Standing pretty old

Chapter 386 Three pairs in sight

Chapter 386 Triple Double in Sight
Er Niu didn't say this directly to Kobe, but it also caused more than a million tons of damage.

In the 07-08 season, from the moment Kobe won the MVP, countless people complained about Kraft and CP3.

Especially Ruan Erniu, even if the competition in the East is not fierce enough, the record is solid.

Obviously, the record of the Eagles and Er Niu's statistics and efficiency are far higher than Kobe's, but in the end they can only win POY and D-POY, and cannot win the regular season MVP.This has caused countless cow dung to scold the alliance for being unfair.

The more the alliance wants to divide the cake, the easier it is to make things controversial.

Of course, this kind of controversy itself is actually a double-edged sword for the alliance. If it is well controlled, it will promote and promote the positive; if it is not controlled well, it will damage the credibility of the alliance and cause the loss of interests.

Miraculously, the Atlanta Hawks really lived up to their expectations, reaching the finals all the way, overturning the league's preset yellow-green game script, and allowing the theme drama "Who is the MVP?" to be staged for the second season.

Kobe, who sent the baseline ball, was a little impulsive. He took the basketball from Fisher again, and dribbled the ball towards Ruan Erniu alone.

Jiong Jisen, who was in charge of defending Kobe, was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately double-teamed Kobe with Er Niu.

Kobe, who was double-teamed from outside the three-point line, did not choose to pass the ball. He forced a shot from outside the three-point line and scored!

Even so, neither Er Niu nor Jon Jonsen felt frustrated. This kind of ball cannot last long. Kobe's head is hot, which is great news for the Hawks.

At the end of the first half, the game ended in the confrontation between the two teams. Generally speaking, the Hawks controlled the situation on the field.

At 22:28, the Hawks won another 6 points in the second quarter.

At 41:58, the Hawks extended their lead to 17 points. If the Lakers still fail to find a way to limit Kraft Nguyen at the No. [-] position, it is difficult to suspense about the ownership of the O'Brien Cup.

Kobe made 11 of 3 shots in the first half, 3 of 1 three-pointers, 5 of 3 free throws, scored 10 points, 3 assists, and 2 rebounds.

It's not bad just looking at the data, but compared with Kraft Ruan, it's a lot worse.

In the first two quarters, Er Niu made 12 of 8 shots, 4 of 4 free throws, scored 20 points, 8 rebounds, and 8 assists. It is certain that G6 won a triple-double.

In fact, if it wasn't for Woodson to let him rest for 2 minutes at the last moment, maybe Er Niu might have won a triple-double in the first half of the game.

You know, this is a triple-double in the finals, and even Michael Jordan has never won one.

So far, only Larry Bird, James Worthy, Irvin Johnson, Scott Pippen, Charles Barkley, Jason Kidd, and Tim Duncan have had such data.

Ruan Erniu once again stood shoulder to shoulder with famous people, and he was destined to become one of them.

Even better than them!

Before returning to the locker room, Er Niu accepted an interview with ESPN mature woman reporter Doris Burke.Anyone who has played 2K games should have heard her commentary voice.

Well, although she is Jamie, it does not prevent her from admiring Er Niu, whose style of play is full of violence and beauty.

Doris Burke said: "Who put you in the No. [-] position before the game?"

Ruan Erniu said: "I asked for it on my own initiative. I think I can be qualified for the No. [-] position. Moreover, judging from the first half, I did a good job."

Doris asked again: "Will you continue to appear in the first position in the second half, or will you return to the center position?"

Ruan Erniu held his mouth and said, "I don't care about this matter. It depends on Mike's opinion. Who knows if he will push me back?"

Doris laughed out loud. Who doesn't love such a rookie in China? She finally asked, "Are you sure you can win today's FMVP?"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said: "You should tell me when Atlanta will hold the championship parade. To be honest, I can't wait. Well, my interview time is over. It's time for you to interview Mike, thank you!"

After speaking, Ruan Er Niu rushed to the locker room without looking back, and handed over the rest of the time to Mike Woodson and Doris Burke.

Doris should have asked some tactical questions, but she changed her mind.

"What kind of player do you think Kraft Nguyen is?" she asked.

Woodson: "Amazing!"

She asked again: "Craft said he was the one who offered to play number one. What do you think?"

Woodson: "Amazing!"

Doris Burke finally asked: "Do you think the Hawks have actually won Game 6?"

Before Woodson could answer, Doris raised her eyebrows and said first, "Amazing! Okay, thank you for accepting the interview."

Woodson: "..."

In the Eagles locker room, Ruan Erniu summoned the excited Eagles generals.

The crowd surrounded him like the stars and the moon, and Er Niu made a quiet gesture and said to the crowd: "Suppress all your excitement, now is not the time to be happy.

Guys, if we are celebrating the victory now, the team that wins G6 or even the championship may not necessarily win us. You know, the Lakers are doing everything possible to beat us.

I did catch them off guard by being number one, but that's about it.

Once we can't win G6 and fall into a tiebreaker with the Lakers, all accidents may happen at that time, so we must keep our lead, win this game, and then win the championship. "

Jon Jonson said: "What are you going to do in the second half? Or, are you still going to play 'Birds of Prey'?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said: "Joe, you guessed it right, that's exactly what I want to say. If it's not necessary, I think we need to give up the small ball completely in this game and carry out the positional offense to the end. Only at the right time, Play quick defensive counter-attacks."

Woodson happened to walk in, and he said to the players: "Kraft, you are right, we are the one leading, there is no need to be obsessed with improving speed, now the Lakers are in a hurry."

Of course the Lakers are anxious, they still can't limit Ruan Erniu at the first position.

Phil Jackson and his coaching staff racked their brains and couldn't figure out who would get the Chinese.

Obviously the Lakers have produced a similar tall point guard like Magic Johnson, but when they faced a player like Magic Johnson, they were helpless.

This is like a confrontation between two sects in the Jianghu. It is obviously a lost knowledge of one side, but it is suddenly used by the other side to deal with oneself. This feeling is too bad.

Kobe sat on the side alone with a cold face and did not speak.

This season, he finally ushered in a reliable helper, leading the Lakers all the way to the Finals.

When he learned that his opponent was not the Celtics, he once thought that he would definitely be able to catch up with O'Neal's championship rings, and he finally proved that he can lead the team to win the championship independently.

However, the cruel reality gave him a blow to the head.His opponent is not a dark horse in the league, but a super strong team led by a monster from the Celestial Dynasty that is more terrifying than O'Neill.

Although the Lakers have repeatedly adjusted the opponent's level, they still lag behind their opponents by a large score.

Once, Mike Bibby's injury gave the Lakers a glimmer of life, but now, the Chinese man who shouted "Who-is-the-MVP?" is cutting off the Lakers' last chance of victory.

For Kobe, this can be regarded as one of the disgraces of his career.

(End of this chapter)

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