Standing pretty old

Chapter 615 1 Electric Chapters

Chapter 615 A Phone Call

"Isn't this too easy? It's so easy to kill the auto workers?" Lunar Eclipse said with a little doubt.

In his mind, the Pistons are still the strong team that dominated the Eastern Conference in those years, a frequent visitor to the Eastern Conference Finals, and even a favorable contender for the championship.

"Otherwise? Unless the Autobots and Decepticons come together tomorrow to help the Detroiters come back, I don't see any chance of them coming back from a 3-0 deficit." , comfortably cracked a joke.

After the daily training, the players gathered to discuss the great situation of the playoffs.

According to last year's practice, in the playoffs, the Hawks players collectively restricted entertainment.

These guys with excess energy, after a day of training, even if they go back to the hotel room, they will just watch TV that is not suitable for children and masturbate, or simply take two bottles of Budweiser and play cards with teammates.

Idle is also idle, just get together to talk nonsense and fart, it might not be a good way to kill time.

"We can't be careless. Before the last minute of the game, we still have to maintain the greatest vigilance against our opponents." Ruan Erniu said very uncomfortably.


What answered him was a disdainful response from his teammates.

Birdman put his arms around Er Niu's neck and said, "Kraft, why do you always disappoint at such times? To be honest, do you really think that the Pistons still have a chance to come back?"

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "I won't be careless until I make sure to sweep the opponent. Don't forget how we were dragged into a difficult situation by the opponent last year, and we almost lost the series at one point."

囧囧sen immediately recovered his coldness, and said in a serious tone: "These guys still don't give up, and will use dirty tricks to deal with us?"

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "Don't be fooled by their so-called fighting for honor, everyone should protect themselves.

Of course, you can't lose sight of the other and scare yourself to death. On the premise of winning, try to pay attention to your opponent. The Detroiters have a criminal record in this regard. "

Hearing this, Zaza Pachulia suddenly smiled strangely, and the Georgian said in a flat tone, "Really so powerful?"

For some reason, several of Zaza's players couldn't help shivering. Well, it's just a little embarrassing, and it's not enjoyable, so it shouldn't be pregnancy.


The nonsense time passed, and everyone returned to the hotel to rest honestly. Except for one or two stubborn guys who wanted to blow up a bottle, most of them were relatively honest.

Those like Erniu went back to the room early, and after talking with Dr. Han, they started their own dumbbell exercises.

It is said that Erniu is born with supernatural power, and it is difficult to meet opponents in the vertical and horizontal alliance, but a genius like him has never relaxed his training.

Just as Er Niu put down the dumbbells and was about to take a shower and go to bed, an unexpected phone call came.

On the other end of the phone is Allen Iverson, the league's four-time scoring champion who was sidelined by the Pistons.

"Hey AI, I didn't expect you to call me."

"Kraft, why can't I call you, and I can't play."

"But you're still a Pistons guy. It's cowardly to call an enemy before a game."

"Come on, everyone knows that I will definitely not stay in Detroit after the end of the season. To be honest, I hope you can sweep the Pistons." When Iverson said this, he lost his usual lazy tone. The last sentence The words came out almost like gnashing of teeth.

Ruan Erniu has never believed in those illusory voices in the media, because those are most likely illusions created by various media, and the real world and the world that the media want the public to see are never the same.

But Iverson's phone call today can at least confirm one thing, he has indeed completely broken up with the Pistons management!

Ruan Erniu didn't believe that Iverson made this call just to complain. Sure enough, Iverson changed the subject in the next second.

"Kraft, what kind of lineup do you think a championship team needs?"

"Well, this is not necessarily the case. From my experience, under the current situation of the league, at least three to four All-Star players are needed."

The next moment, Iverson cut to the chase: "What do you think of me?"

Ruan Er Newton paused for 2 seconds, tens of thousands of possibilities flashed through his mind, and finally turned into a long sigh.

"We have no salary space. The team will definitely renew Joe with a big contract next year. Although I really want to fight side by side with you, the team management will have their own ideas. This is not something I can decide."

Iverson seemed to have expected this ending a long time ago. He smiled and said: "It's okay, I just said it casually. I still want to go to a team that can give me the main position. Good luck, Kraft, BYE!"

Ruan Erniu put down his mobile phone, his heart filled with infinite emotion.

Iverson's phone call was full of helplessness. This is already the limit of what the league MVP can do, and his self-esteem only allows him to say this.

If the Hawks are not a mature championship team and need to strengthen their offensive firepower, Iverson might be an option.

But the current AI has become a cancer in the eyes of every team in the league, and if it still refuses to give up its main force requirement, it will be its own death.

Allen Iverson in real life is by no means a good guy, with a gangster background, scandal-ridden, and even a bastard who threw his naked wife out of the house. Great and strong.

But in the construction of a championship-oriented team, Allen Iverson is unlikely to be a high-quality option, because his cancerous attributes will discourage most management.

The four-time scoring champion, the league's shortest MVP, and once the most popular player in the league, just like this has reached the most embarrassing point in his career.

Iverson's style of play and character doomed him to be unwilling to be young, but his age and strength are no longer enough for the team to build a suitable championship lineup with him as the core.

AI may have the ability to make changes, but after he changes, is he still that lonely, unparalleled little giant?

The lonely back of a superstar is always unacceptable. Before Ruan Erniu came to the United States, he was also a fan of Iverson.

It can be said that the short man who single-handedly led the 76ers to the finals had a profound influence on Er Niu's growth.

Thinking about the phone call just now, I can't help but make people sigh.

If Erniu didn't feel a little bit moved when pushing others and himself, he must be lying.

When the players are young, the team naturally flatters them in all kinds of ways, saying all kinds of good things, and trying to coax the superstars, but when the players get old and their strength declines?
Those guys who were coaxing you yesterday will abandon or trade you without hesitation, everything is so natural, after all, business is business.

Since entering the league, Ruan Erniu has grown up rapidly. Not only his skills, but also his thinking mode and philosophy have undergone drastic changes.

If it was when they first entered the league, Er Niu might still want to win the championship, die in Atlanta, and then successfully retire his jersey and enter the Hall of Fame.

But now, Ruan Erniu only wants to do a good job today and look forward to tomorrow!

Talking about these two words in the current NBA is too extravagant.

(End of this chapter)

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