Standing pretty old

Chapter 384 From Vulnerabilities to Advantages

Chapter 384 From Vulnerabilities to Advantages
The Lakers are still in a state of confusion, they still haven't slowed down, is Kraft Nguyen really going to be a point guard?

The next second, just after halftime, Fisher, who chose to pass the ball, was intercepted. The person who intercepted the ball was none other than Ruan Erniu.

The Tianchao people used their height and wingspan to easily predict Fisher's passing route, and intercepted the ball in one go.

Then Er Niu started the bull sprint, no one was there all the way, after flying into the air, he filled the basket with both arms, and resolved the battle.




The home fans finally don't have to suppress themselves, they can cheer as much as they want.

"Beep!" Phil Jackson called a timeout. He couldn't tolerate the team's continued chaos.

The Eagles' choice of placing Ruan Erniu at the No. [-] position made all his previous calculations come to nothing. What he urgently needs to solve now is the Lakers' game status.

"Don't care where the Celestials appear, your own offensive and defensive rhythms can't be disrupted!" That's what he said, but Jackson has no way to stop the Celestial monster in the No. [-] position now, "On the offensive end, the main players are Paul and Lamar!"

This was Jackson's only solution. He couldn't find a solution under the eagerness of the defensive end, so he could only find a way to stabilize the situation on the offensive end.

Jackson's judgment is: if Kraft Nguyen is not inside, the Eagles' defense should be far worse than in the past!

Timeout ended, the Lakers held the ball, Fisher carefully protected the basketball, and then passed the ball to Kobe's hands.

Ruan Erniu's oppressive defense put too much pressure on Fisher. Why can such a huge body be so flexible?
The aging Fisher simply did not have the courage to break through.

It's not so much that he passed the ball to Kobe, it's better to say that he is really afraid of taking the blame.

Bryant did not play hard, the first time the ball was passed to the high hands of Gasol.

It should be quite sure that Gasol only eats Pachulia at a high position. After all, Gasol's speed and shooting accuracy are difficult for Pachulia to parry.

In the regular season, this is certainly no problem.

But this is the finals, and it is a field with super defensive intensity.The Georgian's petty moves made Gasol very uncomfortable.

Zaza Pachulia's athletic ability in his peak period is not weak, and he can limit Gasol very well on the defensive end.

Gasol forced a shot and shot hard.

Ruan Erniu got stuck in the position immediately and took the backcourt rebound.

This time he didn't run wildly, and used a big center like Pachulia. Sometimes, he needed to sacrifice a little speed.

The Lakers were even more uncomfortable. They frantically ran back to their own half like they did in the previous games, only to find that the Hawks actually played a standard half-court position.

Er Niu is called a point guard, but he does not control the basketball desperately. Zaza Pachulia mentioned the high position.

囧囧sen made a through pass and sent the ball to the undefended Er Niu, who dunked the basket with both arms and scored 2 points effortlessly.

What about the Lakers' defense?
Fisher was topped by Pachulia on the outside, and Gasol followed Pachulia to the inside.Er Niu's speed is too fast, and Gasol's defense is too slow.There is also Odom, who was afraid of Marvin Williams' mid-range shooting ability, so he failed to make up the defense in time.

The Lakers' defense was riddled with holes, and Jackson once again requested a timeout. This is a life-and-death battle. After G4, the Lakers have no way out.

Either win 3 games in a row, or go home and go fishing.

Originally, after Bibby was injured, the probability of the former situation greatly increased; but now, the probability of the latter situation is rising rapidly.

Phil Jackson turned on the fire-breathing mode and sprayed the whole team with anger, hoping that they could cheer up on the defensive end.

After the opening, the Eagles played a wave of 12:0 climax. It was not until 3 and a half minutes into the first quarter that the Lakers had Kobe hit the first fadeaway jumper from 20 feet and broke the big duck egg.

But this is far from enough for the Lakers. Ruan Erniu has moved to the point guard position, and the pressure on the Lakers on the defensive end is hard to describe in words.

Fisher, Kobe, Radmanovich, and even Odom took turns to defend him, but none of them had the effect of restraining him. Ruan Erniu faced all kinds of dislocations with these guys.

Those who are shorter than you are not as strong as you, those who are taller than you are not as strong as you, and the speed is the same. It is estimated that Farmar is the only one on the Lakers who can barely keep up with the two bulls.

Before G6, even Erniu himself didn't realize that when he was in the first position, his dislocation advantage would be so great.

After less than three years of professional training, Er Niu's skills have grown too fast.

He went to the No. [-] position in this game, and he was just thinking about making up for the Hawks' loopholes in the No. [-] position. Unexpectedly, when he actually came to the field, his dislocation advantage was even greater than when he was inside.

Knowing the enemy but not knowing themselves, the Eagles have actually hidden such a killer move for a long time, but they never thought of it.

From this point of view, Bibby's injury may be a good thing, because in this way, another form of Ruan Erniu was forced out.

Er Niu held the ball from outside, this time Kobe switched to him one-on-one.

Ruan Erniu faced Kobe and went inside. His powerful strength made it difficult for Kobe to stop the Celestial Man who gained space in the first step.

Gasol's double-team came as expected. Er Niu jumped high with the ball in one hand, and the three of them jumped into the air at the same time. Er Niu retracted the ball into his arms in the air. Long arm, right hand protruding the ball from behind the backboard, a light throw, the basketball spins, and hits the board into the basket.


The Philips Arena was detonated again!

Today, LeBron James also came to the Philips Arena. Seeing Ruan Erniu's wonderful action, he made an extremely exaggerated expression on his face.

Obviously he was also conquered by Er Niu's creativity and top physical talent!

However, James' heart is far more complicated than the outside, and he also understands that the East is getting more and more difficult to mix.

In addition to the Cavaliers, the rise of the Eagles, the strength of the Celtics, and the rise of the Magic are all things in front of us. He, the chosen son, can only be a spectator on the stage of the finals. What a tragedy.

More importantly, Kraft Nguyen is younger than him on the field. If he really leads the team to win the O'Brien Cup in his rookie season, his future will be limitless.

This is not good news for James, who wants to become No. 1 in the league.

At 19:30, the Hawks led their opponents by 11 points in the first quarter.

Ruan Erniu scored 7 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists in a single quarter, giving the Lakers a heavy blow at the first position.

ESPN still sent out the classic trio of Mark Jackson, Jeff Van Gundy and Mike Brin today.

Van Gundy commented on the first quarter of the game: "The Eagles made a strange move. I think the Lakers are in big trouble. Their advantage in the interior is not as great as imagined, but they encountered more trouble in the backcourt."

Mark Jackson said: "Don't just look at Kraft Nguyen's performance on the offensive end. He is equally good on the defensive end. Fisher made 3 of 0 shots in the first quarter and scored no points.

The Celestials even had the energy to double-team Kobe. The Black Mamba also made 4 of 1 shots in the first quarter, and scored 5 points only by making free throws. This efficiency is not high. "

Mike Breen said: "In other words, you are more optimistic about the Eagles winning the championship?"

(End of this chapter)

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