Standing pretty old

Chapter 390 Old End, New Beginning

Chapter 390 Old End, New Beginning

Is the Hawks celebration over?
Of course not, everyone had just returned to the locker room, the Hawks team owners Bruce Levenson and Michael Geelong had already been waiting here, they hugged the players one by one and sent congratulations.

By the way, the necessary celebration props for winning the championship - champagne was also presented.The boss tactfully gave the players enough room to cheer, and quickly left the locker room.

I don't know who was the first to turn on the spray mode. Anyway, it didn't take long for every Eagles player to have a bottle of champagne and start shooting each other crazily.

Woodson was the most innocent one. After being poured out of Gatorade and sprayed with champagne, his suit would definitely be lost.

What annoyed him the most was that not only was he sprayed by the players, but even Larry Drew was among them.

Without saying a word, Woodson picked up a bottle of champagne and shook it violently, and then sprayed it at Larry Drew, a bastard. Traitors must not be tolerated.

The scene was extremely chaotic until Er Niu took out a wooden box from his bag and distributed Cuban cigars to his teammates and coaching staff.

Er Niu finished lighting the cigar, then poured a sip of champagne into his mouth, and then said to his teammates: "Guys, get up!"

Then, the Eagles' locker room sang and danced in a pandemonium.

This is the end?Don't even think about it.

Ruan Erniu was still hugging Dr. Han, and for the first time in his life, he went down to the nightclub at the instigation of his teammates, and the group stayed all night in the nightclub.

It wasn't until almost three o'clock in the morning that they staggered and helped each other back to each house.

They are all exhausted, but they also deserve to enjoy such indulgence, the winner does not need to be blamed, even the harsh media will not say how ugly they are in the nightclub, they will only say that the heroes are enjoying life .

In the next few days, Ruan Erniu continued to receive text messages and phone calls from all walks of life.

Among them, the phone call from his college friend Russell Westbrook undoubtedly concerned him the most.

This year, Westbrook will also participate in the 2008 NBA draft, and it will be on June 6, which is less than half a month away, and the venue is still the famous Madison Square Garden in New York.

"By the way, do you have a team to give you a clear answer now? You should have been to several teams for trial training, right?" Er Niu devoted himself to the finals this time, so he didn't pay attention to the draft.

"Basically, I have been to the top eight teams, but I don't think the Chicago Bulls are interested in me."

While flipping through the information on the computer, Er Niu said to Westbrook: "You want to be the number one pick so hard?"

Westbrook said: "The Heat with the second pick don't seem to need a point guard like me. They have D. Wade."

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "I understand, as long as you are higher than the third pick, you will be happy if you surpass me, right?"

Westbrook smiled and said: "Well, it seems that your IQ is still in the service area."

Er Niu laughed and scolded: "Stop joking, I'm the championship and FMVP, rookie, come and hug my thigh immediately, and I'll teach you how to win the championship."

Westbrook laughed loudly and said, "Come on, you are your opponent after entering the league, so I won't hug your thigh. If you want to hug, you will hug my thigh."

Ruan Erniu thought for a while and said seriously: "To be honest, judging from the current data, the top two in this year's draft have nothing to do with you. Who blames you for losing to Derek Rose and Michael *Monsters like Beasley are available. I reckon the Bulls and Heat pick must be one of them."

Westbrook was a little discouraged and said: "I can see it when we go to the trial together. The Bulls are either Rose or Beasley, and the Heat are similar. When it comes to the regular season, I must make them pay the price."

Speaking of the end, Westbrook's dissatisfaction with labor and capital has risen again. This young man never seems to lack fighting spirit.

Ruan Erniu said: "This year, you, Love, and Luke (the prince who was pushed to No. 3 by Erniu) will all participate in the draft. This is a good opportunity for UCLA to make a name for itself."

Westbrook said: "Well, speaking of UCLA, now because you won the championship this year, the college is arranging the retirement ceremony of your No. 44 jersey. I really envy you!"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "I've heard about this too. Ben (Howland) called me."


Er Niu and Westbrook chatted very happily. They will compete on the same stage next season. However, on that day, Er Niu is already a veteran holding a championship ring.

Having a champion is different. At least in the face of doubts, Er Niu can bravely show his ring to prove everything. Facts are far more convincing than words.

Three days later, the Atlanta Hawks held a float parade after winning the championship. A total of nearly 30 people witnessed the process of the parade. You must know that the total population of Atlanta is only more than 40.

Atlanta Mayor Franklin also said: "This is a grand event in Atlanta!"

Ruan Erniu became the center of attention with the O'Brien Cup in one hand and the FMVP trophy in the other. He also impromptuly sang "We-are-the-champions" with his teammates, which plunged the whole city into a sea of ​​joy !
The time of joy is always short.

Er Niu will fly back to China in less than a week after winning the championship.

The reason is simple. The chairman of the Basketball Association and the head coach of the men's basketball team, Yunus, desperately hope that Er Niu can return to the team.

Since Dayao was injured, Erniu has become the biggest hope of the men's basketball team in the Olympics.

You must know that Dayao's injury will not recover until the end of June. After a serious injury, it is doubtful how much Dayao can recover when he returns to the field.

At this time, Ruan Erniu, who just won the championship and won the FMVP, is undoubtedly the biggest hope of the men's basketball team.

In the imperial capital, at the gate of the Celestial Dynasty, the people of the whole country hope that the three major balls can achieve a breakthrough.

With two world-class players, Erniu and Dayao, the people of Tianchao ignited their desire for better results.

One of the most important reasons why Ruan Erniu wanted to play professional basketball was to put on the national team's jersey again and stand on the stage of the Olympic Games.Therefore, regardless of subjective or objective reasons, he must rush to the country as soon as possible.

Of course, before that, he also had a meal with Hawks general manager Billy Knight and head coach Mike Woodson.

Both Knight and Woodson are a bit strange. At this time, players are either preparing to participate in the Olympics, or enjoying their vacation early. What does this kid Kraft Nguyen mean?
However, for the team's savior and privileged.

Billy Knight and Mike Woodson still met Er Niu as promised.

After the three enjoyed the perfect meal, Ruan Erniu made it clear: "Billy, Mike, what do you think of the team lineup?"

Mike Woodson said: "Are you not satisfied with the current lineup?"

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "I think we can definitely become stronger!"

Billy Knight said: "Tell me about your specific ideas! You led the team to the championship, and you should have such a right."

In fact, what Billy Knight is thinking at this moment is: "I have to serve Kraft Nguyen, let alone trading players, even if the Chinese want to trade me, it is estimated that Bruce Levenson and Michael *Giron would agree too."

(End of this chapter)

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