Standing pretty old

Chapter 604 Ruan 2 Bulls Counterattack, Woodson Roars

Chapter 604 Ruan Erniu's Counterattack, Woodson Roars
"Bang!", "Bang!"

Lunar Eclipse missed two free throws, and Hibbert also used his huge body to withstand the second bull, taking advantage of the situation to protect the backcourt rebound.

Hibbert sent the ball to Brandon Rush, and Rush immediately sent a long pass. The fast-down TJ* Ford passed Bibby like lightning, and after receiving the ball, he went straight to the basket and succeeded.

Also seriously injured, Bibby couldn't keep up with JT*Ford in high speed transitions because of his older age.

In other words, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and TJ*Ford still has a clear advantage in speed.

And this is just the beginning!
On the offensive end of the Eagles, when Er Niu held the ball in a low position again, the Bull just made a feint and before he could turn around, "Doo!" The referee's damn whistle sounded again.

Er Niu helplessly threw the ball to the referee, and Pacers tough guy Jeff Foster showed no expression on his face, as if consecutive fouls against the eclipse were just a matter of course.

"Bang!", "Swipe!"

The lunar eclipse slightly stabilized the mood and made two free throws.

On the offensive end of the Pacers, TJ* Ford used Hibbert's pick-and-roll to get into the paint, took advantage of his speed, and tried to forcefully overtake the second bull, but was firmly pressed on the backboard by a big hat from the Chinese.

But Hibbert behind him was in an unguarded state, and the steel gorilla descended again. Hibbert relaxed the ape's arms, took the offensive rebound with both hands, dunked the basket with both arms, and completed the score.

Then roared and waved his arms, as if he had just completed the buckle on Ruan Er Niu's head.

The Pacers' slashing tactics did not end. After replacing Jeff Foster and replacing Graham, the Pacers fouled the eclipse again and sent him directly to the free throw line.

"Bang!", "Bang!"

Lunar Eclipse's free throws tonight were also extremely bad. He rarely made 6 free throws and made 1 of [-] free throws. The rebound was once again taken down by Hibbert, who turned into a black Yao Ming, and TJ* Ford made another offensive and defensive transition. Completed the attack on the Hawks basket.


This is Woodson being forced to request a timeout, otherwise the game would be spent.

At a certain moment, the Atlanta fans at the scene had the illusion that the team wearing the dark blue away jersey was the home team, right?
It can only be said that the Pacers in this game did their calculations mentally and unintentionally. When facing the defending champion at the historical level, the tenacious Pacers did not back down, but chose an extremely desperate style of play.

Is this really Jim O'Brien's tactic?

No, it was Pacers assistant coach Frank Vogel on the bench who suggested this tactic.

The conservative O'Brien couldn't think of such a tactic, and only Vogel, a very courageous guy, would come up with such a desperate method.

Reusing Hibbert, slashing the eclipse, and using TJ* Ford as a false starter, but allowing Jack to get more opportunities on the bench, and playing defensive counterattacks like an eagle, inspired TJ* Ford's last bit of speed.

Anyway, it's more losses than wins, and I don't know how Vogel persuaded O'Brien, but the result is that the Pacers showed momentum and the Hawks were in trouble.

Dantou thought for a while, and finally pushed the lunar eclipse on the bench resolutely.

J-Smoove's mentality is out of balance at the moment, and he can't even play the minimum level of free throws. He needs to calm down.

The birdman has three fouls on his back and can't take risks, so Zaza Pachulia gets more playing time and forms the Hawks' inside combination with Er Niu.

The timeout ended, and the Hawks quickly gained a foothold by strengthening their defense.

The Pacers failed to continue the frenzy at the beginning of the second quarter in the second half of the second quarter. With the end of the lunar eclipse, the visiting team lost their hacking target, and they quickly understood the fear of being dominated by the home team.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu, who had been holding back for most of the quarter, was the first to go crazy!

