Standing pretty old

Chapter 393 Investing in the Wedding Chapter Country

Chapter 393
Er Niu only had one week to rest after finishing the finals.

He actively communicated with the Basketball Association, and he won such a little time to relax.

But even with such a little time to relax, Ruan Erniu found that he couldn't relax at all.

He goes to the gym every day to exercise as usual. Interestingly, Er Niu's brain is running faster than during the competition.

In addition to interfering with the team's trade and draft, Ruan Erniu will make a big news soon.

This was his last day in Atlanta before returning to China, and he made an appointment with his agent Ouyang Haotian at home.

Ouyang has also been very busy these days. Originally, he was planning to go to Germany to discuss the independent brand of Erniu's sneakers, but he was held back by Erniu's crazy behavior.

Crazy as it is, it's mostly for those with no financial sense.

In the eyes of elites like Ouyang Haotian, Ruan Erniu just made a reasonable investment with a slight risk.

"It's all here. After you sign, we will transfer the money to the account as soon as possible." It was the account manager of Citibank who spoke.

And Ruan Erniu is their big customer. Not long ago, the new FMVP used his career income as collateral to borrow 5 million yuan from Citibank.

And only 60%-75% of the money will be used to purchase real estate in Atlanta.

In other words, Ruan Erniu will likely become the biggest house slave in Atlanta in the next few years!

After shaking hands with Er Niu, the routine account manager said goodbye and left.

Ruan Erniu left Ouyang Haotian and continued to drink tea at home.

Ouyang Haotian complained: "Originally, I went to the German guy's side, and you are giving me a moth again."

Er Niu took a sip of tea unhurriedly, and said with a smile: "Isn't it a good way to make such a moth?"

Ouyang Haotian said: "If aliens invaded the earth tomorrow, this would be the most stupid choice in the world.

Now, I just want to say that as long as you don't be stupid, you will definitely become a rich man. "

Er Niu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's not just me hoarding houses alone, my elder brother has also bought several houses in Los Angeles, anyway, no matter how I look at him, he can't live in them all.

By the way, Kobe Bryant seems to have bought a new villa recently, but it is probably used for investment!

My brother and I have been discussing for a long time. The housing prices in the United States are almost at the bottom, and now is a good opportunity to enter the market. "

Ouyang Haotian smiled and said: "But your movement is a bit big! By the way, what are you going to do with the rest of the money? Whether it is DROPBOX or WHATSAPP, it is impossible to let you... I understand, you want to spread domestically. "

Speaking of this, Ouyang Haotian's eyes lit up, Kraft, how did this kid's brain grow?

Ruan Erniu said: "When I'm free, I don't want to play basketball tactics, but I only think about the prospects of the Internet in China!
To be honest, in the era of mobile Internet, 'Brute Bull' should have a place, Steven, how about you being the CEO of 'Brute Bull Technology' in the future? "

Ouyang Haotian said: "Are you determined to put me in the country?"

Er Niu said with a smile: "If there is something else, I can recruit you!"

"I'll go!" Ouyang Haotian had a thought in his mind now, to kill this JI traitor who came from the Celestial Dynasty and only knew how to squeeze the labor force of Chinese compatriots.

On the second day, neither Erniu nor Ouyang Haotian flew to their destination, and they would spend another day in Los Angeles to attend Ruan Daniu's upcoming wedding.

Han Meimei went there a day ago, her best friend got married, and her partner was her boyfriend's eldest brother, so she also happened to go to help Fiona.

Ruan Jingtian and Zhong Chuhong all came, while Ruan Huimei was left alone in the country because she was preparing for the final exam.

The student party has no human rights!
In the church, Er Niu watched with his own eyes a couple, under the guidance of the priest, swear to God, supported each other, spent the rest of their lives together, and exchanged rings.

Well, the groom can kiss the bride, and this special contract is considered complete. (Marriage is also a contract, which is the ethical consensus of Western civilization. Therefore, in some romantic dramas, it is not without legal basis to marry by contract. As for the plot, hehehe.)
After the wedding, Er Niu was about to say goodbye, and his scheduled flight was that night.

Comrade Ruan Jingtian said: "Train well and win glory for the country!"

Ms. Zhong Chuhong said: "I still need to eat more, you see, this child has lost weight! By the way, since you have brought Xiaomei, you have to hurry up!"

Ruan Daniu pulled his younger brother by the shoulder and said, "You will always be my pride."

Han Meimei said: "I won't be going to the imperial capital in August, I wish you good luck!"

In this way, Ruan Erniu embarked on a journey back home with all his blessings and expectations.

In Beilun, Ningcheng, he met up with his teammates from the national team. Er Niu greeted them one by one after presenting the gifts he brought.

Teammates also congratulated Er Niu on becoming the first player to win the NBA championship as the team boss.

Compared with the championship won by Daba as a marginal player, Erniu's championship represents a greater significance.

Since Dayao is still recovering from his injuries, Ruan Erniu needs to carry the national team on his shoulders.

Er Niu, most of the members of the team, knew each other.

Needless to say, Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue, Li Nan, Liu Wei, Zhu Fangyu, Du Feng, Wang Shipeng and others had contact with each other as early as last year's summer league.

It was a short figure that caught Er Niu's attention. This kid doesn't like to talk very much, but the speed he showed in training is really amazing.

Erniu dare to assert that even in the NBA, as long as he can keep up in confrontation, this guy must have the possibility of gaining a foothold.

Speaking of which, when Zhang Lili and Wang Meng had dinner with Er Niu, they specifically mentioned this guy.

It is said that as early as when Jonas introduced him to the national team in 06, he was favored by the media as the candidate to pass the ball for Dayao in 08.

Judging from his resume, he was born in 1989, which is actually one year younger than Er Niu. However, the birthday date of Chinese players has always been doubtful.

If Dayao hadn't been too tall to be fake, he might have been questioned.

Ah Lian, needless to say, as for this member who also belongs to the Eastern Guangdong Gang, the situation is probably similar.

"Hua Zai, let's get acquainted. My name is Ruan Erniu. Just call me Erniu!"

Chen Jianghua said shyly, "Hello, Er Niu!"

After saying hello, the team leader Hu Jiachi specially called Er Niu to one side and held a heart-to-heart meeting for about an hour. It was nothing more than asking him not to be burdened, and to train and compete with all his strength. The organization and the country are your greatest backing. kind.

Erniu is sure that if Han Meimei hadn’t been exposed on TV in advance, Deputy Director Hu would have to solve his personal problems. This kind of patriarchal way of leading the team, Erniu who has lived in the United States for several years, almost Almost forgotten.

"I don't know, master, how's it going? I'll definitely go back and have a look after the Olympics." Er Niu was distracted while listening.

Deputy Director Hu saw that Er Niu was absent-minded, but he didn't force him. He handed over the meal card and room key to Er Niu, waved his hand and said, "Go and rest first!"

(End of this chapter)

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