Standing pretty old

Chapter 391 Trading Situation - Ambition and Strength

Chapter 391 Trading Situation - Ambition and Strength
Ruan Erniu had the right to participate in the transaction only after the boss had explained in advance.Bruce Levenson has long seen the ambitions of the Chinese people, or the thirst for honor.

The team's record is so good, Bruce Levenson and Michael Geelong are also earning a lot.

Having said that, using cabbage prices to command an FMVP, and it can be used for 3 years in a row, if you are not willing to give up some blood, it is too unreasonable.

Ruan Erniu did not express his thoughts bluntly, but asked Billy Knight: "After this season, the contracts of our two Josh (Eclipse and Childress) will expire. What do you think?"

Billy Knight said: "J-Smoove we are going to stay at all costs, we have been prepared for a long time.

In fact, we and his agent have almost negotiated, about 5 million yuan in five years.It won't be long before this information will be published online. "

Ruan Erniu asked: "What about the top student? What did he say?
Billy Knight shook his head regretfully and said: "We arranged for him a five-year contract of 5 million yuan, but he refused. It is reported that he is valued by European clubs, and it seems that he has entered the negotiation stage. "

"What? Go to Europe?" Ruan Erniu really didn't expect that European clubs would be able to poach NBA players in their prime.

This is a rare thing in the history of the league. Even if Childress went to another NBA team, Er Niu would not be surprised, but playing in Europe is a completely different concept.

Woodson said: "In fact, there is no surprise. This is the magic of money. If Europeans are willing to treat basketball like football, I think it will be difficult for the NBA to reach the current level of influence."

Ruan Erniu nodded with a smile. After taking a sip of water, he said to Woodson, "Mike, what do you think are our strengths and weaknesses this season?"

After thinking for a while, Woodson said: "The advantage is of course our zone defense and the 'Raptor Raid' that you fiddled with.

If I have to talk about weakness, I think it is still in the first position.Neither you nor Joe will be able to reach the No. [-] position for a long time.Wait, you don't really want to play number one, do you? "

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "No, I've never thought about it that way. G6 did that as a last resort, and it can't be regarded as a routine.

Honestly, what I'm thinking right now is what the rest of the NBA is going to do to us next season. "

Billy Knight supported his chin and said with interest: "Reverse thinking? Interesting, tell me your conclusion."

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "For the defense, I want to think about it, there is only one way to solve it, and this method is likely to become the mainstream of the league in the future.

Well, to be precise, this should not be a method, but a technique - three-pointers!

I have been thinking about it recently, and I think the future of the league will definitely enter the era of three-point kings.Our fast-paced 'Birds of Prey' opens Pandora's box. "

A veteran coach like Mike Woodson wanted to refute immediately, but in the end he didn't raise an objection: "Tell me specifically."

"A faster offensive and defensive rhythm means that both sides must have more efficient scoring methods. What kind of scoring method is the most efficient? Scoring under the basket or 3-pointers! The basket is the area with the highest scoring percentage. Outside the three-point line, It is the position where scoring 2 goals is equivalent to scoring [-] goals." Ruan Erniu said.

Woodson nodded: "In other words, more and more teams will use small-ball lineups, and their most efficient weapon is the three-pointer?
What about defense?Like the Suns, it is easy to be killed by the Spurs in the playoffs. "

Ruan Erniu said: "Offense and defense are not contradictory. The reason why the Suns failed was not because D'Antoni's offensive tactics were not good, but because he didn't know how to train defense."

Billy Knight said: "So, do you think the Hawks' next team building idea should be based on increasing the three-point shooting ability as much as possible without weakening the defense?"

Er Niu said: "Yes, this is my real thought."

Knight said: "Not only do you have real ideas, but you must also have specific plans. Tell me!"

Ruan Er Newton paused. The above were just suggestions. After taking this step, he really started to interfere in the team's transaction.

Ball bully or hero?

Only time will tell.

Ruan Erniu expressed his plan: "Trade Marvin Williams and Salim Stoudemire, get John Salmons and the second-round pick we were traded from the Kings. right."

"What!?" Now Woodson and Knight couldn't sit still at the same time. Salim Stoudemire said that Marvin Williams was the second place in 05 after all, and he has always worked hard in the team. This transaction is too unpredictable.

Ruan Erniu waved his hand and said, "Don't be surprised, I don't have any grudges with Ma Wen, in fact, I have a good relationship with him personally, after all, I partnered with him as a starter for a season.

The reason why he proposed to trade him is not only for the interests of the team, but also for him personally.To put it bluntly, the team decided to give J-Smoove a generous contract, why? "

Billy Knight and Woodson stopped talking, why?Isn't it more optimistic about the development of Josh Smith, who is physically strong, than Marvin Williams!
When Er Niu saw the expressions of the two of them, he knew that he had a bottom line.

So he said with a smile: "J-Smoove is going to be righted, so may I ask, is he more suitable for the third position or the fourth position? Should Marvin be the substitute?
In fact, this season, due to me, Joe, J-Smoove, and MB occupying too many players, Marvin's data has declined seriously. Next year is Marvin's contract year. Do you think he will be willing? "

Billy Knight asked: "Who is this John Salmons and why is it that I have no influence at all?"

Ruan Erniu said: "Actually, I didn't have any influence on him at first, but once I heard his nickname, I remembered this person. His nickname is 'Salmon'!"

"'Salmon'? Interesting!" Knight said.

"When playing against the Kings, I think his wing defense is good, and he is also very accurate in three-pointers. He should be able to take on the team's third position very well."

In fact, Er Niu said a little less, that is why he has a deep impression on this guy, because in the game, Er Niu saw that this guy nicknamed "Salmon" had a prominent Chinese tattoo "coffin" on his right arm. guy".

Of course, based on these, Erniu would not advocate this deal. In fact, he had already done his homework. Before he came, he checked his salary and found that this person's salary was equal to that of Marvin's. In the 08-09 season, Marvin's salary was 564 million yuan, while Salmons' salary was 510 million yuan.

"Another point is that I got information from my teammate Yi Jianlian that the Kings are about to rebuild! They want to make a reasonable contract. Marvin only has a one-year contract, and this Salmons has a two-year contract. If we don't propose a trade, the king might trade this guy next year!"

Billy Knight finally understood why the boss said that the Chinese had ambitions.

A guy who dared to directly intervene in the team's trade just after finishing his rookie season, is he still an ordinary good boy?

Just kidding, neither Jordan nor James can do this.

However, Knight also forgot that Jordan and James did not win a championship, D-POY, AMVP, FMVP and other honors in their rookie season.

 Who else will come in the new season?You can guess!
(End of this chapter)

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