Chapter 387

After a gag by Mark Jackson, Jeff Van Gundy, and Mike Breen in the commentary, the second half of the game finally began.

No one cares about the Lakers' starting lineup, but what about the Hawks?

They put Ruan Erniu on the No. [-] position again, and the Eagles are using their way to pay tribute to the Lakers' SHOWTIME.

Ruan Erniu took possession of the ball for halftime, and Fisher opened his arms, trying to interfere or even break the ball in Erniu's hands.

Ruan Erniu, who was sideways, used his P-butt to protect the basketball with ease. Under the impact of Erniu's hip attack, Fisher almost fell to the ground. The strength gap between the two cannot be made up by the so-called determination and courage.

In the No. [-] position, Fisher's strength is considered top-notch.

But Ruan Erniu who was facing him was at the level of a monster, and they were not at the same level at all.

After Er Niu squeezed away Fisher, he dribbled the ball directly into the hinterland of the Lakers. After attracting a bunch of double-teams, he passed the ball to Marvin Williams. The latter made a mid-range shot and made an easy hit!
The Eagles continued their offensive style in the first half, catching the Lakers' disadvantage at the first position, relying on the two bulls to break through and score the ball to end the offense.

Even Jiong Jisen basically gave up holding the ball, either on the defensive end to watch Kobe Bryant, or on the offensive end as a spot-up shooter to help Ruan Erniu get assists.

A triple-double is a data that requires a lot of possessions to complete.

Fisher dribbled the ball across half court, Kobe beckoned for the ball, Fisher made a fake pass and delivered the ball to Kobe.

Kobe once again singled out Jiong Jisen. After a big stride, Kobe cut in along the baseline.

Facing the double-teaming of Zaza Pachulia and Jon Jonson, Kobe twisted his body forcefully in the air and threw the ball out.

The basketball circled several times on the rim, and finally got into it.

Kobe made a fist with one hand and swung it vigorously.

Ruan Erniu controlled the ball for half court, passed Fisher in one step, and after entering the penalty area, facing Odom's supplementary defense, he dodged a small space in the air, took advantage of the situation and made a small throw, and hit it!
The two teams will fall into a confrontational state at the beginning of the third quarter.

In contrast, the Lakers occupy the upper peak.

All this is because of the touch of Bosnia and Herzegovina Radmanovic.

The Lakers had possession of the ball. After being double-teamed, Kobe gave the ball to Gasol. Gasol in the high post saw Radmanovich who was open at 45 degrees. The latter shot immediately after receiving the pass. , hit!
The Eagles attacked, and Er Niu passed the ball to Yue Eclipse who was open, but Yue Eclipse didn't seize the opportunity and hit the iron with a three-pointer.

Gasol got the backcourt rebound and passed it to Kobe, who drove the ball upfield and passed it to Radmanovic who was open.

Although the Bosnian is tall, his speed is really not slow. He shot from outside the three-point line and hit it again!
Radmanovich's consecutive hits, to some extent, are also the price that must be paid to lock Kobe with zone defense.

Zhang Lili said: "The best way to break the zone defense is three-pointers. The Lakers have been very resolute in breaking points during this period of time, and the Hawks must be careful."

In this quarter, Radmanovich made 3 of 5 3-pointers and hit a mid-range shot from 20 feet. He scored 11 points, 1 rebound and 1 assist in the entire third quarter.

Another outstanding performance is Gasol. In this quarter, he faced Zaza Pachulia, Marvin Williams and Josh Smith's consecutive defenses, and he still made 3 of 2 shots in a single quarter. , made 4 of 4 free throws, scored 8 points and 5 rebounds, which to a certain extent exploded the Hawks' inside line.

However, this is not enough for two reasons:
[-]. The feel of the volute failed to recover.

Kobe Bryant, who took up more ball possessions, still failed to find his touch in the crucial third quarter under the stalking by Jon Jonson and the quick double-teaming by Ruan Erniu. He made 8 of 3 shots in a single quarter. He scored six points, and his efficiency is not high.

[-]. Ruan Erniu is still unstoppable.

In the third quarter, Er Niu saw that the Lakers were about to rise, and immediately turned on the offensive mode.

First, he hit a 14-pointer from a mid-range distance of 2 feet, and then broke through the inside line continuously. The forced breakthrough caused successive fouls by Gasol and Odom. Through free throws, the scores of the two teams were reopened.

It is worth mentioning that despite being the starting point guard for the first time in his career, Er Niu made very few turnovers. He only made 2 turnovers in the first half of the game, and even one in the third quarter. No mistakes.

To measure whether a point guard is qualified, to a large extent, it depends on the ratio of assists to turnovers. In this regard, Er Niu does not need the traditional No. [-] position difference at all.

Tall, but unexpectedly flexible, this is the reason why Ruan Erniu's misplaced fights are always unfavorable.

At the end of the three quarters, the two teams scored 29:31 in this quarter, and the Hawks gained another 2-point advantage.

70:89, the fourth quarter has not yet started, the Lakers have fallen behind by 19 points, and they are drifting away from the dream of a championship.

Ruan Erniu scored a triple-double of 29 points, 13 rebounds, and 11 assists in three quarters. Only in these three quarters, his large triple-double can also leave his own place in the history of the finals.

In the 85-86 season, Larry Bird played 46 minutes of the game, but scored 29 points, 12 rebounds, and 11 assists. Erniu only took 1 more rebound than Bird in just three quarters. Horror data.

The Philips Arena couldn't wait for the referee's whistle to end, and MVP's cheers resounded through the audience again, wave after wave.

On the second row of stands, Selena Freeman, who is as beautiful as a black pearl, said to Dr. Han beside her: "May, do you really not consider my proposal? Maybe, we can be three together..."

Han Meimei picked up the popcorn, stuffed Selena's mouth, and said with a chuckle, "Honey, if you say one more thing, I don't guarantee that I will do something crazy?"

Only then did Selena die down, and slowly swallowed the popcorn in her mouth.

At this time, the live camera lens was pushed to Kobe Bryant again, who made him the MVP of the regular season?

Players are meant to be judged on the stage. Sometimes, some people think that some black players are too arrogant, so that people think they are brain-dead or naive. In fact, there is no way to do this.

If you don't use such a brainless or naive way to force psychological hints, many people will collapse themselves under tremendous pressure.

If you are destined to become a LOSER in the game, then living with arrogance and madness is better than dying with low self-esteem and depression.

Of course, those superstars will not have such troubles. They have already become the kings of a generation and live in the admiration of the younger generations.

If you pretend to be too much, you will naturally be awesome!

In fact, this is not a joke. On the real competitive stage, this is a wise saying.

The guy who can pretend all the way to the highest peak is the most awesome existence.

Kobe Bryant said to Er Niu before the finals: "Prove it to me!"

It's a typical failure to pretend to be aggressive. Ruan Erniu really proved it to him, and the Hawks are indeed a more championship-looking team than the Lakers.

On the Lakers' bench, the players' spirits were lax, and many of them may have lost hope for this season.

They can only hope for a comeback next season.

Kobe must be one of those who hasn't lost hope, he is a man who doesn't know how to admit defeat.

He shook his head from time to time, and gritted his teeth from time to time, no one knew what he was thinking.

This is the closest he has come to the championship after he and O'Neal broke up, but now it seems that he is still far away from the coveted trophy.

(End of this chapter)

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