Er Niu held the ball in a high position, forcing Hibbert to pounce.

And at the same time Hibbert raised his hand, Ruan Erniu suddenly lowered his center of gravity and entered the penalty area with the ball.

Yao Ming still has no possibility of stopping Ruan Erniu who is on the attack, let alone black Yao Ming.

Er Niu took off domineeringly, and after a brief stay in the air, he rounded his arms and dunked the ball into the basket.


While scoring the goal, it also caused Hibbert's blocking foul, and the two bulls scored 2+1.

Ruan Erniu, who had a clear matchup advantage, did not give the Pacers the slightest chance in the next half of the game.

Whether it's a front-to-back breakthrough or a back-to-back attack, Ruan Erniu, who is serious, is far from being an existence that the Pacers can stop inside.

Hei Yaoming quickly accumulated two fouls and went off to rest. Even the substitute player Graham got his second foul on Erniu.

The offensive and defensive changes were so sudden that the Pacers, who were still in the upper hand, fell into trouble in an instant.

Hibbert had 2 fouls, Graham had 2 fouls, Jeff Foster had 2 fouls, and only Troy Murphy had only one foul on him, but as he played against Ruan Erniu on the defensive end, this foul data Not safe anymore.

Hacking the Eclipse is really cool, but the price is also significant.

The inside line of the Pacers who originally occupied the upper peak was beaten back to its original form by Ruan Erniu in just a few rounds.

In the final analysis, basketball is still a competition of strength. A player of historical level like Kraft Nguyen is able to cover it at critical moments.

At 24:28, the Hawks once again won their opponent by 4 points in a single quarter.

At the end of the half, the home team led the opponent by 54 points 62:8. This score does not guarantee that the Eagles will finally win the 72nd game at home in the season, but the momentum of the once quite passive game has been reversed.

Ruan Erniu, who scored 18 points and 12 rebounds in the half, is of course the team's number one hero. Although his defense in the final stage of the second quarter has caused him to suffer 3 fouls.

Woodson did not dare to replace Kraft. On the one hand, he was betting that the referee Ken Moore would not dare to punish him. The most stable scoring point.

Er Niu accepted an interview with the famous ESPN female reporter Doris Burke, the queen voice actress of 2K games.

"Kraft, the Hawks struggled once, how did you adjust?"

"Defense! More firm defense, we have to do the most basic work."

"What do you think about J-Smoove being hacked? Will this become an uneasy factor for the Eagles?"

"No, maybe J-Smoove just didn't sleep well. I'm sure he'll fix himself, and if someone really wants to beat us in this way, I'm sure J-Smoove will make them pay."

"Last question, will you tie the Bulls tonight and win 72?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you! GOOD-LUCK!"

Er Niu finished the interview, and when he returned to the locker room, Woodson was about to start his instruction.

"Is it all here? Very good, let's start!" Woodson beckoned, signaling the players to gather.

"Do you think I will praise you?

No, you're acting like a piece of shit!
You are not facing the Lakers, you are not facing the Spurs, you are not facing the Celtics, and you are not facing the Cavaliers. You are facing a team with little hope of making the playoffs.

You keep saying that you will break the Bulls' record and become a unique team in history, but you can't even handle the Pacers.

Do you value this game?
No, just like you lost to the Bucks, you are simply wasting your talent.

You just take it for granted that your opponent will lose to you.

Ridiculous, this is absolutely impossible!

The Pacers are the team that deserves the lead more, because they are far more dedicated and hardworking than you.

Going to the best team in X's history, I only saw a loose sand.

In the second half I'll take off guys who don't pay attention at any time, understand? "

The generals of the Eagles were silent, but they dared not refute. Woodson was right.

The Pacers certainly played well, but if the Hawks played their normal strength, the game could enter garbage time in advance in the first half, instead of relying on Ruan Erniu's superstar performance to gain an advantage.

There is no retreat for either side, and only the tougher side can win.

 Thank you Master Sheng for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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