Standing pretty old

Chapter 607 The High-Profile Egg Head

Chapter 607 The High-Profile Egg Head
118:132, this is the final score of the two teams.

However, no one cares about these, because everyone knows that the theme of tonight is not the outcome of a single game.

Ruan Erniu, who was clinging to the basketball tightly, stepped forward and hugged Danny Granger.

Sister Lan is full of helplessness, it's not that I don't work hard, it's that the enemy is too strong.

In the Pistons VS Nets game played later, the Pistons finally defeated their opponents strongly, that is to say, as long as they win any one of the next three regular season games, the Pistons will advance to the eighth place in the Eastern Conference playoffs.

The only hope for the Pacers is to beat the Pistons by a big score in the next game, and then win the remaining two regular season opponents in a row, and count on the Pistons themselves to lose three games in a row. This is almost an impossible task .

After losing to the defending champion, the Pacers have in fact withdrew from the playoffs. No matter their strength or spirit, they are not enough to keep the Indiana to continue fighting.

Er Niu stepped forward to hug Sister Lan at this moment, which actually meant saying goodbye.

For the Pacers, the season is coming to an end, but for the Hawks, they still have at least one-third of their journey.

"Kraft, you are holding a basketball, are you going to collect this ball?"

Er Niu originally thought that he was not the best player on the field and should not be harassed by reporters, but there were still guys with sharp eyes and quick hands who surrounded him.

"Yes, tying the Bulls is a great record. I want to keep this ball as a souvenir."

"And what about 73 wins?"

"I will keep the ball too, but I will cut the ball and separate the team. Hey, the protagonist tonight is not me. You should interview the more valuable one."

After speaking, Er Niu threw off the reporter, trotted all the way, and ran back to the locker room.

In the player tunnel, Erniu also saw Dr. Han and Eddie who had been waiting here.

Eddie ran forward, jumped on Erniu, and hugged him fiercely.

Han Meimei took the basketball from Er Niu with a smile, and hugged and kissed Er Niu to celebrate.

The 72 wins are not only the victory of the Eagles players, but also the victory of the Eagles coaching staff, management, and team owners. The players' families are also silently contributing members. Without their sharing and support behind the scenes, the players Not enough energy to perform so well in the game.

Therefore, at this moment, they can also enjoy this glory.

Of course, the most glorious guy on the field is still on the field to accept interviews from various media.

Er Niu was right. Although he scored the team's second-highest score of 28 points and the team's highest 22 rebounds in this game, it was Josh Smith who really gave the opponent a fatal blow on the court.

Eclipse made 19 of 11 shots, 2 of 0 three-pointers, 21 of 13 free throws, scored 35 points, 10 rebounds and 4 assists in this game.

In the second half, relying on the strength of one person, he completely destroyed the Pacers' inside defense. The eclipse in the impact state showed unparalleled destructive power.

In this critical battle, it fully proved that the Eagles have the "Big Four". When Erniu, Jiongsen, and Bibby did not fully perform, Lunar Eclipse showed an excellent competitive state.

Surrounded by everyone, Lunar Eclipse said excitedly: "This is an extremely important game, and everyone knows the significance of it.

My performance in the first half was terrible, Mike told us at half-time that we can't wait for the opponent to surrender, we must take the initiative to fight, and we did it in the second half.

Tonight was the result of a team effort and we had a great season.

In the subsequent regular season, we will definitely break through 72 wins and finally win the championship, becoming a unique team in history.


Lunar Eclipse is usually quite lively in the team, but when facing media interviews, he tends to be conservative, not the type with a big mouth.

Tonight, though, he's well-qualified for a tirade.

The last lunar eclipse who returned to the locker room received cheers and hugs from his teammates.

72 wins is not a championship, but there are championships every year, and there are only two teams in history that can achieve this regular season record, the Bulls and the Eagles.

At the press conference after the game, Jim O'Brien still refused to accept: "I don't want to say anything more, just to cite two sets of data. The comparison of the number of fouls between the two teams in this game is: 28:24, and the comparison of free throws is 33:49.

I don't understand, why we only have 4 more fouls than the Hawks, but we have 16 fewer free throws than the opponent? "

"Coach O'Brien, are you accusing the referee of being unfair?"

"Sir, you mean the Hawks won the game by dishonorable means?"

"Is the league deliberately favoring the home team?"

"Coach O'Brien, are you accusing the league of deliberately helping the Atlanta Hawks set a new regular season record?"

One stone caused a thousand waves. In the regular season, it is very common for teams to have home whistle.

If it was in normal times, it would naturally not cause any controversy, but this was a game where the Hawks won 72 wins. Even the slightest problem may cause a huge wave of discussion.

Jim O'Brien's level of head coaching position has yet to be verified, but in front of the media, he is smart enough.

After enumerating the data and putting forward his opinions, he did not continue to express any attitude.

The league couldn't find any reason to punish him for this statement, because what he said from the beginning to the end was the truth, without involving specific people or things.

Not to be envied is a mediocrity. Even if the Eagles have shown an invincible momentum this season, they will still be questioned by people with ulterior motives.

But after a few years, no one will bring up and discuss these things again. What will remain in the history of basketball will only be the unprecedented performance of the Hawks and the fastest record of 72 wins in the regular season.

Mike Woodson then attended a press conference.

He didn't respond to O'Brien's question more, and he just said lightly: "That's the referee's job."

Subsequently, Woodson began to recall bits and pieces of the Eagles this season.

From being unpopular at the beginning of the season, to being highly expected after the winning streak, and then how to adjust the mentality of the players in the shortest time after losing, and devote themselves to the next regular season.

In this process, there are victories and failures, high tides and low valleys, the joy of turning a corner, and the pain of losing a small score.

Outsiders will only see the glorious appearance of the Eagles, but they will not think of their consideration of gains and losses in the face of difficulties, and their silent outbreak of unity.

The reason why a strong team is a strong team is not just the strength of the players or the strength of the tactical system. A truly historical team must have a certain belief or a strong sense of purpose.

Woodson finally smiled and said: "At the beginning of the season, Kraft said that he would not only help the team defend the championship, but also compete for the MVP of the regular season. It is clear at a glance.

In fact, I also have a goal in my heart, which is to become the first head coach of a team in the history of the league to win the best coach.

Hey, you know, why would you say no to something that's within your reach when you have a bunch of all-time players who can get you done lying down? "

It is rare for Woodson to be so high-profile, but there was no reporter who stood up to question him. On the contrary, the audience applauded thunderously.

(End of this chapter)

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