Standing pretty old

Chapter 383 Accidents in Accidents

Chapter 383 Accidents in Accidents
Philips Arena, on the night of June 2008, 6, excited Atlanta fans have surrounded here.

They have been longing for a championship for the past few decades. All professional teams in Atlanta have such goals, but the only ones who can really reach the finals are the Eagles.

The performance of the NFL Falcons this year is not bad, and they have also risen this season, but they still seem to be unable to reach the Super Bowl. (Until 2017, it was a little bit less interesting, lost a good game, and was reversed by the Patriots!)

So the whole of Atlanta, and even the whole of Georgia, pinned their hopes on the Eagles. They carried the ideals of a city and even a state.

The buses of the two teams drove slowly into the stadium one after another. The Lakers were greeted with loud boos, while the Eagles were greeted with enthusiastic cheers.

The people of Atlanta are eager for the Hawks to win the first championship trophy for Atlanta after 50 years, because the first championship trophy in the history of the Hawks belongs to St. Louis. At that time, the Hawks were still called the St. Louis Eagles.

Before the warm-up, the players of the two teams did not communicate with each other. At this time, if anyone came forward to get close, it could be considered a sign of weakness. They have played 5 games in the finals, so there is no need for provocation.

Before the game, apart from the Eagles coach and teammates, the only person they talked to was Eddie Freeman, a hard-core cow dung on the sidelines.

The little guy seems to have grown a little taller, but of course he is still a little guy in front of Er Niu.

Ruan Erniu turned around on the bench and gave him a high five, just like he did at home in the past.

"Kraft, you can definitely win the championship, right?"

"Of course, and we will win G6 today and win the O'Brien Cup. Didn't you notice that Mr. President came to watch the game with the trophy?"

"Great! Get rid of the Lakers. Although I also admire Kobe Bryant, I still hope you can win the championship."

"You'll get what you want, I promise!"

Er Niu stood up and continued to do his warm-up exercises.

Not far away, Dr. Han was sitting in his seat with her friend Selina.

Han Meimei waved to Er Niu, and Er Niu nodded in agreement.

Eddie Freeman suddenly yelled to Er Niu strangely: "Kafe, do you know my sister?"

"Your sister?" Ruan Erniu asked puzzled.

"It's the direction you nodded just now." Eddie Freeman said.

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "Your sister is Selena? Interesting, the world is really small, and your sister is my girlfriend's friend."

The small episode before the game will not affect the game, and the warm-up and performances will end normally according to the process.

The coaches of the two teams are sitting on the sidelines, thinking and analyzing the final gains and losses.

More than 200 media around the world broadcast the finals live. The media from all over the world have everything to say. Of course, what they are most concerned about now is the starting rosters of the two teams.

In fact, their biggest concern is the Hawks' starting roster.

Judging from the various news that came before the game, Bibby still won't play in this game, so who will be the No. [-] position of the Eagles?This has become the focus of various media predictions.

Assian?Nick Van Exel?Or is it simply Joe Johnson himself?
No one can make it clear that all kinds of predictions are flying all over the sky, but in the end the actual starting list shall prevail.

Zhang Lili and Sun Zhenping of Chaotingtai are also actively discussing this topic.

Director Zhang is more optimistic about Joe Johnson's starting position, while Sun Zhenping believes that Van Exel is more experienced.

15 minutes before the opening, the answer to the mystery was finally revealed.

The starting rosters of the two teams were displayed on the big screen in turn:

Los Angeles Lakers:

C Pau Gasol

PF Lamar Odom

SF Vladimir Radmanovic
SG Kobe Bryant
PG Derek Fisher

There are no surprises in this launch, and it is completely within everyone's expectations, so next...

Atlanta Hawks:
C Zaza Pachulia
PF Marvin Williams
SF Josh Smith

SG Joe Johnson

PG Ruan Erniu

"what's the situation?"

"Did you send the wrong message?"

"Is the computer poisoned?"

"Is there anyone to confirm?"

"What, Kraft Nguyen appears at the point guard position!?"

"Are you kidding, man? It's not April Fools' Day."

"Confirm it again, don't rush to draw conclusions, is it possible that the Eagles themselves made a mistake in the starting list?"


As soon as the Eagles' starting roster came out, the media all over the world were stunned.

At least more than two-thirds of the media believed that there was something wrong with the starting list, and almost all the media believed that there must be something wrong with it.

This can only show one thing, everyone is Yuan Fang!

Zhang Lili of Chaotingtai said with certainty: "I think there must be something wrong with this roster. It must be something wrong with the electronic system. Let's wait for the game to officially start and then look at the real starting lineup of the Eagles."

Eagles coach Mike Woodson sat on the Diaoyutai, smiling and watching everything around him.

Especially Phil Jackson's unbelievable expression made him feel the most carefree.

The appearance ceremony of the two teams came soon, and the Lakers and Eagles played in turn.

Then, the game time of G6 in the finals will come soon.

David Stern in the stands is obviously also very interested in Ruan Erniu appearing at the point guard position.

He smiled and said to Xiao Hua beside him: "Adam, what do you think?"

Xiao Hua is not Yuan Fang, he held up the glasses, spread his hands and said: "The Eagles are playing with fire, but I don't know who will be burned?"

David Stern said: "It doesn't matter who gets burned, the ratings of the league are the key!"

Dick Bavita is the referee for this match.

Gasol felt very uncomfortable, because in the first five games, the Chinese were jumping the ball with him, but tonight a Georgian suddenly came.

Zaza miraculously won the jump ball, this bouncer, and he got rid of the lack of concentration of Gasol.

Ruan Erniu picked up the basketball immediately, and then dribbled the ball into the half court.

The entire Lakers team was stunned. At this time, who is going to defend against the Celestials?

Gasol?Impossible, then the Lakers' inside line will be empty.

Fisher?The size gap is too big!Can Fisher survive?
Can't resist!
In the next second, Ruan Erniu took a big step and crushed Fisher.

taller than you!stronger than you!Faster than you!

Fisher saw Ruan Erniu striding into the Lakers' penalty area, and had no choice.

Gasol made up the defense at the first time, and the two jumped into the air at the same time. Erniu opened his long arms and sent the ball down with one hand. Pachulia, who was unguarded, easily caught the ball and dunked the ball into the basket with one hand. basket.

The Hawks scored the first point after the opening.

In the court commentary, Zhang Lili had to apologize and said, "I'm sorry, audience, the Eagles really let Ruan Erniu play point guard. Judging from the performance after the opening, Erniu's performance is quite good.

It seems that this is Woodson's strange move. I think the Chinese men's basketball team can also learn from this point. Er Niu has the ability to become a magician for the Chinese men's basketball team. "

Teacher Sun Zhenping also said on the side: "We know that Magic Johnson is also a point guard with a height of more than 2 meters, so Er Niu is also a good center if he becomes a point guard."

For some reason, the Tianchao audience in front of the TV felt for the first time that what the Shuangping group said made sense, but they were speechless!

(End of this chapter)

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