Standing pretty old

Chapter 627 Tonight Doesn't Belong To Him

Chapter 627 Tonight Doesn't Belong To Him
64 points!
64 points in a playoff game!
The entire Philips Arena fell into a frenzy of carnival, and even some male fans were half-length red fruits, ready to commit radical acts.

Fortunately, the security guards were able to stop this crazy action in time.

Once, Michael Jordan also created a career playoffs highest single-game scoring record in the second season of his career-63 points!
In that game, Jordan played against the Boston Celtics, and the score was obtained on the basis of two overtimes.

You know, in terms of efficiency, Er Niu must definitely be ranked above Jordan.

Jordan made a total of 41 shots, hit 22 times, and made 21 of 19 free throws.

As for Ruan Erniu, he only took 31 shots and made 25 hits, including an astonishing 8 of 7 three-pointers and 9 of 7 free throws.

Just looking at the offensive efficiency, Ruan Erniu can almost be said to have completely blown Jordan, and to say the least, Jordan and the Bulls lost to the Celtics in double overtime after all.

The king of forcing kings - Larry Bird said after the game that "God disguised himself as Jordan", in fact, the subtext should be understood as, even if God came to the North Shore Garden, he would have to kneel.

Of course, all of this has become a compliment after Jordan won 6 championships.

On the other hand, if the individual scored 63 points and the team lost the game is discussed from today's perspective, a large group of people must stand up and say that Jordan is a cancer.

Hehe, heroes are always judged by victory or defeat.

To a certain extent, His Majesty the Flying Man was really born in a good time. If he lived in the present, he might be hacked into something.

Erniu naturally does not have these hidden dangers, because Star Van Gundy did not send the main force to play again after seeing Ruan Erniu walk off the court amidst the applause like a tsunami. He is very clear that the Magic will not be able to catch up in this game .

That being the case, the series is still very long, so just hide the main force and save it for the future!

At 95:121, the Magic's substitute played very well after that, and once recovered a lot of points, but in the competitive arena where the winner is king, even if they lose only one point, it is an irrefutable failure.

Ruan Erniu was surrounded by a large group of reporters immediately after the game. Although this was by no means the first time in his career, he probably didn't realize what a great thing he did tonight. things.

"Kraft, what made you decide to destroy Magic at all costs?"

"Mr. Ruan, did Howard provoke you before the game? Did you use this to prove your status as the number one center in the league?"

"What prompted you to break out and surpass Jordan to become No.1 in the league?"


Well, Er Niu obviously didn't notice how terrifying the impact of breaking Jordan's single-game scoring record in the playoffs is. He only won the first championship last season, and he is still on the way to defend the title this season. Consecrated for him.

However, there is no need to underestimate yourself, because in the eyes of some fans, since Kobe Bryant scored 81 points in the regular season, he has become a Jordan-level existence.

But I completely forgot that Jordan has won 8 playoffs with 50+, 38 playoffs with 40+, and 109 playoffs with 30+. It is only 1 time, 13 times, 88 times.

This is the so-called Super Jordan in World War I?

Hehehe, it really is that data is not important, feelings are the key, looking back is beautiful and picturesque, and blacksmithing is also romantic.

And Ruan Erniu at the scene quickly adjusted his state after a short period of ignorance. If he wants to become a historical superstar, he must have the heart of a king.

Ruan Erniu showed his white front teeth with a smile, and said calmly: "This is just an ordinary regular season. It just so happens that I feel just right. If I have to find a reason, I think this can be regarded as my gift to Mike (Wood). Sen) congratulatory gift (re-elected the best coach)."

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused a huge commotion.

What are you kidding, just beat them like this?Congratulations to the coach, you are so selfish to steal the spotlight in other people's glory night?What is the logic?

and also!That Mike of yours, are you talking about Woodson or Jordan?Are you calling the basketball gods directly?
Fortunately, in the Philips Center, the uniform team and the on-site security jointly attacked, and finally rescued Ruan Erniu who was surrounded.

Otherwise, the crazy media would flock to him, and if he didn't run away, even Ruan Erniu would be crushed.

At the press conference after the game, Star Van Gundy said clearly: "We lost to the basketball god, if there is such a god in this world, then his name tonight must be Kraft Nguyen. "

This evaluation is destined to be recorded in the annals of basketball together with the words of Bird Bird.

As for Star Van Gundy's refusal to admit defeat, and the words involved in a replay, it is not important to the reporters on the scene.

Only this battle, except for Orlando fans, no one is optimistic that the Magic can beat the Hawks and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals
It's not that the Magic don't work hard, but the Eagles have Gao ([-]) Da (bull)!

Since the first battle, some Chinese fans who love ACG have even directly referred to Er Niu as NEW Gundam.

And this title is quite popular, because Ruan Erniu's performance tonight is not much different from that of a mule with a floating cannon.

Ruan Erniu and Woodson jointly attended the post-match press conference.

As soon as the two appeared on the scene, they were collectively shot in the face by the spotlight.

Woodson said with a smile: "I have nothing to say, I believe that few people are willing to listen to me now, or I'd better go first!"

Dantou pretended to do this, and Erniu naturally cooperated to stop him, and immediately handed the microphone into the hands of the head coach.

After answering some thoughts about the first consecutive COY, Woodson said solemnly: "This is only the first game of the series. No matter how much we win tonight, it will not add points to the subsequent games." .


The subsequent questions all focused on Er Niu, and the reporters asked him about his mood at the moment and whether he felt that he had surpassed Jordan.

Ruan Erniu said: "My mood is very stable, as Mike said, this is just one game, we need to win at least three games to advance to the next round.

As for the topic of surpassing Jordan?Please, wait for me to wear 6 championship rings before answering this question! "

Ruan Erniu at the press conference was still modest, but Niu Mi in the United States was building momentum for him, and the Tai Sui Army of the Chinese Dynasty had also taken collective action, and many people even put forward the idea of ​​"one championship and surpassing Jordan".

I don't know if there are any guys from Kemi who have mixed into Niumi among them. Some hardcore members of the Tai Sui Army always feel that this rhetoric is trying to trick Erniu.

But youth is like this, when it is time to burn, it is to burn unrestrainedly, regardless of whether it is black or dense, being able to roar and laugh freely is the most pleasing thing.

The topic and hot spot tonight is destined to be occupied by Ruan Erniu. After the headlines on the front page, it is about the results of the last tiebreaker in the first round of the playoffs in the lower half of the Eastern Conference.

In the end, LeBron James still led the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 7-point advantage in G10, a strong victory over their opponents, and reached the second round of the Eastern Conference playoffs.

James, who scored 36 points, 13 rebounds and 8 assists in this game, should have become the most eye-catching focus of the crowd, but unfortunately, tonight does not belong to him!
 Overtime, overtime, overtime work... Well, boss, do you want coffee?
(End of this chapter)

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