Standing pretty old

Chapter 605 Bloody Sagittarius

Chapter 605 Bloody Sagittarius

How difficult is 72 wins?Just think about what Jordan said:
"Which is the strongest team in history? You know I have 6 championship rings...but my favorite is this one in 96, when the Bulls won the championship with 72 wins in the regular season. NBA Championship!"

At one time, many people believed that there would be no second league star reaching Jordan's height, because they also believed that there would not be a second dominant team like the 96 Bulls in this world.

A small difference, a thousand miles lost.

As long as the Hawks win one of the remaining three games, they will share this honor with the Bulls, but until the last moment, no one dares to [-]% confirm that the Hawks can do it.

Halftime passed, and the Eagles led by 8 points at home, and it seemed that they were very close to the record.

And Woodson's roar in the locker room is also deafening enough, but the direction of the game will ultimately be determined by the players.

Granger, who only rested for 3 and a half minutes in the first half, was the first to stand up in the second half of the game. His physical fitness is quite abundant, and he performed even better in a game that can be called the intensity of the playoffs. competitive state.

On the offensive end of the Pacers, Sister Lan held the ball in a high position. After using Murphy's cover, she rushed into the three-point line with the ball in one step, pulled out her hand 17 feet from the wing, and made a hit!

Then the Pacers defended Bibby's long shot on the defensive end. Hibbert protected the backcourt rebound and passed it to the embarrassing Jack. Jack passed it to Sister Lan immediately. Just after halftime, he made a decisive shot one step away from the three-point line.

It was a shot the Hawks didn't expect...


The Pacers tonight are indeed fighting for their lives, and in the decisiveness of offensive and defensive transitions, they are not lost to the Eagles at all.

Otherwise, they would never be able to drag the game into such a situation.

From 8 points to 3 points, the Hawks' lead was instantly eroded.

In such a game, once the opponent's superstar finds the touch, a single-digit lead is not safe at all.

However, the defending champion who was buffed by Woodson during the halftime break was not so easy to deal with.

The situation is quite unfavorable. At this time, either Ruan Erniu or Jiong Jisen should perform. Of course, Bibby, who has a big heart, is also very likely to stand up and take over the game.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Bibby held the ball across half court and then passed the ball to Jon Jonsen, who then passed the ball to Er Niu, who then passed the ball to Salmons.

Salmons had a chance to shoot directly, but he hesitated, and under the defense of Sister Lan, he sent the ball to Yue Eclipse near the free throw line.

Then, the lunar eclipse rushed up!
Josh Smith dribbled the ball in one step and rushed into the inside line like carrying a dynamite bag.


This was the result of the collision between Lunar Eclipse and Hibbert. Hei Yaoming took two steps back, while Lunar Eclipse raised his hand exaggeratedly, and at the same time issued an exaggerated shout.

The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius is still life-threatening after all!
As a Sagittarius man, how could he not be bloody at all, otherwise it would be impossible for Da Ai to escape from the sanctuary with Athena when he was severely injured by Saga and then surrounded by three golds.

Well, it seems to be going too far... After all, if Lunar Eclipse is 30/[-] accurate, his three-point shooting percentage cannot be lower than [-]% all the year round.

At the same time as the ball flew out of the baseline, the referee's whistle sounded slowly.


In the end, the referee still punished Hibbert for a foul. In this way, the Pacers' protector of the basket tonight has committed three fouls.

However, the first thing to be tested next is the lunar eclipse that caused the opponent to foul.

After all, in the second quarter of the game, the lunar eclipse was directly hidden on the bench by Woodson because of his poor performance of 6 of 1 free throws.

The audience gradually fell silent, and the entire Philips Arena was praying for the lunar eclipse, hoping that the native Atlanta teenager could wake up.

Even if the eclipse returns to close to 60% free throw shooting, the Hawks are also very hopeful to reap their season 72 wins.

Lunar Eclipse at the free throw line took two deep breaths, and Er Niu at one end of the free throw line sweated for him.

Although the NBA's free throw line adjustment time is long enough, it can definitely exceed 5 seconds, but if the last free throw cannot be made, everything in front of it is meaningless.

Dribble in place, bend your knees and squat, raise your hand to shoot.

Everyone's eyes are focused on the shot of the lunar eclipse...


The lunar eclipse withstood the pressure and hit the first ball, and he did it!

The fans cheered loudly, as if the Eagles had already won the game ahead of time!

The lunar eclipse at the free throw line also made a fistful swing, and he was the one with the most pressure throughout the first half.

As one of the Hawks' four superstars participating in the All-Star Game, he actually became a loophole on the court, which made it difficult for Lunar Eclipse, who was in the rising period of his career, to accept.

Ruan Erniu and Salmons at both ends of the free throw line stepped forward to high-five Lunar Eclipse at the same time, and then Bibby and Jon Jonson from beyond the three-point line also stepped forward to pat Lunar Eclipse on the back.

Then, the second free throw~~

Also hit!

The fans at the scene did not hesitate to applaud and scream. The two free throws of the lunar eclipse were too critical.

Not to mention that Eclipse himself was roaring and beating his chest, even Woodson, who was on the court, waved his arm violently. Eclipse solved not only his personal problem, but also a hidden danger in the Hawks lineup.

In other words, if it weren't for the old Nelson to use the slashing tactics a little later, otherwise the Bulls' last three crowns might not be secure.

Because in those three years, Rodman's free throw percentages were 52.8%, 56.8%, and 55% respectively.

Hehehe, those who care about the past and ignore the present will selectively ignore these problems. In fact, under similar rules, some tactics and concepts are very likely to win the past.

Of course, different fans always have different opinions. The only constant is probably the recognition of the champion.

The Eagles defended their opponents and played an offensive and defensive transition.

And the moon eclipse who held the ball in the counterattack wanted to dunk directly against Troy Murphy this time.

It's true that Murphy is white, but he is not without anger.

Under the two-two confrontation, Murphy finally stopped the unscrupulous lunar eclipse with his height, and blocked the lunar eclipse with a fierce foul.

Another two free throws, the confidence-recovering Lunar Eclipse showed an excellent touch, hit consecutive free throws again, and the score between the two teams was opened again!
In the third quarter that followed, although Sister Lan showed the demeanor of the Pacers leader, she used shots again and again to help the Pacers approach the score, but the Hawks generals were not idle.

Er Niu, Jiong Jisen, Lunar Eclipse, and Bibby took turns to take turns, using the way of blossoming from all sides, to open the score between the two teams again and again.

At 28:28, the two teams drew a tie in the third quarter.

Ruan Erniu, Anderson, Hibbert, and Graham all got four fouls, Lunar Eclipse, Jeff Foster, and Murphy got three fouls, and Pachulia still got two fouls.

At the end of the three quarters, at 82:90, the Eagles at home still lead their opponents by 8 points.

The shooting percentage of both sides is not bad, but under such a defensive intensity, the real reason for the high score is the 49 free throws made by the two teams.

Both the host and guest players regard the game as a playoff, but the referee's standards are still at the level of the regular season.

(End of this chapter)

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