Standing pretty old

Chapter 617 The Last Dirge

Chapter 617 The Last Elegy ([-])

The long-lost "BEAT-ATL!" sounded from the Palace of Auburn Hills.

When the Pistons have almost lost hope of promotion, the requirements of the fans of the home team are actually quite simple. Show momentum, even if you know you are going to lose to your opponent, you must let the enemy lose a layer of skin.

While emphasizing discipline, blue-collar workers also have a passionate heart.

Michael Curry said in the dugout: "We have a chance to win a game, the Hawks are not flawless.

In the past few days, I have repeated it countless times, stabilize the inside, protect the rebound, interrupt the opponent's offensive and defensive transitions, do these things well, and we may win the game.

Remember, we're the Detroit Pistons, and we're a championship-caliber team. "

At the beginning of the second quarter, the two sides returned to the court.

The substitutes of the two teams fell into a defensive battle again during this period. The sound of the iron rang for more than a minute, and finally Jon Jonsen hit a three-pointer from outside the three-point line, thus breaking the deadlock.

But the Pistons' backup point guard Will Bynum tonight was still miraculous in the second quarter.

On the offensive end of the Pistons, Bynum first used Walter Herman's screen to throw off Dragic's follow-up defense and hit a mid-range shot from 18 feet.

On the next possession, he caught a touchdown pass from Pulis on a back run, and after flashing past Pachulia, he slid to the baseline for a layup.

The Pistons once again overtook the score, quite a look determined to overwhelm the Eagles in momentum.

Woodson was angry. The Eagles are the king of 73 victories. If they don't win the championship this season, it can be regarded as a failure. How can they be held back by the Detroiters who have already withdrawn from the championship sequence.

Tandantou turned around to look at Ruan Erniu and other main players, and beckoned, "Go on! Play for me and kick their asses!"

In dead time, the Hawks completed their substitutions. Ruan Erniu and Bibby first returned to the field. After one round, Lunar Eclipse and Salmons also returned to the field.

The Pistons responded quickly, and the main players such as Hamilton returned to the field one by one.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Erniu wanted the ball in the low post, and McDyess desperately stood behind the Celestials. Of course, he alone was not enough. When Erniu received the ball, Wallace immediately rushed over and completed the attack on Erniu. double team.

The low-level Celestial Demon King didn't intend to force a shot, and immediately threw the ball to the moon eclipse.

The latter didn't dare to make unrestrained shots at such a time, playing the role of a "CIC handsome boy", and charged with the ball in the eclipse noodle basket.


A No. 22 jersey flew out, it was Prince!He defended from the flank!


The referee Ron Oleshak's whistle sounded~~
Hit someone with the ball!

Pistons ball right!


Moon Eclipse held the ball, turned his eyes wide and said to the referee: "He is blocking a foul, I have activated it!"

"Sir! Hand over the basketball in your hand. He stands firm first. There is no problem with calling the whistle!"

The on-duty referee of this game - Ron Oleshak is also one of the famous whistleblowers in the NBA. What are the characteristics of this gentleman?

I don't like blowing T!

People in the rivers and lakes call him "Brother Tranquility"!
When a reporter asked him why he didn't call a technical foul, his answer was this: "Why should I call a technical foul? Wouldn't it be better if I could communicate calmly with the players or coaches? I don't want to call a technical foul. as a weapon."

Well, compared to Javi, he's the other extreme.

Lunar Eclipse reluctantly handed over his basketball, Er Niu also patted him on the shoulder, signaling him to calm down, the game is still very long, so don't worry too much about the controversy over one or two balls.

In fact, the real difficulty for the Eagles in this game was not Oleshak's call, but his failure to call.

"Bang!", "Bang!"

The Pistons once again resorted to a defensive meat grinder, black elbows and stumbling feet flew together, hugging and sacking the audience.

Ruan Erniu, who was just about to get the ball from the high post, was about to pass McDyess with the ball and attack the basket like he did in the past few games, but McDyess stopped him and tackled him.

Fortunately, Er Niu charged hard enough, and McDyess failed to cover him. McDyess fell to the floor first, and Er Niu rushed forward two steps. After adjusting the center of gravity, he also fell down. on the ground.

