Standing pretty old

Chapter 626 Superstar Only For Tonight

Chapter 626 Superstar Only For Tonight
There are only two ways in front of Star Van Gundy:

[-]. Increase the defensive strength against Ruan Erniu, more double-teaming and zone defense, but this will give the Hawks' shooters a lot of shooting opportunities;
[-]. Continue to let Howard defend Ruan Erniu alone, but resolutely cut off his connection with other Eagles players and prevent others from scoring.As long as he can't break through the sky and score historic points, the Magic have a chance to come back.

To some extent, the Hawks and Magic are two very similar teams this season. They both have BUG-level players in the interior, but in terms of offensive system, they actually rely more on outside shooting.

However, due to the particularity of Ruan Erniu, the Eagles themselves have the characteristics of pulling the inside line at any time and quickly switching offense and defense.

Big Van Gundy is very aware of the horror of the collective power of the outside attack group, because the Magic has the ability to use the three-point rain to destroy everything.

Already trailing by 16 points in the first half, this forced Fan to make a decision.

"Superman! I won't send other people to help you. In the second half, you will continue to deal with the Celestial People alone, understand?"

Da Fan finally made this difficult decision.

This is the most helpless choice, so even if he fails, he will not regret it.

What Da Fan didn't expect was that the consequences that Magic would have to bear were far more serious than he imagined.

The second half of the game began, and the main players of the two teams returned to the field.

On the offensive end of the Magic, JJ* Redick was the same as in the first half. After the opening, he used the screen after the air cut to run back and found an open shot on the wing.


The Magic scored first and made a good start for the second half.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Bibby slowly took possession of the ball across the half.

Ruan Erniu once again succeeded in getting his position in the low post, and Bibby sent the ball over without hesitation.

"Aren't you going to double-team me?" Ruan Erniu held the ball with his back, not forgetting to provoke Spark with words.

Howard exhausted his strength just defending the second bull with his heart, and he had no energy left, so he launched a counterattack!


This is the only way Sparks can fight back, so the Bulls really have to come!
Fake outside body, add a step inside, and then immediately step back and jump shot~~

Ruan Erniu's touch is overwhelming tonight!
He just can get in!

Spark had a vague premonition that he would become the background board of history.

On the offensive end of the Magic, Turkoglu held the ball in a high position. With his excellent dribbling rhythm, he swayed Salmons and reached the penalty area.

Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse blocked the Turk from two directions together, and the latter hit the ground in seconds, and Spark, who was not watching, finally used a dunk with both arms to soothe his emotions.

The two sides are on the rise!
Ruan Erniu held the ball in a high position, took a tentative step and sparked, and directly pulled out his hand and hit it again!

Lewis received the pass from Alston, took a step from the three-point line, and shot directly against the eclipse's defense, and hit it!

Bibby passed the ball to Erniu, Erniu passed to Lunar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse passed to Salmons, Salmon broke through and scored the ball, and sent the ball to Jon Jonsen, who was open for three with no one watching. Shot and hit!
At the beginning of the second half, both sides stepped up their offensive fire, but if this situation continues, it will be more beneficial to the Eagles who are playing at home.

You come and go, the home team with a 15+ lead has enough capital to deal with the Magic.

What is even more unexpected is that in the second half of the third quarter, the bulls ushered in another outbreak.

"So the Magic is going to let you defend me alone to the end?" Er Niu said to Huo Hua with a smile on the defensive end.

Without waiting for the opponent to reply, Erniu suddenly circled forward, cut off Alstom's pass to Sparks, and directly dribbled the ball towards the Magic's half court.

"Stop him!"

Lewis is the closest Magic player to Erniu, but his strength is not enough to block Ruan Erniu in the impact state.


The two just collided lightly, and Lewis immediately lost his balance and could no longer keep up with Erniu's footsteps.

The frontcourt was 5VS4. Although Lewis failed to stop Er Niu's footsteps, this time was enough for the Magic to complete their defense.

If you want to hit the basket, you must at least complete it under the double-team of Sparks, Turkoglu and Courtney Lee.

Even if such a task is given to Er Niu to complete, it is still a little difficult.

Fortunately, the people of the Celestial Dynasty are not prepared to do this either!

"not good!"

Just when everyone was focusing on the inside defense, Ruan Erniu rushed to the top arc shooting area where he was best at.

Dribble under the crotch pause, dry pull, shot!

In one go, smooth to the extreme!


Three point hit!

Ruan Erniu hit not only his first three-pointer after the opening, but also the death of the Magic.

Because after that, the Eagles made a three-point rain together. Only Ruan and Erniu alone took advantage of the disadvantage that the sparks were deep inside and had no way to save. They made 5 of 4 shots in less than half a quarter and hit 4 three-pointers, completely widening the gap between the two sides.

At 28:40, the Magic did a good job in the third quarter, but the defending champion showed stronger offensive firepower in this quarter. In the counterattack, the Magic shredded the last bit of luck.

The interior is ruled, and even the outside shooting cannot be compared with the opponent.

Facts have proved that the Hawks are the Magic's luxury step-up board, and they also have a strong plug-in for offensive and defensive conversion. The two teams are indeed not on the same level.

Kenny Smith said: "I don't know how to describe it. Do you mean the Hawks are too strong, or the Magic's defense is really vulnerable?"

Barkley said with a smile: "The Hawks may be stronger than the 72-win Bulls on the offensive end, and Kraft Nguyen's touch is also overwhelming tonight. He made consecutive outside shots in the second half of the third quarter, and his hits were ridiculously high. "

Weber also said: "Now there is not much suspense about the outcome, so will Kraft Nguyen break Jordan's record for the highest scoring in the playoffs?"

Barkley said: "It depends on whether the best coach in our history-Mr. Mike Woodson is willing to let the Chinese come back. According to this score, Ruan Erniu is fully qualified to rest."

End of three quarters, 74:102.

The huge gap of 28 points did reduce the suspense in the final quarter. Maybe whether Ruan Erniu, who has scored 56 points in three quarters, can break Jordan's 63-point playoff scoring record in a single game tonight, has become the only concern of the fans. hot spot.





Woodson didn't stop Kraft Nguyen, who was already going crazy, and murdered his heart. Egghead wanted to completely defeat the Magic's psychological defense in G1.

Ruan Erniu, who continued to play in the final quarter, did not disappoint Woodson's love.

"Brush!", "Brush!"

Man Niu faced the defender calmly and hit two three-pointers in a row. Gortat, who was in charge of defending him, had already rushed to the extreme, and he almost poked his finger into Er Niu's eyes, but the big devil who was full of touch It's just so incomprehensible.

62 points!
The entire Philips Center is looking forward to the Chinese breaking Jordan's record.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu suddenly ran back and cut directly to the basket, and Jon Jonsen also sent the best pass of the night. The ball passed through the crowd and went directly to Ruan Erniu's hands .


Gortat hugged Ruan Erniu directly at the waist, but it didn't matter, Manniu got two free throws.


Barely adjusting his breathing, Ruan Erniu hit the first free throw with the knife up and down.

63 points!
He tied Jordan's record, and it was in the playoffs without overtime. From the point of view of scoring efficiency alone, Er Niu is far more terrifying than Jordan!
Take a deep breath, catch the ball, dribble, and adjust your breathing again, the basketball is thrown high, drawing a soft arc...


Oh oh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
The audience is boiling...

(End of this chapter)

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