Standing pretty old

Chapter 392 Trading Situation - Countless Strategies

Chapter 392 Trading Situation - Countless Strategies

Although Billy Knight is black, being able to be the manager of the team means that he is not a fool.

If he heard that Ruan Erniu was going to get involved in the team's deal at the beginning, Billy Knight still thought about the growing ambitions of the Chinese people.

After hearing it and analyzing it in detail, Knight had to applaud Er Niu.

This kid's future is absolutely limitless, he is not just a superstar.

The real masters have insight into people's hearts and human nature. They obviously want to trade Marvin Williams, but they can consider it from the side of the traded side (North Carolina is a contract year). This kind of skill can be said to be only available to top managers train of thought.

The intelligence collection is also quite good. Knowing that the Kings will rebuild, they immediately extended their hands to John Salmons, who still has a 2-year contract.

Damn it, my position as team manager won't be replaced by a Chinese, right?

Billy Knight muttered to himself. After some deep thinking, he still put forward his own opinion: "But after trading Marvin, our inside strength will be weakened. How do you think about this?"

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "Well, I have considered this point, so I would like to recommend someone - in this year's free market, there should be a guy named Chris Anderson. His contract has just expired. It is said that the new The Orleans Hornets are not going to renew him, I think we can get him with a basic salary."

"Well, that guy who took drugs? Will this guy affect the atmosphere in our locker room?" Woodson thought of this guy in embroidered clothes for the first time.

Speaking of which, this birdman was also a weirdo back then. He actually naively thought that as long as he announced his participation in the draft in the media, there would be NBA players to choose him. China's CBA play.

After returning to the United States, he was suspended by the league for drug use.

So far, this guy's reputation in the league circle is quite bad. At least Woodson can remember this person because of his crap.

Ruan Erniu said: "Who hasn't made mistakes when he was young. When I went to the All-Star Game, I met him in the gym. I think he has reformed. I talked with him on the phone. He just wants to prove himself now." .

I think we can give him a chance, of course, the premise is that he has to pass our physical examination and trial training. "

Ruan Erniu said this while observing the expressions of Knight and Woodson.

Not only is the trade done, but people are also added to the team. The Chinese are cultivating their own power. Both Woodson and Knight understand this.

But can they stop it?

Not only can't, but also fully cooperate with this Chinese man who just won the FMVP. This is the hero of the entire city of Atlanta. He should enjoy such a privilege, just like James was treated in Cleveland.

The moment Er Niu led the Eagles to win the championship, he was completely convincing. For the time being, no force can shake Ruan Erniu's position in the Eagles.

Billy Knight and Mike Woodson successively expressed their approval. An inside substitute is acceptable even if it is a favor promised to Kraft Nguyen, let alone a player with a basic salary.

Woodson added: "But there is still one problem that has not been resolved, and that is the reinforcement of our No. [-] position. Do you have any specific candidates?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "I'm not God. How could there be suitable candidates for every position? However, I think we can hitchhike, or even intercept halfway!"

"Oh? What do you say?" Billy Knight became interested, and then he realized what Ruan Erniu meant in the next second, "By the way, so you not only want to trade Marvin, but you even don't hesitate to take Salem, for that second-round pick, you want a rookie, who is it?"

To be honest, Knight admired Ruan Erniu even more, because this kid turned out to be so scheming and scheming.

Adding a basic-salary guard with Finals experience to the Kings is an excellent choice whether it is used as a puzzle for future reconstruction or to free up salary space after layoffs. In comparison, a second-rounder with average cost performance Signing a seat is really nothing.

Immediately afterwards, Erniu's words surprised Knight.

Ruan Erniu said: "To be honest, I don't know who to choose, but I know that the Phoenix Suns must have the right answer. What we have to do is to listen to the information of the Phoenix Suns as much as possible.

I checked, the Suns' second-round pick is 48th, and if we trade back to the draft pick, it will be 43rd, which creates convenience for us to rob them.

Phoenix has always had a good eye for guards. Think about it, haven't Nash, Kidd, Marbury and others all stayed in the Suns?Nash is old, and they also need a qualified successor. "

Woodson: "..."

Knight: "..."

The head coach and general manager of the Eagles were stunned at the same time. They didn't expect Ruan Erniu to say such irresponsible words.This is equivalent to doing half of the work and leaving it directly to the next family.

The problem is that there are too many uncertainties here, who knows whether the sun has a good choice, this risk is not small.

Ruan Erniu encouraged him again: "I know what you are worried about. Being selected for the show is a gamble. How can this kind of thing be completely appropriate? Besides, can't we continue to train Assi?"

Hearing what Ruan Erniu said, Woodson and Billy Knight had to praise Ruan Erniu, a super rookie who had just passed the rookie period.

This growth rate is too fast, it is almost exhaustive!
Billy Knight said: "Anyway, I'll check the sun's information first, and then I'll check the king's tone. Wait, Kraft, don't you have any other candidates? Tell me together!"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "This time there is really no more! I will call back to Tianchao to participate in the training camp. I am afraid that the draft and subsequent transactions will be watched on the Internet. However, I am looking forward to your good news."

In fact, Erniu's ideal at the moment is: "Billy Knight, if it weren't for you, a fool, who traded all the draft picks, would the Eagles be so passive? You know, how many brains have been lost by labor and management to strengthen the lineup? cell?"

However, on the other hand, without Billy Knight's previous fooling around, the Eagles would not be able to put together a championship lineup.The gains and losses in this can only be judged by the future team record.

The three happily ended the meeting. As for whether the plan can be successfully implemented, it depends on Billy Knight's specific operations.

Before Erniu left Atlanta, Billy Knight called.

He reported two things in total:
2008. The deal with the Kings was basically reached. The Hawks sent Marvin Williams and Salim Stoudemire to get John Salmons and the 42nd pick in the second round of the 60 draft. . (A total of [-] picks in the first and second rounds)

[-]. As Ruan Erniu expected, the Suns are indeed looking for a future Nash substitute in the second round.

They were afraid that they would not get this player, so they made a deal with the Spurs. The Spurs have the 45th pick in the second round, which is higher than the 48th pick of the Suns, but obviously lower than the 42nd pick of the Hawks. to be low.

In other words, unless the Suns favorite point guard is selected before the 42nd pick, the Hawks' fate is basically settled.

The Suns are really smart and they were fooled by their cleverness. If they didn't play hard and didn't disclose their draft ideas to the Spurs, maybe no one would have noticed this matter, but they met the Eagles who wanted to rob them.

Ruan Erniu said with a smile in front of the phone: "Don't be impatient, Billy, tell me quickly, who is he?"

Billy Knight said: "A Slovenian named Goran Dragic."

 PS: There is also a free agent at the third and fourth positions. The coffee position is a bit small, but domestic fans should have an impression of him.

  Upload is late, there are two chapters to follow

(End of this chapter)

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