"This action is too dangerous! This is an unsportsmanlike action! Er Niu, be careful, your opponent is in a hurry to lose!"

The Imperial TV broadcasted the playoffs live, and Yu Jia immediately protested when he saw McDyess' actions.

It's a pity that the progress of the game and the referee's calls will not be interrupted by the commentator's protest.

Ron Oleshak judged that this was an ordinary foul, not even a first-degree flagrant foul.

Woodson rushed forward two steps angrily, and shouted loudly: "This is murder, you should send that damn bastard out!"

Larry Drew immediately stepped forward and grabbed Woodson's body, fearing that Egghead would get a technical foul for this.

Drew can rest assured that the opponent is Oleshak, and he doesn't even bother to call a malicious foul, let alone an ordinary technical foul.

"Mr. Woodson, this is the playoffs, mine will be treated equally, and I will grasp the scale!"

The above is the explanation of the referee, and this one sentence leaves people speechless.

In other words, as long as Er Niu doesn't retaliate blatantly, even after two rounds, if he hugs McDyess like this on the defensive end, Oleshak will only call an ordinary foul.

In Olesik's scale, in a life-and-death battle, the player should put the ball into the basket. A foul of this level can only be regarded as an ordinary foul.

"Yellow pig, you don't want to take away a victory from here tonight."

Facing Ruan Erniu who was walking towards the free throw line, McDyess said in a low voice when he passed by once.

Ruan Erniu didn't speak, but returned him a fierce death stare, and then hit two free throws steadily amidst the boos of the Palace of Auburn Hills.

"Congratulations! You managed to piss me off!"

"What do you want? Give me another 'cross'? Come on!"

On the offensive end of the Pistons, the competition between the two has intensified.

Off the court, Woodson has already called Birdman, ready to replace Erniu at any time.

The Pistons are in a hurry to lose. They cannot accept the fate of being swept 4:0. It seems that even if it is a malicious foul, they must stop the Eagles from advancing.

In Woodson's view, it is not unacceptable to take a step back and let the opponent play instead of the main player being injured by the opponent.


Just when Woodson was thinking about whether to make an immediate substitution, Ruan Erniu on the field sent a shocking cap on the defensive end.

Time went back to 10 seconds ago, under the pursuit of Jon Jonson, Hamilton made a hasty shot, and Rasheed Wallace got the offensive rebound. Under the interference of the lunar eclipse, he failed to make a direct shot and passed the ball McDyess in the middle distance.

The latter wanted to take advantage of his height advantage, but was slapped by Ruan Erniu, who had an amazing bullet speed, and slapped the ball far away.


After picking up the ball, Bibby shouted loudly, Er Niu, Jiong Jisen, and Salmons rushed forward in unison.

As for the Pistons, only Prince and Hamilton retreated in time.

3 to 2 in the frontcourt, a good chance!

Salmons received a pass from Bibby in the frontcourt. Under Hamilton's misplaced defense, he did not make a direct shot.

Jon Jonson quickly played on the other side, and Prince had to fight two against one.

Pass?Or just shoot?
Er Niu held the ball with one hand and flicked the ball to his side...

Prince immediately turned sideways, stretched his arms to block Jon Jonson's layup, and so on...

Where's the ball?


Prince felt a huge force coming from behind him, and he was pushed directly out of the baseline.

Turning around, I saw a strong body hanging high above the basket.

The Celestials made a fake move to pass the ball, but they didn't really pass the ball. Instead, they used their strong fingers and wrists to forcibly pull the ball back, and chose to attack the basket directly.

Facing McDyess who came late and was about to throw the baseline ball, Ruan Erniu provocatively said: "I don't feel the slightest defensive pressure, old guy!"

McDyess hit him with a head hammer, Er Niu dodged sideways, and was about to fight back.

Over there, Prince immediately grabbed McDyess, and Jon Jonson and Salmons immediately stood in front of Erniu, guarding the core of the team.


Ron Oleshak finally stopped stinging his whistle, he saw the whole process of the story clearly not far away.

Ruan Erniu and McDyess were called T's at the same time, and McDyess, who started the game first, was also called a first-degree flagrant foul.

Either don't blow it, or blow it all!
In just a few rounds, Oleshak's sense of presence is overwhelming!
(End of this chapter)

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