Standing pretty old

Chapter 608 Winning 73

Chapter 608 Winning 73

Woodson's big words are true, but he does have this capital.

In fact, in the 08-09 season award prediction list of the major media, Er Niu's field MVP and Woodson's best coach are almost the two awards with the least suspense.

Not to mention that the Eagles still have two regular season games left, even if the league directly judges the Eagles to lose the next two games, they are still qualified to compete for these two awards.

Well, there must be some people who are dissatisfied. For example, Doug Rivers, the head coach of the Celtics with the best record in the league last year, said that this year's Eagles are indeed good enough, but Woodson is not yet qualified to become the first consecutive NBA champion. Candidates for the best coaches.

You know, things that Auerbach, Larry Brown, Old Nelson, Phil Jackson, Popovich and others have never done, why let Woodson get it first?

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and He Document's speech hits the nail on the head, but it doesn't matter, for a veteran coach like Woodson to say such a thing, he must have a plan.

And the first one to see through his plan was Ruan Erniu.

After the game, Er Niu returned home and first settled Eddie to sleep, and then had a good time with Dr. Han.

Maybe it was because the lunar eclipse took the limelight tonight, so I didn't have enough fun and reserved too much energy.

Ruan Erniu walked into the spacious living room wearing a pair of boxer briefs, and dialed the head coach's phone.

"Kraft, if there is no valid reason, I will definitely make you run 50 extra switchbacks." Woodson threatened on the other end of the phone.

Er Niu said with a smile: "I just want to know, are you really sure to win the best coach?"

Woodson also laughed and said: "50 switchbacks! Not one less!
It seems that you have already thought of it.

No wonder the Celestial Empire develops so fast, you yellow people are indeed too smart.

That's right, in my opinion, now is the most appropriate time to make a high-profile declaration.

Because even if there is controversy, under the impact of 73 wins, or even 74 wins, all doubts will disappear. "

Ruan Erniu laughed again: "Aren't you afraid that we will make mistakes under high pressure?"

Woodson's tone changed, and he asked, "Will it be?"

Er Niu immediately replied in a serious tone: "No, we will win!"

After finishing speaking, Woodson and Er Niu hung up the phone successively.

After the end of the game against the Pacers, the Hawks have a rare 4-day rest, and they will host the Miami Heat on April 4.

During this period, in addition to normal training, Er Niu also left more time for his family.

However, the damned Ouyang Haotian, Leon Ross, Han Lei, Brian Acton, and even domestic Rebs, Shengxing, Zhang Bailu and others did not let Erniu go. When they came to the door, they came up with a lot of company information, covering the current operating conditions and development plans, which made Ruan Erniu very annoyed.

In addition, Amy Rais, the home creator of "Crazy Birds", also brought a game developer from Europe - Marcus Persson.

Er Niu looked at this fat guy who was out of balance, and said to Lace: "Talk about your opinion?"

Amy Rais said: "Acton recently gave us a round of financing, but the game group currently doesn't have much money to spend, so we are going to find new profit points, so we acquired Marcus' team .”

Ruan Er nodded and said, "Not bad, so what exactly is Marcus's project?"

Lace laughed: "A sandbox game, we call it "Minecraft."

To be honest, Ruan Erniu just looked at the squares and rough lines on the game screen, and really couldn't see any investment value in this game.

But when the company is big, professional things should be handed over to professional people.

As for DROPBOX, Erniu almost never expresses his opinions except for financing and operation. Han Lei is the only one supporting the scene. Besides the original content creativity of whatsapp, after the company enters the track, Erniu also gives the greatest rights to Acton.

Including the subsequent split of the game group, in fact, the Celestials only added an additional venture capital investment, and did not interfere too much. This is why "Crazy Bird" became a big hit later.

Now that the core team of the game group has decided to pay attention, Er Niu, the major shareholder, is not going to refute their face.

The Internet companies under Er Niu's name are booming, and his basketball career is about to usher in a new peak.

Originally, it was not an easy task to kill the Heat at home, but just half an hour before the start of the game, the Hawks got a big piece of good news.

The Heat's leading scorer - Dwyane Wade, the man who just scored 55 points, 9 rebounds and 4 assists in the last game against the Knicks, will miss the last two games of the regular season due to a knee injury. games.

In other words, the Hawks will face a Heat team that lacks a core leader.

How important D. Wade is to the Heat can be understood just by looking at the data.

A superstar who can contribute 30.2 points, 7.5 assists, and 5.0 rebounds per game is almost half of the Heat.

In the scoring list, Cheek is only behind Ruan Erniu, who has always been in a non-human state this season.

Without the Celestials, a monster who averaged 33+ per game, Cheeks would also be the best in the scoring list.

You know, LeBron James, who ranks third on the scoring list, averages only 28.4 points per game, which is not a threat to D. Wade, who is second.

If Wade doesn't play, it will make the Hawks' competition for 73 wins in the season more suspenseful.

Of course, the No. 08 pick in [-]-Michael Beasley didn't think so.

Just when everyone thought the Heat would easily hand over their guns, the tenacious Miami created a lot of trouble for the Eagles.

In the first quarter of the game, Beasley showed his super athletic talent. In a single quarter, he made 9 of 5 shots and 2 of 2 free throws. He scored 12 points, 11 rebounds, and 2 assists in a double-double.

Usually, such data usually appear on Er Niu, but tonight, the Atlanta native who was a little careless was suppressed by this first-year rookie.

Beasley's performance throughout the season can only be considered average, but his athletic talent is indeed unparalleled. Once he is beaten crazy by him, he can indeed cause a lot of trouble for the Eagles.

What's more troublesome is that Joe Johnson also bruised his finger in the first quarter. Although he was checked later and he was fine, Woodson did not give him another minute of playing time in the next three quarters.

The playoffs are about to start, and it is true that the Eagles are pursuing a breakthrough of 72 wins, but they also do not want the main players of the team to be injured.

Fortunately, in the subsequent games, neither team gave the main players more room to perform.

Of course the Heat don't want to be the background board, but they also don't have the determination to win, otherwise they wouldn't put Cheek on the injured list.

Ruan Erniu scored 20+10 at the beginning of the first quarter, third quarter and final quarter with ease and helped the home team open the score.

In the end, relying on the powerful performance of the Eagles' substitutes, 79:88, the Eagles won 73 wins in the season without any risk.

They just made history!

At the moment when the game ended, the Philips Center dropped the ribbons directly.

This is a regular season that has nothing to do with the playoff rankings, but it is indeed a day worth remembering for the Eagles players who have struggled for a season.

D. Wade in a suit watched the game with the team. He sent blessings to Er Niu and Jiong Jisen respectively, showing super giant demeanor.

Inside the locker room, the Hawks even popped champagne and celebrated.

In the second day's back-to-back away games against the Grizzlies, the Hawks were out of shape at all.


73 wins and 9 losses!
With an unprecedented record, there is only one way for the Eagles to successfully defend the championship.

It is conceivable that if the Eagles fail to finally defend their title, what kind of criticism and accusations they will suffer. At that time, 73 wins will become the biggest joke.

(End of this chapter)

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