

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