Standing pretty old

Chapter 616 The Last Elegy

Chapter 616 The Last Elegy
On April 2009, 4, the Atlanta Hawks, who had won the match point of the series, continued to challenge their old rival, the Detroit Pistons, on the road.

Both teams continued their starting lineups for the first three games tonight. As the winner, Woodson naturally does not need to change. Michael Curry remains unchanged.

After the end of this season, it is also difficult for him to stay in the Pistons, even if the biggest responsibility for the team's decline is not on him.

McDyess gave Er Niu a hard look when he jumped the ball in the middle circle, as if saying to Ruan Er Niu: "People from the Celestial Dynasty, are you ready to retire due to serious injury?"

Er Niu ignored this look, calmly turned his head up, and was about to jump the ball.

Er Niu, who is young and has a clear advantage in bullet speed, easily won the jump ball and put the ball into Bibby's hands.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Mike Bibby held the ball in a high position and then sent the ball to Eclipse in the cut. Eclipse passed the ball to the winger Jon Jonson when he faced the inside double-team, and Jon Jonson kept his hands The ball passed to Salmons in the corner.

Salmon made an open three-pointer and hit the first goal of the game.

On the offensive end of the Pistons, it is also the usual offensive method of the Detroiters. Hamilton, who was delayed, finally received a pass from Stuckey, but was interfered by Jon Jonson when he made the shot...


Shoot the iron!

After taking the backcourt rebound, he immediately started the offensive and defensive transition.

This is the script of the first three games, and it is also the predetermined tactics in Ruan Erniu's mind.

But this time, he failed to control the backboard, and the ball bounced in an awkward direction, right in the middle of the positions occupied by Erniu and Rasheed Wallace.

Ruan Erniu and Wallace took off almost at the same time, shouting at the old man Tianzun, talking about being a teenager, and touched the basketball with his fingertips first, and the basketball flew behind Erniu~~
McDyess, who could hardly jump up, took the backcourt rebound, and then a fake move flew away the eclipse who was about to make up the block, and ended the offense with a simple and helpless throw.

This is of course a highly accidental offensive rebound, but it can also partially explain the Pistons' mentality. They have nothing to lose.

Compared with the Detroit natives who retreated directly in the first three games to prevent their opponents from being converted into offensive and defensive transitions, the veteran Pistons also worked hard tonight.

They were stunned to delay or even grab offensive rebounds in the first place. Facing young people like Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse, the behavior of the old Pistons is completely risky.

The two teams showed an extremely anxious situation in the first quarter of the game. Regardless of the Pistons' offensive and defensive transition in the face of the Eagles, they even directly interrupted the game with a foul.

The Eagles generals did not make it easier for the Pistons, and increased their strength on the defensive end, trying to put enough defensive pressure on the opponent for every shot.

To deal with Hamilton and Stuckey's main scoring points, the Eagles did a good job of delays and pick-and-roll substitutions to the greatest extent.

In the second half of the first quarter, the two teams gradually began to send substitute players to the field.

For the Eagles, Eclipse was replaced by the Birdman, Novak replaced Jon Jonson, and Salmons moved to the 2nd position. This is one of the Hawks' usual rotation methods.

The Pistons also replaced Wallace and Stuckey with Maxhill and Will Bynum.

On the offensive end of the Pistons, Will Bynum held the ball in a high position. With the help of Mark Hill's cover, he suddenly accelerated and passed Bibby with one step. Go up, and after confronting in the air, fly out without any suspense.

Will Bynum flicked his fingers at the last moment, and the basketball flew to the basket with a spin.


The referee's whistle sounded first, and at this moment, the basketball was still spinning around the rim.

One lap, two laps, three laps, four laps...

The basketball really turned enough, and when it turned to the fourth and a half laps, it finally fell headlong into the basket.

The players on the home team's bench jumped up almost at the same time, roaring and cheering loudly.

They have this qualification, such a tenacious goal is hard to see in this Pistons now.

And the X factor of the Pistons finally exploded. Relying on these old guys alone, there is no way to defeat the mighty Eagles. Will Bynum's sacrificed breakthrough further verified the determination of the Pistons.


Extra penalty hit!

Will Bynum ignited immediately when he came on the court, and only a sudden burst like him can let the Pistons see the last possibility of retaining their dignity.


Bynum, who just scored a strong 2+1, continued his explosive performance. On the defensive end, he was in a reasonable position and successfully intercepted the pass from Jon Jonson to Salmons.

Pistons strike back!

The Eagles immediately returned to defense with 5 players, 3VS5 in the frontcourt, Bynum held the ball outside, just when everyone thought the Pistons would fall, Bynum Jr. suddenly stepped past Bibby and pulled out from the 20-foot position. hand~~

Hit again!

Will Bynum became the focus of the field in just a few rounds. Woodson also called a 20-second timeout for the sake of prudence, to restrain Will Bynum's magical touch.

The undrafted player in 05 once played in Israel's league. He didn't return to the NBA until this season and was signed by the Pistons with a basic salary.

After the team traded Billups and Iverson had conflicts with the management, Bynum was able to secure the No. 1 substitute position, averaging 7.2 points per game in the regular season.

And tonight's playoffs, if he can continue his outstanding performance, he is very likely to gain a firm foothold in the Pistons.

After the timeout ended, everyone in the Eagles returned to the court, and Bibby was replaced by the younger Dragic.

As soon as the claw machine came on the field, he showed his ability. With his height advantage, he just made continuous long shots on Bynum's head, and once again caught up with the score.

Off the court, Ashie Law and even Stephen Marbury may feel desperate, because in such a fierce game in the playoffs, even if Woodson believes in the rotation, he will rarely give them the space and opportunity to perform.

However, Will Bynum seems to be preparing for the magic in the first quarter!

First, he used the pick-and-roll to get rid of the claw machine's defense again, hit a mid-range jumper, and then rushed to the basket continuously, attracting two bulls to supplement the defense, and sent the ball to McDyess. Scoring inside.

At 26:27, for the first time in the Eagles series, they were led by their opponent after a single quarter. This is a 1-point gap that is enough to attract attention.

From 0 to 1, no, it should be said that from a negative number to 1, it is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface.

The Pistons don't want to be swept out, they just played this game with the idea of ​​not admitting defeat.

To put it hypocritically, this is fighting for honor. To put it bluntly, these guys don't want to be called bloodless old guys.

Mike Woodson squatted down and said to the Eagles players: "Get it! This is the Detroit Pistons. Before they can completely knock down their opponents, never think that they will take the initiative to admit defeat."

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "Isn't this just right! If not, what's the point of the playoffs? It's a bit challenging, and it makes us feel more exciting and excited."

The lunar eclipse also said: "They still have 3 chances to play, send a distress signal to Cybertron, otherwise we will definitely capture the Motor City tonight!"





The Pistons don't want to admit defeat, but the Hawks just want to crush their opponents!

(End of this chapter)

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